Category: iRead Book Tours

The Boy Between – A Mother and Son’s Journey from a World Gone Grey

iRead Book Tours

For anyone with depression and anyone who loves someone with depression, Amanda and Josiah have a clear message—you are not alone, and there is hope.

About The Boy Between – A Mother and Son’s Journey from a World Gone Grey

Josiah was nineteen with the world at his feet when things changed. Without warning, the new university student’s mental health deteriorated to the point that he planned his own death. His mother, bestselling author Amanda Prowse, found herself grappling for ways to help him, with no clear sense of where that could be found. This is the book they wish had been there for them during those dark times. Josiah’s situation is not unusual: the statistics on student mental health are terrifying. And he was not the only one suffering; his family was also hijacked by his illness, watching him struggle and fearing the day he might succeed in taking his life. In this book, Josiah and Amanda hope to give a voice to those who suffer, and to show them that help can be found. It is Josiah’s raw, at times bleak, sometimes humorous, but always honest account of what it is like to live with depression. It is Amanda’s heart-rending account of her pain at watching him suffer, speaking from the heart about a mother’s love for her child. For anyone with depression and anyone who loves someone with depression, Amanda and Josiah have a clear message—you are not alone, and there is hope.

My Thoughts

It is hard to put into words how powerful this story was for me. It was honest, open and raw – you feel their pain, their love and their hope. You feel the frustration and disappointment with the medical system. But most importantly, you feel connected to both Josiah and Amanda.

I have dealt with depression and anxiety for the last ten years (roughly) and I have good months and bad months. I have days where I feel I can accomplish anything (and take on more work than I can do and this backfires on me during my bad days) and days when I struggle just to get out of bed. I saw so much of myself in this story that at times it hurt. I know people mean well when they give suggestions on how you can “make yourself better” but going to the gym, eating better and just thinking positively doesn’t just make the feelings go away. It is almost a constant battle everyday, and it is not a battle that anyone else can do for you (although having a family who loves you and is your champion makes things so much better).

I hope that others reading their story that have never dealt with depression are left with a better understanding and compassion for others. That the stigma around mental health can be broken down and that there is better access to healthcare (not to mention providers that are able to support patients dealing with mental illness).

The Boy Between is a powerful and personal story, that took a lot of courage to share but I am so happy that they shared their story with the world. This is a definite must read for young adults and adults, and a great resource for families that are dealing with depression.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon US, Amazon CAN and Amazon UK.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Amanda Prowse is an award winning international bestselling author best known for her contemporary fiction novels. A radio broadcaster and TV presenter renowned for her empathetic and emotional books, she is known in the UK as the ‘Queen of family drama’. Her books have sold over 8 million copies in dozens of languages around the world.

You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

Josiah (Josh) Hartley is the son of Amanda Prowse who has co-authored with his mother to tell the story of his journey through life so far. Born in the England, Josh was fortunate enough to attend one of the country’s elite public schools from an early age and was awarded a place at one of the UK’s top Universities where he planned to work towards a medical doctorate. But just at the moment when he should have been having the time of his life, he started feeling nagging tugs of self-doubt which spiralled into a depression during which time he planned his suicide. Luckily, his family intervened and after a roller coaster couple of years, he is alive and well and sharing his story to help other families who find themselves in the same position navigate their way through those difficult times.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Braidy Von Althuis and the Changeling Children (Book 4)

iRead Book Tours

“All of the regret that she buried in her garden in America will grow up like weeds and swallow her like quicksand.” 

About Braidy Von Althuis and the Changeling Children (Book 4)

Braidy von Althuis is celebrating his eleventh birthday, but not with his best friend. Mr. von Althuis has decided to move the family out of Maple Hills, and Braidy is forced to say goodbye to Kara and to eat his cake alone. Even though the von Althuises have lived in Maple Hills for hundreds of years, something has spooked the adults so badly that they feel helpless without Gran. Something is coming for them, though Braidy knows not who or what.When the family arrives in Ukraine, a whole slew of new problems arise. Mr. von Althuis gets a job, Uncle Rolo finds himself in more trouble, and Aunt Liz and Braidy are summoned to an audience with the Fairy King. In order to go home, Braidy and Aunt Liz must solve riddles or belong to the Fairy King forever. Will Braidy and Aunt Liz be able to escape the Fairy King’s clutches or will heartache and memories of a life long gone tear Aunt Liz and Braidy apart?

My Thoughts

Braidy Van Althuis and the Changeling Children is Book 4 in this series. I have not read the other three books in this series and a part of me wished I had. I had a bit of a hard time following the characters in the beginning and how they got to where they were. Once I had a better understanding of the family, their personalities and a bit of their history, the pieces started falling together and the book was very exciting to read.

