August 31, 2015
Overcoming The First Day of School Fears #StreamTeam

The first day of school is always hard no matter which way you look at it. New teachers, new class rooms, new routines and seeing your friends for the first time in two months can be quite daunting for children. I can still remember to this day the stress of the first day back! It leaves such an impression on you for life.
This was me on my first day of grade one, transitioning from the small kindergarten area into the big fields. Back in the day we had to dress up for the first day of school which usually included dresses, knee highs, tights and fancy shoes. Looking back now I cringe! Fashion was tough in the eighties and nineties eh?!!
Starting two to three weeks before school resumes, we like to help adjust our children back into the school mode. This helps not only ease their fears but helps them return to a routine easier.
Here are some simple tips to get back into the school mode:
Set up an easy schedule that your children can follow. This should include getting up earlier (my kids are now in the routine of sleeping into nine which has to stop!), earlier bed times, reading and workbooks time. If your child is a visual learner, posting a schedule can help or even including a reward chart is always helpful.
Let your child choose their own back to school clothes. Going back to school is tough and kids want to fit in with their friends. Allowing them to choose their own clothes helps this process. It allows them to express their personality and identity, not to mention it is a lot of fun for parents to learn about their child. This year, our youngest took loads of fashion advice from his big brother.
Watch school related television shows that teach about friendship, overcoming fears and being school smart. We all learn a lot from movies and television shows and children are exactly the same. Allowing them to watch children friendly shows that show true friendship and how to rock school is always helpful for them to overcome their fears. Some great picks currently playing on Netflix are Dinotrux, Project Mc2 and Ever After High.
How do you help your child overcome the first day of school jitters?
Disclosure: I am a #StreamTeam member and receive perks with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.