Month: July 2016

Inspirational Love, Faith, and Guidance in Miracles from Heaven

Inspirational Love, Faith, and Guidance in Miracles from Heaven

Miracles are everywhere…Goodness…Showing up in the strangest of ways from people who are just passing us by…Miracles are love…Miracles are God and God is forgiveness..(Miracles From Heaven)

When we think of miracles, we sometimes think of incredible, unexplainable incidents that have happened. While this is definitely one version of a miracle, everyday we are witness to many little smaller miracles that help to make this world a better place. We just sometimes tend to pass them by without second glance.

I think of my own life and how my life has been touched by strangers, and it makes it easy for me to believe in daily miracles. I still remember receiving a phone call at the gym that my childhood dog had passed away and I broke down crying on the machine. I couldn’t function to even walk away from the machine; all I could do was cry and try to hide my tears from others. One woman, whom I did not know, came up to me with a box of Kleenex and gave me a squeeze on the arm before walking away. At that moment, her act of compassion gave me the strength I needed. Another time, after my car accident three years ago, I had an incredibly difficult time forgiving myself for spinning out on the ice and damaging the car. It became so bad that I could not function with daily tasks at home and at work. I was angry, frustrated and depressed. When I went to Church one Sunday morning and sat down in the pews, there were olive leaves placed by the song books. I don’t know who had left them (there were no olive leaves anywhere else in the Church), nor why they chose that spot, but that was a sign to me that God forgave me and that I needed to forgive myself. I still carry that branch (with much fewer leaves on it) in my new car to this day, as a reminder to forgive not only others but myself.

Inspirational Love, Faith, and Guidance in Miracles from Heaven

In Miracles from Heaven we witness Anna, a young and active girl, who one day becomes very unwell. Her parents take her to multiple doctors who give a variety of medical opinions, none of which turn out to be correct. Her parents hit their final straw while in the emergency department again and demand the doctors rerun tests. It is then that they discover she has a rare disorder that causes her not be able to digest food properly. Her life and the life of her family is turned upside down as they struggle to understand and treat her disease while travelling back and forth from specialists and managing daily life. We learn how serious this disease really is and the possibility of Anna dying is very real.

My children are my greatest miracles. They are a gift from God to me and I still remember the day they came into this world. I remember the moment they were placed in my arms, wet and screaming and how utterly amazing they were in that moment. After suffering through six miscarriages, I knew how precious life was. While watching Miracles From Heaven, all I could think about was my own children and how painful this must have been for their family (the movie is actually based on the true story and memoir of Christy Beam: Miracles from Heave: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven and Her Amazing Story of Healing) and how frustrated and angry they must have been. We watch as Christy struggles with her faith in God and her faith in others as she tries her best to do anything to keep her child alive. I know so many parents can relate to this as we would do anything for our children regardless of the cost. We watch as the family struggles to keep their faith alive while facing the realities of the disease and the possibility of Anna’s death. Anna’s Father desperately tries to hold the family together so that Christy can be with Anna in another State for treatment.

Inspirational Love, Faith, and Guidance in Miracles from Heaven

In those moments of despair in the movie, I loved how an act of kindness would emerge. We don’t always see the full act of kindness until the last scene, but there were so many people who helped lift the family up, carry them in their worst moments and give them hope. From the random kindness of a waitress who offered a personal tour of the city to Anna and Christy, to the receptionist who broke protocol and helped Christy, these moments make this movie that much greater. We are not individuals living separate lives, we are all connected by love and hope. These scenes helped to drive this home for us. It is also helped our family to appreciate how many times our own lives have been unknowingly touched by strangers and we have been left better for it.

Inspirational Love, Faith, and Guidance in Miracles from Heaven

Miracles from Heaven has a stellar cast including my personal favourite actors; Jennifer Garner and Queen Latifah. Jennifer Garner plays Anna’s Mom perfectly. We could feel her pain, her love, her hope and her despair through the screen. You felt as though you were Anna’s Mom. You cried and laughed along with her and you felt each emotion deeply (be prepared with the box of tissues beforehand!). You want to hold Christy and tell her it will be okay and offer her your help. On the flip side, we have Queen Latifah who offers up her unique ability to make you laugh and smile in the hardest moments. Her character comes in at a dark point for Anna’s Mom and helps her believe again. She becomes an incredibly important person in Anna’s life and it all started in a small restaurant with the kindness of Queen Latifah’s character, as she waited on tables.

Miracles from Heaven is an incredible, inspiring movie of faith, hope, family, and how everyday little miracles make the world a better place. You will cry, you will laugh, but you will also finish the movie feeling inspired and hopeful. It is a movie that you can enjoy as a family, or even appreciate once the children go to bed. For me, it reminded me of how blessed we are as individuals and as a family, to never take this for granted, and to always help others. Our actions, while they may seem small, may be the greatest gift we can give another person.

