Category: iRead Book Tours

Cathadeus Book Review

iRead Book Tours

In Cathadeus, drawn into the chaos of an impending war and pursued by enemies on all sides, Brax must fight to save his mother and her race from slipping into darkness.

Cathadeus Book Spotlight

About Cathadeus

It has been six hundred years since the Alchemists fused together men and beasts to form strong, mindless slaves. Now, their most vicious creations have attacked the mystical Walking Gates, slaughtering their Keepers and isolating their cities.

Wounded in the brutal attack, Braxton Prinn’s mother is on the verge of death and he makes a desperate journey to find the reclusive elven master who can save her. But when he discovers an ancient magic, Brax is caught up in an even greater struggle and soon finds himself hunted for his power.

Drawn into the chaos of an impending war and pursued by enemies on all sides, Brax must fight to save his mother and her race from slipping into darkness. Though his untamed magic may be the greatest threat of all.

My Thoughts

I love a good fantasy novel full of mystical creatures, elves and magic – this novel had all of that and more!

Up until a brutal attack, Braxton had lived a normal life. He never expected his course would ever change and that he would follow in his parents footsteps. When his town is attacked and his Mother is fatally injured, he is entrusted with a secret and a mission to save his Mother’s life. He learns that his Mother was really a member of the elven race and had been outcast for marrying outside of the community. Before he leaves he is given a special sword by his Father that is connected to some of the greatest protectors that the land has ever had. As he sets off on his journey, he learns just how special he is and his greater role in saving the world. He discovers his own magical powers connected to the sword and a magical spirit.

This is all played out in the greater plot of an evil attack on the elven community that would see not only their race destroyed but the entire world destroyed and remade in darkness. Brax is caught up in the middle of this and he is the key for their victory. Not too much stress for a young kid that just witnessed an attack on his Mother right?

This book was amazing from start to finish. It was full of action, suspense and yet had moments of compassion and learning. Brax was an amazing character but we also had his group of friends that help him to find the strength he needs mentally, physically and emotionally to be the world’s warrior. I loved every moment of this book and could not put it down. It is a great read for young adults and adults a like.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, IndieBound and Barnes & Noble.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

JEFF J. PETERS was born in South Africa and immigrated to the United States as a teenager, where he fell in love with all things fantasy. He obtained degrees in digital electronics and computer science and worked as an IT professional for more than twenty years. In 2014, he left his corporate position to focus full-time on writing. Cathadeus is his debut novel. He is currently working on the sequel.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A Journey to Yonder Book Review

iRead Book Tours

A Journey to Yonder is the tale of one woman’s refusal to allow the challenges of her past to define her present.

A Journey to Yonder Book Review

About A Journey to Yonder

A Journey to Yonder is the tale of one woman’s refusal to allow the challenges of her past to define her present. She grows up with a special needs sibling and loses her childhood home, and we then follow her through an abusive relationship and into the most unforgiving of human trials.

With experiences that leave you feeling so alone, how do you hold on to hope? How do you go on?

Nidhi Kaur’s compelling use of both poetry and prose intimately welcomes readers into this moving story of spiritual rediscovery. Poems are sprinkled throughout the story, guiding readers through intimate and stunning moments of truth. Kaur reminds us that if we offer our trust completely to God, we are never alone.

The author of the spiritual collection of poetry My Wedding with Truth, Nidhi Kaur once again delivers an emotionally enlightened journey through the human heart. Miracles can be seen everywhere in this world, and Kaur helps us remember to keep our eyes open in this riveting story of redemption.

My Thoughts

A Journey to Yonder is beautiful poetic memoir of the life of Nidhi Kaur. It is full of hope, faith, understanding and perseverance.

Life is a journey of ups and downs and it is how we acknowledge these challenges and move forward that define us. In this book, Nidhi grew up in India. She did not have the easiest life, in fact at times my heart broke for her. She dealt with many things in her life that she could have let break her. Instead she looks inside and moves forward in order to accomplish many great things. She acknowledges that those moments are a part of her and she will carry them with her but they don’t make who she is. She is an amazing, intelligent, compassionate woman who has so much to offer the world and who is doing this.

I loved every moment of her story. She shares many intimate details of her life from childhood to her marriage. This must have been very difficult for her but it is was brave and helps show other women that those moments don’t have to define who you are and where you are going. Instead use them to push yourself forward and create the person who you want to be and who you were destined to be. She never gave up on her dreams, her faith and her hope.

