Category: garden

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TeaProudly #CollectiveBias

Victoria Day long weekend, a weekend that so many of us view as the unofficial kick off to summer in Canada. This long weekend has so many great memories tied to it for me, from camping to fishing to fireworks. Despite the weather still being chilly, as children it never seemed to bother us. We were ready to begin our summer adventures!

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

Now as an adult with my own kids, the Victoria Day long weekend is a very special time for us. It is affectionately known as our ‘outdoor spring clean up’. Our kids look forward to this weekend every year as we always open the pool over the three days. The pool is still frigid but our youngest always braves the elements and dives right in. I watch in horror as he does this and stand back as far as possible to avoid being splashed by the water and to protect my favourite cup of tea. I feel extra spoiled this year as Bigelow Tea have six new flavours of their famous organic tea here in Canada! To learn more about the new flavours and to purchase a box of their new tea, hover over the picture below to click over to Walmart to purchase one of the new flavours!

While my boys are working on the pool, I am busy working away at my gardens – pulling out weeds, replacing soil and planting my vegetables now that the fear of frost over night is gone (knock on wood as we all know how quickly weather in Canada can change).

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

In order to prepare for our busy long weekend, we have to be super organized and start picking up supplies and planning out the weekend roughly two weeks in advance. We find that this gives us just enough time so that if something unexpected pops up, we are still prepared.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

Two weeks before the official long weekend, we begin to create a supply list for both my husband and I. My husband’s list will have all the pool supplies (pucks, chlorine, etc.) and mine will have the garden supplies and food that will be needed (because lets face it – boys can eat and Mom definitely deserves her favourite drinks if she is going to be on her feet all day).

I always include some of my favourite items that help me to relax during this very physically demanding time. For me, the best way to relax and unwind is with a steaming cup of organic Bigelow tea. I love how a hot cup of tea melts away my problems and makes me feel that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. There is a reason why so many people wont tackle a problem until they have had a hot cup of tea! This has been engraved in me through my Mother – she loves her tea and whenever we had a busy week or day, tea was her go to.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

My Mom instilled a great love of tea but she always taught us to be picky with choosing the tea brand as that makes or breaks a cup of tea, this is why Bigelow Tea has been my go to drink. I was stoked to find out that Walmart now carries the six new flavours of steeped Bigelow Tea.

You can just imagine my joy at finding ALL of the six new flavours (Chamomile Citrus, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Green Tea with Pomegranate, Lemon Ginger and Green Tea) at our local Walmart when I went to get groceries.  You can pick up all six new flavours in the tea aisle at Walmart while picking up your other items in the grocery department at your local store.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

A week before make sure to take a final stock of all of your supplies and items that you purchased to make sure you have enough and that you didn’t miss anything. If you need to, head back to Walmart to pick up any forgotten items. If you did forget anything – don’t be hard on yourself, with kids and life it is easy to forget items!

I use my Friday night to prepare the meals and snacks for the next day, from preparing meat to cutting up veggies to making lemon ginger oatmeal bites. My oatmeal bites are a family favourite that uses the Lemon Ginger Bigelow tea to give a burst of flavour and energy which we all need come Saturday morning and mid-day.

The bites only use three ingredients (bananas, oats and Lemon Ginger tea) and take under twenty minutes to prepare and bake, I love simple recipes in my house and you couldn’t get any simpler or healthier in my mind. The bites do have to be refrigerated but they taste great cold as the flavours seem to be that much richer the next day (find my recipe for them at the bottom of this post). I end my night with a warm cup of Chamomile Citrus tea as I find it helps get  my mind and body ready to sleep.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

With everyone excited on the Saturday, it can be hard to remember to eat a healthy breakfast but it is so important in order to keep our bodies energized for the day. That is why I love those oatmeal bites! We can eat them on the go or even come back to them as we need to – pair it with a cup of Lemon Ginger tea and you are set for the day.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

Above all else, enjoy the craziness that is the outdoor spring clean up. It can easily get boring for young children, so take breaks to have fun – blow bubbles, use chalk, let them ride their bike and even use their water guns to help water your newly planted seeds. Cherish each one of those memories because too soon the kids will have grown up and started their own long weekend memories.