The story is fast paced and I loved the different characters and the magical world we are exposed to. The plot is exciting and very unique (not sure I have ever read a book quite like this one), and I love how we learned so much about Aunt Liz’s past and the family through the riddles that they had to solve. Braidy’s character is someone that many young adults will relate to and I loved how he plays such a strong but fair and kind role in this novel. Despite his age, he plays a very important part in this family.

Braidy Van Althuis and the Changeling Children is a well written novel in a series of novels. It was exciting, full of adventure and important lessons for young adults. I do feel that you likely should read all the books in this series first to really get a stronger understanding of the characters but it was a great book nonetheless.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 4/5

Book Trailer

About the Author

I’m Cassidy, and I love storytelling! I’m incredibly passionate about writing, art, and anything that allows me to create my own worlds. My goal is to write dreamy fiction for all ages that is unique, inspiring, and imaginative. I want my books to instill wonderment in the reader. I like to write about themes that include coming of age, magic realism, identity, relationships, and bullying. My books are intended for readers ages eight to twenty-five, and are meant to connect the world of the fantastical to everyday life. I currently live in Colorado and just got my MA in Publishing!

Connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Way to Remember Book Review

iRead Book Tours

Set in New England at the time of the American Bicentennial, The Way to Remember is the poignant story of a displaced young woman struggling to figure out who she is within the context of her hometown and the carefully masked dysfunction of her family.

About The Way to Remember

Set in New England at the time of the American Bicentennial, The Way to Remember is the poignant story of a displaced young woman struggling to figure out who she is within the context of her hometown and the carefully masked dysfunction of her family.

“Everything can be fixed by writing a check.” Words to live by for Robin Fortune’s wealthy father, until he can’t buy her way back into college after she’s expelled for dealing pot. Now he chooses not to speak to her anymore, but that’s just one of the out-of-whack situations Robin’s facing. At nineteen, she feels rudderless, working in a diner by day and sleeping with a buddy from high school by night – all so strange for her because she was always the one with the plan. While her college friends plotted how to ensnare husbands, she plotted a novel, which she scratched out into a series of spiral-bound notebooks she hides in the closet. But now, there’s nothing. No vision, no future, no point. In fact, the only thing she feels she has to look forward to is that her favorite author, Maryana Capture, is paying a visit to the local Thousand Words bookstore. Robin surmises that if she can convince Maryana to help her get her novel published, she’ll finally get herself back on track. Except that life never takes a straight path in this intensely satisfying coming-of-age novel.

My Thoughts

Robin, who has led a very privileged life, is very much like any other young woman (and man) in their early adult years. She craves freedom, and not the type of freedom that sees her friends moving from their family home into marriage but the type of freedom that sees her on her own, independent and self-reliant. One bad decision (or multiple bad decisions but only caught once), sees her expelled from college despite her Father attempting to use his own influence and wealth to see her remain there.

She returns to her hometown a bit battered but fighting. I loved how she refuses to return to the family home (although she still has a bit of her Father’s help) and instead decides to work as a waitress to support herself. She does this while dreaming of one day being a successful author as she continues to work on her very first novel. What follows is a whirlwind of events and people entering her life – some of whom are helpful, some of whom take advantage of her youth and trusting nature and a slew of life lessons for Robin (and those around her).

I loved watching Robin develop during this story. She is very much your typical young adult who is incredibly trusting and kind. She makes rash decisions and puts her trust in her others, who do not always have her best interests at heart. It was the ultimate betrayal by someone she respected, that really helped Robin open her eyes to the world around her and force her to take a stand. Robin learns so much about life, judging others, relationships and independence in this novel.

The Way to Remember was an excellent novel from start to finish. I loved the tone, the way it was written and the well developed characters. You will love reading this novel cuddled up under the covers with a hot cup of coffee this fall.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 4/5

About the Author

Martha Reynolds was raised in Rhode Island, spent a year of college in Switzerland, and is always planning a return visit. She completed an accomplished career as a fraud investigator and decided it was time to do something she really liked.

She now writes full-time and has set a personal goal of releasing a book a year until she dies. Her writing has appeared in Magnificat magazine and her very short poem was read by journalist Connie Schultz during NPR’s Tell Me More poetry challenge.

Her novel VILLA DEL SOL won the 2018 Book Award in Literary Fiction by the Independent Publishers of New England.

You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Moon is Missing Spotlight Tour

iRead Book Tours

From Jenni Ogden, author of multiple-award-winning A DROP IN THE OCEAN, comes a page-turning tale of family secrets and mother–daughter conflict set in London, New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, and on a remote and spectacular island off the coast of New Zealand.

About The Moon is Missing

A daughter who cries “Who am I?”
A mother who can’t tell her…
A hurricane called Katrina…
A family secret exposed…
An island at the bottom of the world.

From Jenni Ogden, author of multiple-award-winning A DROP IN THE OCEAN, comes a page-turning tale of family secrets and mother–daughter conflict set in London, New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, and on a remote and spectacular island off the coast of New Zealand.