This was an inspirational look at one young woman’s life as she struggled through many difficult moments and came through them stronger. It is full of hope, understanding and faith.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes & Noble and Books a Million.

Rating: 4.5/5

About the Author

Nidhi Kaur is the author of My Wedding with Truth, a collection of inspirational poetry. After discovering the healing power of the written word, Kaur began exploring the power of the divine through her poems.

A Journey to Yonder combines prose and poetry to explore Kaur’s challenging trails of life and her search for miracles in every moment of time.

Kaur lives in Fremont, California, where she works as a software engineer.

The Giveaway!

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Degrees of Love Book Review

iRead Book Tours

In Degrees of Love, a moment of weakness changes everything.

Degrees of Love Book Review

About Degrees of Love

At thirty-six, Susan Sinclair has it all. She’s just been promoted to Senior Vice President of Mobile Banking at her firm, a prestigious position bringing fresh creative challenges and a hefty salary increase. Like the shiny new BMW in the driveway of the Silicon Valley home she shares with her husband, Matt, and their two beautiful boys, Susan exudes confidence and style.

Yet despite her success in juggling the roles of wife, mother, and businesswoman, Susan struggles with a secret dissatisfaction. Matt’s work in cutting-edge computer research pays less than her job, and with each advance in her career, he has grown more distant. But Matt refuses to admit there is a problem, and Susan forces herself to play along, determined to give her boys the close-knit family life she never had.

Then she meets her new boss, Reese Kirkpatrick. Working and traveling together, she and Reese become a cracker jack team, but little by little, pleasure mixes with business. For the first time in a long time—maybe ever—Susan feels seen and appreciated for who she is. Certain she would never allow their friendship to cross the line, Susan lets herself stray dangerously close to the edge.

A moment of weakness changes everything. Now, unable to stomach the façade her marriage has become yet unwilling to decimate her family by moving forward with Reese, Susan faces a choice that could cost her everything—including her children . . . but possibly bring her more than she can dream.

My Thoughts

Degrees of Love is an excellent novel from start to finish. We have our main character, Susan, who seems to have it all – an amazing job, perfect family, excellent home and financial security. But as we all know too well, sometimes things are deceiving from the outside.

On the inside Susan is craving more. She desires and wants the love that she feels is lacking in her marriage. Matt goes out of her way to ignore her, plans family events that leave her out and seems generally dissatisfied with their marriage and life. Susan has coasted for many years in her marriage, her own childhood influencing this decision to stay with her husband regardless of how unhappy she is. She constantly puts her feelings and emotions last, never asking for more. My heart broke for her so many times!

Her new boss, Reese, unleashes a new lease on life for her. She discovers her own talent, creativity, fun and love of life again. She also discovers that she is hugely attracted to her new boss and him to her. She knows how dangerous this is and struggles so many times throughout the novel with her feelings and relationship. The greatest part being that he made her feel love and treasured, something her husband never made her feel.

Ultimately, Susan is forced to choose – a predictable and safe but lacking love marriage or the unknown but full of affection and love with her boss.

Degrees of Love is an incredible read from start to finish. It is real, raw and full of emotion. You are drawn into Susan’s life from the start and are constantly left guessing as to what she will do. The ending was not what I was expecting but fit the book well. This is a definite must read novel.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Chapters.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Degrees of Love is Lisa Slabach’s debut novel. She is currently working on her third full-length manuscript and a collection of short stories inspired by her experiences growing up in a small farm community in Washington’s Yakima Valley. In addition to writing, Lisa works for a Fortune 500 Company, leading a sales team in the financial industry. She currently resides in Northern California with her husband and has two daughters, who are both pursuing careers in film. In her free time, she enjoys drinking wine with friends and cooking in her pink kitchen.

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Seeking a Familiar Face Book Spotlight

iRead Book Tours

The greatest adventure of your life awaits. And it will change everything.

Seeking a Familiar Face Book Spotlight

About Seeking a Familiar Face

Ever feel disappointed? Like your life isn’t as fulfilling as you had always dreamed it would be? Are you laden down with responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed and empty, or maybe even a bit caged?

You’re not alone.

Many people in the Bible felt the same way. Most had difficulties. Some felt stuck. Others were depressed, afraid and uncertain. And some just wanted to get closer to God. So they set out on life’s adventure —seeking God—and encountered the One who fulfilled their longings and changed their lives forever.

The same can happen for you.