Lemon Ginger Oatmeal Bites


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 and 1/2 cup of oats (may need up to an extra 1/4 cup of oats depending on the size of your bananas)
  • 2 Bigelow Lemon Ginger tea bags
  • 1/2 cup of boiling water

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly


  1. Preheat your oven to 350F.
  2. Mash the two ripe bananas in a large bowl with a fork.
  3. Boil 1/2 cup of water and add both bags of Lemon Ginger tea. Steep for five minutes. Allow the tea to cool for an additional five minutes. Add the tea to your bananas.
  4. Add in the one and a half cup of oats. If the mixture is too wet due to the size of the bananas used, add in a little bit more oats. The mixture is supposed to be wet so be careful not to add too much.
  5. Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes. Allow to cool before serving.

The oatmeal bites should be refrigerated after being prepared.

Start the Victoria Day Long Weekend with a Bang with Bigelow Tea #TeaProudly

How do you celebrate the Victoria Day Long Weekend? Do you have a fond memory or favourite tea attached to the holiday? Tell me how you #TeaProudly over the long weekend!

Make sure to follow Bigelow Tea on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with new flavours and more.

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Biodynamic Gardening #DKCanada Book Review

DK Canada

Biodynamic gardening makes use of natural cycles and mindful planting to take organic gardening to the next level.

Biodynamic Gardening #DKCanada Book Review

About Biodynamic Gardening

Whether you’re just getting started in biodynamic gardening, or you’re an experienced biodynamic farmer wanting to learn more, Biodynamic Gardening is the right resource for learning more about the biodynamic method of organic gardening. This clear, practical guide gives you tried-and-true advice on biodynamic gardening and tips on this ultra-green, organic gardening method. Full-color photographs and easy-to-understand charts and graphs are helpful tools in organizing information in a way anyone can understand and use in biodynamic gardening.

Biodynamic Gardening #DKCanada Book Review

Biodynamic gardening makes use of natural cycles and mindful planting to take organic gardening to the next level, and Biodynamic Gardening covers everything. Topics include soil preparations, lunar charts, composting, cycles of rest, rich and healthy soil, organically controlling pests, ripening plants, and more. Grow delicious vegetables and healthy food, or grow beautiful blooms and flowers with the information you’ll find in Biodynamic Gardening.

My Thoughts

The biodynamic approach to gardening and agriculture is not a new method of gardening but instead pulls on old methods and research. The methods are holistic in nature and focus on the connection between the Earth, planets, our environment and animals. Using this more natural approach helps to enrich the soil naturally and organically while lessening our impact on our home. Biodynamics has been recognized as one of the first organic methods of agriculture!

I thought I knew a bit about this method of gardening but I was clearly lacking knowledge in this subject. This book covers the all of the basics with providing great resources for tools, homemade soil fertilizers and more. I loved learning about the connection of the Earth to the moon and planets and how this affects planting and growing. It is something that I had never paid attention to before but when you begin to read more into it in this book, it makes sense. We are given quite a few great guides on how to create homemade solutions to fertilize the soil, take care of the plants, etc. Most were quite easy and practical (for example using dandelion) and used excellent step by step instructions with large photographs to follow along which is extremely helpful for those who are new to this method of gardening.

I loved the sections on the plants as each plant has almost its own page dedicated to it. We are given excellent suggestions on how to plant and what plants accompany each other naturally (I never realized I shouldn’t be planting spinach and tomatoes together!). We are given the tools on how to start the seedlings, planting times and how to harvest. Again beautiful bold pictures accompany these pages making it easy to follow and understand for those of all gardening levels.

When I first picked up this book I didn’t realize how much work went into the biodynamic process. I usually plant and go with just a little thought into soil preparation at the beginning and watering throughout the season. This book helped me to understand the full cycle of gardening from fall through to summer and what we should be doing in each to prepare as well as to appreciate the different plants properties and how this works together to help achieve a great harvest. This is a great resource for those looking to expand their gardens using more organic and natural methods.

You can purchase a copy of this book on DK Canada and Amazon.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Practical Houseplant #DKCanada Book Review

DK Canada

The Practical Houseplant Book is the essential guide for the indoor gardener!

Practical House Plant #DKCanada Book Review

About The Practical Houseplant Book

Twelve inspiring projects, plus 200 in-depth plant profiles with detailed useful information and care instructions to help you cultivate and care for your houseplants.

