Month: September 2014

Mother and Daughter Time with Glama Gal Tween Spa #GGPajamaParty

It is so important to take time out in our busy lives to share in special moments with those whom we love in our lives. Our children (and our nieces and nephews!) need these bonding moments to help nourish their confidence, to feel loved and accepted.

Glama Gal Tween Spa stands by their philosophy of inspiring tween girls to feel their best and to be confident in themselves. Young women are constantly under pressure to feel and act a certain way. At Glama Gal our young women can relax, be refreshed and more importantly they can just be who they are without any fear. Glama Gal wraps this all up in a unique spa environment that makes it all a win-win!

In true Glama Gals style, Glama Gal Tween Spa is hosting a Mother and Daughter Pajama Party this Friday, September 19th from 7 to 9 p.m.

You can spend quality time with the special tween in your life in the the luxury of the spa with the comfort of your pajamas – bringing back any memories here? Pajama parties were a huge part of my tween and teen years!

This special event includes:

  • Sweet Like Mommy Sundae Bar
  • Mommy and Me DIY Chocolicious Facials
  • Cotton Candy Mani’s with hand massage lesson
  • 4×6 Memorable Moment Photo Keepsake
  • Funky Hair Face Off (Daughters will give their Mom the funkiest hairstyle to win a prize!!)
  • Movie and Pink Popcorn during the event

Sounds like fun right? Seriously – I want a chocolicious facial right now!

Make sure to purchase tickets for the event on the Glama Gal website. The event is $80 for the duo (well worth the price!). Then get those pajamas ready to have a fabulous night of fun and bonding!

What is your favourite activity to do with your daughter?

Disclosure: I am a Glama Gal Tween Spa Glambassador and receive special perks as part of my affiliation. All the opinions expressed on my blog are my own.

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All’s Fair in Love and Cupcakes by Betsy St. Amant #review

All’s Fair in Love and Cupcakes

Kat dreams of more than just plain old chocolate and vanilla. She wants a more exotic flair to her life but is sitting in the shadows of her family. At twenty six years old she is living in the background of her family in Bayou Bend, Louisiana. Kat still works shifts at her Aunt Maggie’s bakery – still wondering what to do with her passion for baking and her business degree. And still single.

When Lucas Brannen, her best friend, signs her up for a reality TV bake off on Cupcake Combat everything Kat ever wanted is suddenly dangled in front of her: creative license as a baker, recognition as a visionary AND a job at a famous bakery in New York.

As the competition heats up, Lucas realizes he might have made a huge mistake. As much as he wants the best for Kat, the only thing he wants for himself is her and this is in danger of slipping away from him.

The bright lights of reality cooking wars and the chance at a successful career dazzle Kat’s senses and Lucas is faced with a difficult choice: help his friend achieve her dreams or sabotage her chances in order to keep her in Louisiana for himself.

My Thoughts

All’s Fair in Love and Cupcakes is a sweet journey of finding one’s calling. Kat is young and so unsure of herself like so many of us are. She has a wealth of education and passion for baking but is scared to make that leap of faith and reach for her dreams. I have felt this way many times – it is terrifying to do something out of our comfort zone and the normal routine we have built. But sometimes it is completely worth it.

The slow romance between Kat and Lucas is wonderful to watch grow. They are both so unsure of taking their friendship to that next level even though they complement each other perfectly. Lucas is always there for Kat and supporting in her dreams. Even when those dreams conflict with the life he has built for them in his mind. He falls victim to human nature and almost damages Kat’s chances but realizes how selfish this is and works hard to fix his mistakes.

A lovely and fun read that will have you laughing and smiling as you turn every page.

Check out more reviews on the Litfuse blog tour page here. If you want to order your own copy of the book you can do so here.

Rating: 4/5

About the Author

Betsy St. Amant lives in Louisiana with her young daughter and has a heart for sharing the amazing news of God’s grace through her novels. A freelance journalist, Betsy is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. When she’s not reading, writing, or singing along to a Disney soundtrack with her daughter, Betsy enjoys inspirational speaking and teaching on the craft of writing.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own. 

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Check Out The Leon’s Customer Appreciation Event on Until Sunday! #LeonsCAE

In the market for new furniture? Now is the time to splurge on new items!