Seeking a Familiar Face guides you on the transforming journey of connecting with God, through simple, yet extraordinary ways. It doesn’t matter if you are already seeking Him or just getting started, this book will encourage you to go a little farther toward locking hearts with God.

In this book you will discover engaging narratives from ten biblical characters, along with stories, humor, and practical ideas for seeking God. There are thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter to discuss with a friend or a group. Most of all, “Seeking a Familiar Face” will offer you fresh hope for deepening your intimacy with God.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Seeking a Familiar Face Book Spotlight

About the Author

May Patterson has been writing and teaching bible study classes for several years. Her new book, “Seeking a Familiar Face,” was birthed from a Bible study she wrote in 2014 called “A Time to Seek.” She was trained in small group dynamics for over ten years at Bible Study Fellowship, serving as a leader for four years. She has written for several magazines including Focus on the Family, Upper Room Magazine and Shattered Magazine, among others. She is married to her dear friend, Mike, and they have three grown children. She loves to tell stories, laugh, and talk about the adventure of seeking God.

Connect with her on her website, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Book Trailer

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a spotlight tour, I received no compensation for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Beyond Forever Book Review

iRead Book Tours

In Beyond Forever, just as their plan is set in to motion and they settle in to their new normal, they have an earth shattering encounter. In that moment it is revealed that they have much more than just a spiritual relationship with the beyond.

Beyond Forever Book Review

About Beyond Forever

Just as their life is seemingly back on track, Finn McDaniel’s gets news that sends him into a tail-spin. He is faced with the prospect of losing Olivia Henry forever. He immediately turns to Dan, Olivia’s deceased best friend, who is her loyal and constant guardian angel from the beyond, imploring him for his help. In the midst of all of the chaos a special package is delivered that changes their lives forever.

While Finn is determined to grow his restaurant to new heights by chasing after the coveted Michelin Star, it is Olivia who finally sees her dream come to fruition in a way never thought possible. Finn is determined to support Olivia through her shocking breakthrough and even has a very special surprise up his sleeve that she never sees coming. Just as their plan is set in to motion and they settle in to their new normal, they have an earth shattering encounter. In that moment it is revealed that they have much more than just a spiritual relationship with the beyond.

My Thoughts

I am a HUGE fan of this series. These novels are well written, witty with amazing characters. Olivia is that best friend that you have to love. She has her quirks but she is so full of life, hopes and fears. She is just that girl next door that you can’t help but smile at and love with all of your heart, while trying to protect her. Finn is the man of her dreams (and many women would love to call him their hubby!) and he would do anything for her.

In this novel, Olivia gives birth to her baby. The birth was extremely traumatizing and Olivia almost loses her life delivering her baby girl. It is quite shocking for her whole family but especially Finn who lost his first wife to cancer. As Olivia was laying there between life and death, she had an out-of-body experience where she meets Dan who promises to look after her daughter. Dan and Finn’s wife who passed away become the spiritual godparents of their daughter. As the novel progresses, we see their spiritual touch as they protect her, play with her and love her. I actually found this to be quite touching as I think all of us like to believe our loved ones are here with us, looking out for us and connecting with us.

This book also finds our couple recognizing the need to have family near by. Both of them are offered amazing experiences further from the location they are currently living in but will also draw them closer to family.

This was an amazing novel that was a pleasure to read. This book and the entire series is a definite must read.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

D.D. marx came barreling into this world with the “gift of gab”. Her parents quickly identified a pattern forming when each teacher conference contained the words “she’s a little too social”. d.d.’s biggest life concern was identifying which boy she’d be chasing at recess rather than mastering math problems. She parlayed this gift into creating play dates on the playground. If friendship were a business, she would be a millionaire. She prides her life on maintaining friends from every walk of life in every corner of the country. This is the fuel that fills her tank.

Graduating with a Communication degree from the University of Dayton, she attempted to break into the world of Public Relations but was instead side-tracked with a J.O.B. At the strong encouragement of her friends and family, who dubbed her a “funny story teller”, she stretched her comfort zone by entering the Second City program in Chicago where her itch for entertainment was finally scratched. Determined to share her story and create a legacy, she decided to combine these talents and become a writer. She returned to her alma-mater to immerse herself in a 3-day writing course where this dream finally came to life. Asked to imagine if she was a super-hero, her task was to dig-deep to describe her special powers. Based on the real-life tragedy of one of her best friends, that answer came without hesitation. All she’s ever wanted was the power to visit with him one last time. This is the inspiration that catapulted her into her debut project titled, the Beyond Series. She dove into a world imagining that he never left.

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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