Practical House Plant #DKCanada Book Review

Learn how to choose which plants to use where, care for your houseplants to keep them healthy, and use plants to best effect in your home, with trusted advice, creative inspiration, strong visual aesthetic, and practical step-by-step detail. Two hundred plant profiles provide information and care instructions for a wide variety of plants, including ferns, orchids, and succulents, while a dozen step-by-step photographic projects offer exciting ideas for using plants to decorate your home or greenhouse–from eye-catching terrariums to a living succulent wall to a floating kokedama “string garden.” With information on plant care, propagation, pests and diseases, pruning, and problem-solving, The Practical Houseplant Book is the essential guide for indoor gardeners.

Practical House Plant #DKCanada Book Review

My Thoughts

I love houseplants – they go such a long way for improving a home’s appearance and making you feel better (almost as if you are away on vacation or at a resort). My only problem? I am not really good at deciding what kind of houseplants to choose, the design, where to put them and even what type of houseplants work well for me, its purpose and my family. I definitely don’t think I am alone in this!

The Practical Houseplant book from DK Canada guides you through the entire process of choosing houseplants from start to finish. The book begins by looking at rules of houseplanting (yes there are rules), designing for YOUR space which includes lighting, temperature and purpose and then dives into the deeper stuff like projects, different types of houseplants, care and trouble shooting.

The first part of the book is so important as I think we tend to just purchase plants because they look pretty not really thinking of what purpose will they hold in our home, what space do we actually have and will the plant thrive in the environment we are putting it in. When I began to read more into these sections, it was like a light bulb going off! Now I knew why none of my houseplants ever survived – I was not choosing properly for my space and lighting. I was choosing plants based on aesthetics and that was just not enough to help them thrive.

The book contains almost eighty pages of plant profiles which contains important information about what they need including lighting, height, temperature and how to care for each plant. Also included are plant projects that uses everything from containers to wreaths to frames and shelves to help you design and craft beautiful plant decorations for your home.  There are so many options for to you choose from that will suit any type of space and style.

This is an excellent book for those new to indoor gardening and those  who want to upgrade their skills (maybe you are an avid outdoor gardener but looking for ways to beautify your indoor space – then this book is for you!). It is easy to follow and understand with loads of information that will help you create the calming, relaxing and beautiful indoor home garden that you will fall in love with.

You can purchase a copy of this book on DK Canada and Amazon.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Grow Vegetables in Pots #DKCanada #Gardening

Over the last year I have grown to appreciate and love gardening. There is something so rewarding when you grow a plant from a seed and harvest it for herbs or vegetables. Grow Vegetables in Pots is a helpful tool for gardeners of all skill level to help plan, design and harvest your own garden all in pots!

Grow Vegetables in Pots #DKCanada

About Grow Vegetables in Pots

From a large plot to a small patio, here is a selection of fruits, herbs and vegetables that grow in containers. This colourful guide shows an endless possibility of growing plants in pots. This book is packed with creative ideas and easy to follow techniques.

My Thoughts

This is one of the best gardening books I have ever had the privilege to read. It was easy to read (almost like reading  a novel) and starts from the basics up to the more advanced. I found myself planning new areas and plants for our garden while learning some fantastic info – who knew how versatile lettuce was and that it can be literally grown in anything or everywhere!

Some of the best features of Grow Vegetables in Pots are:

  • large, bright pictures
  • useful diagrams
  • step by step instructions that are clear and to the point
  • the book is broken down by fruit, vegetable and herbs with useful coloured tabs on the side for easy identification
  • also includes common problems seen by gardeners in their plants

Using the information that I learned in this book, I have started some seeds which includes spinach, parsley and basil. They are just starting to sprout up now.

Grow Vegetables in Pots #DKCanada

I also learned how to create my own ‘green house’ effect with a plastic bag over top of the seeds to encourage growth (which I honestly think made the biggest difference for me this year).

Grow Vegetables in Pots #DKCanada

I can not wait to get outside this upcoming month and start planting my seeds as well as adding more depth and variety to my garden.

Do you grow your own vegetables? What are your favourite plants to grow?

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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An Update On My Garden

I wanted to give you a quick update on my bell peppers. I am so incredibly proud of how they have grown (I do not have a green thumb at all so this is a huge achievement for us!). 
Look at the little buds coming up:

My children are so proud of the way they have grown!
What vegetables have you planted? Any tips on starting a garden in the fall for the next year?
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Working Mommy Journal
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