When I had children I began to question a lot of our habits and purchases. One of the first areas we looked at were the type of food products we were purchasing and where they were coming from. Our children and their health mean so much to us! We began the long road to educating ourselves about organic vs non organic food products.
So what does organic mean?? Organic refers to the process in which food and fiber are grown and processed. Organic farmers do not use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Do not confuse natural with organic!
Stonyfield has an awesome table on their website that outlines the great differences between these two tables and you can find it
Dairy plays a huge role in our family. Our children love their yogurt, cheeses and milk. You can imagine my shock when I found out that non organic dairy is produced from cows that are injected with synthetic hormones. These hormones work to increase the weight of the cattle along with milk production. These hormones can actually lead to increased infections in cows.
Image from Pixabay.com
I feel it is important for us to know where our food is coming from. We 100% support buying locally grown produce, dairy and meat from our local farmers. It is important that our children learn to appreciate all the care and love that has gone into our growing our food by our local farmers.
Check out this fantastic video from
Stonyfield: Obsessively Organic, Purely Delicious. What are your thoughts on purchasing organic dairy?