You Should Be a Power Ranger Mom..

My eldest son and I were sitting around last night chatting about life and what he wants to be when he grows up (pretty intense for an eight year old!!). He started to ask me about what I had wanted to be when I was little so I told him about my passion for art and how I had wanted to be an interior designer and then a chiropractor. And how hard it was to make a choice but now I get to be the best mommy in the world to him and his brother. I think he could tell I was a bit sad so he goes on to tell me that he thinks I would make the worlds greatest Power Ranger when I grow up! I laughed so hard I can not even begin to explain! Apparently I have some growing up to do according to my eight year old 🙂 I don’t mind the Power Ranger job, they rocked! As long as I get to be the Pink Ranger 🙂


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