LEGO Door Hanger Crafts with Cathy Thinking Out Loud
Both of our boys have entered the phase where they like to decorate the door to their room in a fun and personalized way that represents them – from a Genius at Work to a Superhero at Work.
Cathy from Cathy Thinking Out Loud sent us these fantastic LEGO template door hangers for our boys to colour in and cut out to hang. They were super excited to personalize their LEGO mini figure to represent them (our youngest just went to town with the colouring!)
You Will Need:
- white paper to print out template
- pencil crayons or crayons
- scissors
- glue
- Bristol board or cardboard paper
1. Print out template:
2. Colour in template.
3. Cut out door hanger. Glue to bristol or cardboard paper.
4. Cut out the door hanger and Voila!
We hope you enjoy personalizing your own LEGO door hanger!