October 21, 2016
Halloween Movie Nights Done Right with Netflix #StreamTeam

Halloween is by far my most favourite holiday of the year. The other ones are fun and all but Halloween gets me super excited every year. I even love to decorate our clinical office every year because lets face it a couple of goofy pumpkins and cute vampires tends to bring out the big kid in all of us. Something we all need to do more often.
Our Halloween decorations went up at home about two weeks ago, sometimes I find it hard to wait until after Thanksgiving! The skeletons are hanging outside, the bloody hands are on the windows, the wreath is up and hanging ghosts are on the porch. The kids love helping out with the decorations and it seems like every year we end up buying more decorations to add to the old ones (you can never truly have enough Halloween decorations right?). My husband has been eagerly working on his annual holiday project, which involves putting together a special slide show to be projected on the front windows with accompanying scary music. He goes all out every year with his slide show and the kids get a kick out of, but truthfully I think his favourite part is hiding behind the open door and scaring the trick or treaters. He has only ever had one kid throw something at him from being too scared!
To help get us in the mood, every year our Family Friday Movie nights revolve around Halloween inspired movies. One of the boys favourite movies is Hotel Transylvania, both parts one and two. Our youngest can literally tell you word for word every part of the movie (for the last two months, this has been our nightly bedtime movie – no exaggeration, our eldest rolls his eyes every time it comes on again), not to mention singing Drac’s favourite lullaby at bed time “suffer, suffer, scream in pain…you will never breathe again…” which must be sung in a very Dracula like voice in order for it to pass. Since we watch this one particular movie almost every night, we need to get extra creative for the month of October and these are our top five hits to help get you through the month of October and in the Halloween spirit.
- Ghostbusters 2 – this is a huge new family favourite ever since we watched the new Ghostbusters. Our youngest couldn’t wait to watch the older versions.
- The Nightmare before Christmas (a favourite from my own youth)
- Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire
- Casper’s Scare School
- Alvin and The Chipmunks meet Wolfman
Netflix has a huge range of Halloween family friendly (and some not so family friendly) movies that can get you geared up for the best holiday of the year. Netflix is definitely my go to solution for the BEST family movie night finds. Where else can you get movies you loved in your youth and movies that your children will love?
So this month as you get ready for Halloween, why not shake up the weekly family movie night by including some of the best Halloween themed movies around. You can throw in some great Halloween themed snacks from Pinterest and voila it will be a family movie night that your kids will not forget!
What is your favourite Halloween themed movie of all time?
Disclosure: I am a Netflix #StreamTeam member and receive perks associated with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.