For more information on Miracles from Heaven, you can check out the website, or follow them on Facebook.

This post was brought to you by Sony Pictures but the opinions are my own.

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The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt Book Spotlight

iRead Book Tours

See the enchantment of the Disneyland resort in a whole new way with “The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt.” From Main Street U.S.A. to New Orleans Square, Walt Disney lovingly designed every detail to immerse guests in the magic of his theme parks.

The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt

About The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt Book

See Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure through new eyes when you discover fantasy, thrills, and dreams around every turn. Whether you’re perusing the shops, waiting in line, or riding attractions, there’s plenty to uncover for even the most knowledgeable Disney fan.

If this is your first visit or your five hundredth, you will discover something new with “The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt.”

You can buy this book on Amazon, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s Books and Chapters.

The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt

About the Author

Catherine Olen has enjoyed a love affair with the magic of the Disney theme parks for as long as she can remember, counting herself among Disneyland passholders for the last twenty-five years. Previously, Olen owned and operated Hollywood Grave Hunter and is the proud author of The Final Curtain: Celebrity Deaths and The Upside of Undertaking, chronicling her previous career experiences. She has been a correspondent to Entertainment Tonight (US and France), The Biography Channel, Reelz Network, and the Mark & Brian radio show. You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

Author Interview

What made you decide to write The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt?

As an annual pass holder for over twenty-five years, I’ve observed thousands of guests coming through the gates and missing so much of the subtle magic Disneyland has to offer. I wanted people to experience Disneyland through my eyes and see some of the details Walt Disney so lovingly included in his theme park.

What is your favorite attraction at Disneyland or Disney’s California Adventure?

My favorite attractions are always changing with the time of year or my journey as an annual pass holder. The Haunted Mansion is a classic Disneyland attraction and I love the change for Halloween to The Nightmare Before Christmas theme. The annual visit from Jack Skellington is something I look forward to every fall. While writing The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt, I found new favorites like Splash Mountain and Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

There are many books out about Disney, what makes yours different?

While there have been books written about the trivia surrounding Disney or the history of Disney, With The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt, I’ve written about the details surround the guests. No matter which of the themed lands you are exploring, there is something new to find or rediscover no matter how many times you’ve been within the gates of Disneyland.

What does The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt offer for families with small children?

When writing The Great Disneyland Scavenger Hunt, I made sure to create questions for families so the kids can feel like they are participating along with their parents in exploring the parks. The questions were coded with one, two or three stars with the one star questions specific to children or families. The kids will be entertained during their time in line and during their meals when they might otherwise be bored or fussy.

What are your plans for the future of Mouse Hangover and the Scavenger Hunt book?

I am very excited to announce The Great Walt Disney World Scavenger Hunt and The Great Universal Studios Florida coming soon. Guests will have the opportunity to see The Florida theme parks in much the same way I do. I only hope they will fall in love with all of the parks the way I have over the past twenty-five years.

The Giveaway!

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Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall

iRead Book Tours

On a distant world of forests floating on an ocean around a star, a blight threatens to plunge all life into darkness.

But three friends seek the light.

Together, they will Fall and be lost. And at the very Root of darkness, they will find themselves. But will it be enough to help them find their way home?

Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall

About Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall

In the world of Cerulean, light and water flow from the ocean into the roots of the Great Trees, up through the boughs, and out over the lush canopy. But the once vibrant treescape has grown dim over generations of arboreal life, and the creatures of the forest have forgotten the light.

Barra, a young, willful Listlespur, finds her late father’s hidden journal, and reads about the old world and the mysterious plague her father believed destroyed it. He wrote that he warned the Elders. He urged them to take action. Those were his last words.

Together with her two best friends, Barra will explore every bark, wood, and leaf of the Great Forest to relight her world and complete her father’s story, even if she has to travel beneath the Fall.

My Thoughts

A fantastic verbal and visual adventure that you don’t want to put down! Three young friends from different backgrounds come together to discover a secret that Barra’s Father may have died from.

I love Barra’s character – she is brave, full of spirit and life but still has normal flaws that any human child would have at her young age. She tends to make spur of the moment decisions that she sometimes regrets but as she grows on this adventure she begins to see her own flaws and her ability to apologize and learn from her mistakes.

I loved the underlying story of the darkness that slowly took over the beautiful Great Forest. The story is full of beautiful descriptions of this new world that is easy to bring this new land to life once the friends travel beneath The Fall. Their experiences while full of adventure, has some scary moments (nothing too much for young readers) but will definitely keep them guessing what will happen next.

I loved every moment of this book and couldn’t wait to share it with my child! See what he thought below.

The Kids Thoughts

Funny, adventurous and full of bravery. The characters were interesting, funny and human like so that you could relate to their experiences. I loved the pictures that accompanied the story as it helped explain the story even more. I loved the adventure the friends took in The Fall to explore Barra’s Dads journal. It was exciting!

Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and the author’s website.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Aaron Safronoff is author of the Discovery Award winning science fiction novel, Spire. Since his debut, he’s published a sequel, Fallen Spire, and a novella of literary fiction, Evening Breezes.

Safronoff’s diverse background includes the formal study of computer science, bio-chemistry, and culinary arts. However, most of his career has been in the videogame industry in quality, production, and design.

Today, Safronoff is the co-founder and Chief Storyteller of Neoglyphic Entertainment, and is busy writing his fifth novel, the second installment of the Sunborn Rising series. You can connect with Aaron on his website, Twitter and Facebook.

Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall Trailer

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Lowcountry Stranger

Lowcountry Stranger

The memorable Sweeney sisters from Her Sister’s Shoes have returned with more suspense and family drama to hold you spellbound until the dramatic conclusion in Lowcountry Stranger.

Lowcountry Stranger

About Lowcountry Stranger

There’s a stranger in town. And it’s no coincidence when she shows up uninvited at a Sweeney family wedding. All eyes are drawn to this urchin who seems to have washed in with the tide. Before the night is over, the doe-eyed waif charms young and old with her street smarts and spunky personality. For better or worse, Annie Dawn is here to stay.

As she approaches the next stage of her life as an empty nester, Jackie is torn between expanding her fledgling design business and spending these last precious months with her boys before they fly the coop. Her own worst enemy, Sam is terrified of making a commitment to Eli Marshall, handsome police officer, true love of her life. Her resolve is tested when a ghost from her past shows up after nearly two decades. Faith nurtures her seven-year-old daughter who is recovering from the trauma of her abusive father. Is the threat in the past, or is there more danger on the horizon? The sisters seek guidance from their mother, Lovie, a true Southern matriarch who shows them how to respond to adversity with grace and dignity.

Things are heating up in the Lowcountry. The Sweeney sisters remind us, once again, that being a part of a family is about more than sharing the same DNA.

My Thoughts

My favourite family from Ashley Farley is back and they are just as down to earth, real and full of emotions as the first novel, Her Sister’s Shoes. The novel starts off with Faith’s marriage, where a complete stranger turns up. While they don’t know this young girl, there is something about her that just feels familiar and the family is immediately drawn to her. Especially Faith’s daughter, who had been so traumatized from her abusive Father that she took to not speaking. She opens up to Annie and the family is in shock. The Sweeney sisters welcome this stranger who has no home into their fold and offer her a place to stay in exchange for helping out.

This is when the novel begins to take a turn that constantly keeps you guessing about what is going to happen next and how is Annie tied into the story. You know she fits in somewhere because it is just seems to coincidental but it is hard to figure it out.

While we have the mystery of Annie, we also have the evolving story of Sam who refuses to commit to Eli after she was long ago left at the altar by the man she thought she loved and the Father of her son. She can’t forgive nor let go of this and this has affected her relationship with Eli and even those around her who can’t understand why she can’t let go. But like so many of us, it is hard for Sam to let go of the past, our past can be like a security blanket and if we hide behind it long enough we are protected from anything that could hurt us. But if Sam doesn’t remove her security, she risks losing everything that she truly loves. Sam is so loveable but at times you want to smack her in the head and say wake up! Her past comes full circle in an incredibly shocking twist in this novel!

And in another shocking twist in this novel happens with Faith and her new husband (can’t tell you what happens but trust me you will be in for a shock!). You feel for Faith as she just doesn’t get a break. She deserves so much happiness after all she has been through but again fate isn’t quite kind to her. But through it all, she remains stronger and more determined then ever before. I found myself quite proud of her and how she has grown!

I love how this story is about family, hope, forgiveness and love. We have a family that is real, that argues, that makes mistakes and have to find their way through the dark. The emotions are raw and real, making it so easy to find yourself in the sisters. You may find yourself laughing along with them, feeling their pain and wanting to give them a little shake to wake them. I found myself not wanting to put this novel down. It is so beautifully written, draws you into the very raw and real story and leaves you craving more. A beautiful novel of family and the bonds that tie them together. A definite must read!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Ashley Farley writes books about women for women. Her characters are mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives facing real-life issues. Her goal is to keep you turning the pages until the wee hours of the morning. If her story stays with you long after you’ve read the last word, then she’s done her job.

After her brother died in 1999 of an accidental overdose, she turned to writing as a way of releasing her pent-up emotions. She wrote SAVING BEN in honor of Neal, the boy she worshipped, the man she could not save.

Ashley is a wife and mother of two college-aged children. She grew up in the salty marshes of South Carolina, but now lives in Richmond, Virginia, a city she loves for its history and traditions. You can connect with her on her website and Facebook.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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