ABC Friday….E is for Exploration Weekends!

I have joined in the ABC Friday Photo Share found at Mom vs. the Boys and Maple Leaf Mommy. I have joined in at week five, the letter E!
In our family ‘E’ brings to mind our Exploration Weekends!! Last summer, we decided that once a month we would chose a surrounding city/town to go and visit. We have been to many different towns so far and each one has had something exciting for us (from great shops, lakes, beaches and local attractions!). It has been a great bonding experience for our family.
Our favourite Exploration Weekend was in Niagara Falls. My boys never get tired of visiting Niagara Falls!! It is always full of excitement and fun times.

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7 thoughts on “ABC Friday….E is for Exploration Weekends!
  1. Jennifer

    I love going to Niagara Falls. We are going on our first trip with our little ones in a couple weeks. Can't wait to see their reaction.

    1. Carla WorkingMommyJournal

      It is so much fun! We decided to start it last year as a fun way to get to know the cities around us and it has been more than we ever thought. We have found some pretty neat (and free!) nature trails, restaurants, fishing at different conservation parks, tried out different water parks. Kids think its great, especially my eldest as he thinks its all quite the adventure and thinks he is an