If you attended Thursday night’s twitter party hosted by Leon’s then you are familiar with their customer appreciation event on now until Sunday. To show their love for their customers Leon’s has cut prices, giving away great prizes in stores and not to mention free hot dogs! You can even scratch up to 50% off your purchase so if you were on the fence about purchasing new furniture now is the best time to take advantage of all these deals.

I checked out my local Leon’s yesterday and was blown away by the deals and the great set up – we even received a free soccer ball and umbrella!

Here are some of my personal favourite in store items but make sure you head in this weekend to get a complete look at all the new items in stock.

Make sure to check Leon’s on Facebook for awesome giveaways! Happy shopping!

Disclosure: I am a member of Leon’s Twitter Style Crew and received compensation. I was not obligated to post about my in store experience but wanted to so that I could share these awesome deals with you!

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Happy Anniversary! #WW w/linky

This week is dedicated to my wonderful husband as we celebrate another wedding anniversary. He means the world to me and has done so much for me in the last ten years – he was there to encourage and support me through my undergraduate degree (even when I felt like giving up!), he is always there to lend a listening ear and to offer advice. He is my partner, my friend and my personal motiviational coach.  

Happy Anniversary hun! I love you!

Make sure to link up below so that I can visit you too! Have a wonderful day!

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It Is OKAY to Let Your Child to Lose – A Rant

Today’s post is a little different from me – I am not usually a ranter but after a pretty crazy weekend at a soccer festival I felt like I had to write this post!

My son has played competitive soccer for the last four years and the game has changed a lot from when I was a child especially in the competitive area. The rules have changed for the under ten age groups to encourage FUN and PARTICIPATION with the long term goal to keep children in the sport – who wants to play a sport where they are constantly yelled at? I know I gave up soccer when my coach humiliated me in front of my teammates by repeatedly throwing a soccer ball at my head to get me over my fear of heading the ball. The soccer association has changed the rules so that players must wait behind the centre line on goal kicks until the ball has been touched twice to allow the team the chance to bring the game forward, no score is kept and there are no tournament trophies (first and last place). We coached house league as well and the head coach advised us there will be no more “laps” as it takes the focus away from the love of soccer.

This past weekend we attended a soccer festival where the emphasis was placed on fun and meeting new teams as technically the soccer season was complete. Our team was so excited to meet new players and be challenged. They had a fantastic Saturday – they won two out of their three games but the best part? Watching their amazing passes, cheering each other on and the confidence they had. For those that have never met these boys they would never have known they started the season with low confidence in themselves. Their coach worked very hard this season to bring up this confidence, teach them to believe in themselves and you can see it in how they play – they found their passion for soccer. As a parent this is the best feeling we could have ever felt – that is why we take him out four to five times a week to play because he loves to play.

Their whole vibe was changed on the Sunday when they played a more advanced team but not because of the players but because of the parents. I have never in my life witnessed such verbally mean parents – not only to their own children but to ours and to our team’s parents. Not only were the parents just plain mean but they encouraged their children on the sidelines to be mean as well – one of their children had the courage to tell me in not so nice terms that I wont be cheering for long (my son had just scored!). I was in shock especially as her mother joined in (all I could think was if this was my child talking to another adult like that I would be humiliated – it just wouldn’t have happened!). Her husband came up to tell me we must be cheating and our goalie has to be older because they have never not scored in a game. When they finally scored in the last minute that mother jumped up and walked several feet towards me and yelled at me “In your face!”. My response? To laugh (mostly out of shock). Her husband came over to try to explain and I just told him that he can defend her but that is inappropriate especially for a FRIENDLY game that has no score and doesn’t advance the team anywhere.

The worst part? Our children were witness to this.

The lesson?

It is OKAY to lose! These parents were so upset about losing that they could not focus on their children’s passing and plays (which I can admit were quite incredible for their age group) – they lost out on just enjoying watching them play. Losing is important for children. They need to learn to lose with grace as well as learning why they lost. We are never always going to win – it’s just a plain fact. It’s not the best feeling but it is life. We need to learn how to accept this and move on. But what does this teach their children when their parents scream and fight for them? That when they can’t win they should yell that someone is cheating because it is not possible? Or to run to their parents to make it better? As parents it is our job to teach and guide our children – focus on the positives and learn the lessons from the negatives. Let our children enjoy the game – our finals words to our son each and every time he heads out on the field? Good luck and have fun. As parents we need to sit back and just enjoy these moments, watch them progress and learn.

Have you ever experienced this on the field or in an arena? How do you handle these situations?

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