Month: September 2013

What is Celiac Disease?

The term gluten free has begun to pop up frequently in the news, grocery stores and restaurants. The term is often used to describe the diet that a person with celiac disease is required to follow in order to prevent numerous symptoms from developing. Many individuals have adopted this diet to help ease the symptoms of gluten intolerance (myself included!) and wheat allergies.
Celiac disease is a disease that effects the small intestine by damaging the lining and interferes with the absorption of required nutrients from their food intake. Individuals with this disease can not digest gluten which is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley.

There are many symptoms of celiac disease that include: weight loss, abdominal cramping/swelling/bloating, constipation, vomiting, muscle cramps and fatigue.

The best way to be diagnosed is to see your family doctor. They will review your symptoms and more than likely send you for a simple blood test that will check for antibodies related to celiac disease. If you are diagnosed with celiac disease following a gluten free diet is essential.

Gluten intolerance is similar more so to lactose intolerance. The individual will experience similar symptoms but the antibodies are not present. Sometimes preparing a food diary is helpful to keep track of your health symptoms and as you eliminate (under the full guidance of your family doctor and if possible a dietitian!) gluten out of your diet you can see if this is working for you. I found this to be helpful for myself to pin point where I was developing symptoms and how/if they were alleviated by removing certain foods out of my diet.

Check out some of these helpful tips from UDI’s on how to deal with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Are you or do you know someone who is suffering with Celiac disease? Do they struggle with this diet?

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Toronto Gluten Free Expo 2013

I had the pleasure of working the Glutino and UDI’s booth this weekend at the Gluten Free Expo in Toronto. I had an incredible time! I met some fantastic people, sampled some delicious gluten free products and the new incoming products. 
There were a lot of exhibitors present at the event – many I had never heard of and each offered something unique and exciting. Many booths offered samples (like a box of pasta!), information and so much more. I gained so much knowledge and insight at this event! Especially in regards to the challenges so many people out there face when trying to prepare meals and grocery shop.

Here are a few of the shots I was able to capture on Sunday.

My favourite product of the day had to be the Glutino baked potato crisps! Everyone in my family loved them and could not believe they were gluten free! They taste so much better than other baked crisps I have ever tried.

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Wholly Guacamole! #Giveaway

Do you love to OMGuac your lunch?
 Do you want to do it for free?? 
Wholly Guacamole has kindly provided me with six free product coupons to give to one of my lucky readers! Each coupon is good for one Wholly Guacamole or Wholly Salsa (any variety) and valued up to $6.00 each!

Enter for a chance to win all six free product coupons in the Rafflecopter below. Best of Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Contest is Open to Residents of Canada, 18 years of age and older.
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Roses #WW

My beautiful roses from my husband and children! I love flowers – roses and gerberas are definitely my favourite.
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#CAARewards Challenge and Giveaway!

For the past month I have had the privilege of working alongside some fabulous ladies under the guidance of our incredible and fantastic leader Lil Miss Kate in the #CAARewards Spot The Partner challenge. Our goal was to identify CAA partners while we are out and about – snap either a photo or video to upload to our social media page. Each team is awarded points for these shares.
I have been a CAA member for the past three years but even I was unaware of all the reward partners that were available to us! Not only were there fantastic family attractions, hotels, gas stations – you can also earn CAA dollars online shopping! Those CAA dollars come in handy during renewal time when you can use those dollars to help lower the cost of your membership. 

The challenge has now come to a close but CAA has a special reward for all of you! A giveaway for an iPad mini!! The giveaway is open to US/CAN and you can enter until September 18th. So hurry over to Lil Miss Kate and fill out that Rafflecopter widget! Click here to head over!
Good Luck! 
If you are around next week join in on a twitter party on September 19th from noon until one!
Image from PTPA
Check out another team member – Raising My Boys post here.
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