Georgia Grayson has perfected the art of being two people: a neurosurgeon on track to becoming the first female Director of Neurosurgery at a large London hospital, and a wife and mother. Home is her haven where, with husband Adam’s support, she copes with her occasional anxiety attacks. That is until her daughter, 15-year-old Lara, demands to know more about Danny, her mysterious biological father from New Orleans who died before she was born. “Who was he? Why did he die? WHO AM I?” Trouble is, Georgia can’t tell her. As escalating panic attacks prevent her from operating, and therapy fails to bring back the memories she has repressed, fractures rip through her once happy family. Georgia sees only one way forward; to return to New Orleans where Danny first sang his way into her heart, and then to the rugged island where he fell to his death. Somehow she must uncover the truth Lara deserves, whatever the cost.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BAM and Indiebound.

You can purchase an audiobook on GooglePlay, Chirp, Scribd, Kobo, Walmart, hibooks, Audiobooks and Apple.

About the Author

Jenni Ogden and her husband live off-grid on spectacular Great Barrier Island, 100 kms off the coast of New Zealand, a perfect place to write and for grandchildren to spend their holidays. Winters are spent near a beach in Far North Tropical Queensland. Jenni’s debut novel, ‘A Drop in the Ocean’, won multiple awards and has sold over 80,000 copies. As a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist, she is well-known for her books featuring her patients’ moving stories:’Fractured Minds: A Case-Study Approach to Clinical Neuropsychology’, and ‘Trouble In Mind: Stories from a Neuropsychologist’s Casebook’. Please visit her author website, sign up for her e-newsletter, and friend and follow her everywhere.

You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a spotlight tour, I did not receive compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

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In the Nick of Time Book Review

iRead Book Tours

A timely tale about a little brown boy who saves Christmas. 

About In the Nick of Time

Nick Saint never really put a lot of thought into his name until one snowy day in December when he accidentally receives a letter meant for Saint Nick. Realizing there is not much time left until Christmas, Nick opens the letter. The unexpected message inside ultimately leads him on a journey of understanding poverty, gratitude, and service to others while discovering the real meaning of the holiday spirit.

Our Thoughts

In the Nick of Time is a beautiful reminder of the importance of Christmas, of helping others, not judging a book by their cover and how we can all make a difference in the lives of others regardless of our age. The book starts off with a special message from Deedee to her son. Deedee had found that too often, so many young children of colour do not see themselves in the stories they read (especially around holidays), and she hopes that this book shows them that they too can be a leader, and save Christmas.

Nick is very much your typical young child – loves his video games and gives very honest answers (I love his Mom’s response to his usage of the word stupid – one of my least favourite words too!). The mailman accidentally drops off a letter meant for Saint Nick (not him, Nick Saint) and this sets him off on a special journey of kindness and understanding. Nick realizes that we don’t always know what is going on in someone else’s life. From the outside, their life may look perfect, they may not look like they are struggling or living in fear of not being able to provide for their family. But as Nick learns, we should never judge a book by their cover and the importance of helping others. Nick goes above and beyond for those in his school as they lead a drive to collect food, toys and even host a job fair.

There are so many important lessons for young children in this book delivered in a way that they can understand. Children can find it hard sometimes to understand that others may not have as much as them or take for granted what they have (not on purpose but just due to their age). I loved how his Mother encouraged him and guided him but ultimately, he made some very important decisions on his own. I loved how Deedee shared the importance of having a young brown male character as the lead and hero in this story. This is an excellent holiday (and year round) story for young children.

Book Trailer

About the Author

Deirdre “Deedee” Cummings believes literacy is a fundamental human right. She is the founder of Make A Way Media, It Pays to Read & the Louisville Book Festival, as well as, an attorney, therapist, and CEO of Abi Behavioral Health in Louisville, Kentucky. Abi is an intensive therapy agency that works to prevent the placement of children in out of home care, such as foster care, hospitalization, and incarceration. Deedee attended Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, one of only two all-female Historically Black Colleges in the country. After graduating from Bennett, she earned a master’s degree and a law degree from the University of Louisville. All of her writing focuses on sharing inspiring messages that remind us all it is never too late to begin again. Deedee encourages the children she works with to write as a way to process emotions, document their journey, and express themselves more clearly. In addition to presenting on multiple topics around the country, Deedee donates hundreds of books and volunteer hours every year to families, children, churches and the local school system. She is excited to announce the launch of her tenth children’s book, This is the Earth. The inspiration for this book came from overwhelming negative media coverage about race relations in our country and across the world. This is the Earth is a book about peace, respect, and diversity inclusion: a message that must be heard and repeated often. She and her husband Anthony live in Louisville with their three children Kayla (an actress in New York), Anthony (a college student and athlete), and Nick (in elementary school).

You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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