September 6, 2017
Common Forgotten Back to School Preparation Items + Giveaway!

My boys had their first day of school yesterday. It was full of excitement and nerves – they were excited to see all of their friends again but nervous for the changes and the new expectations. We had a lot of must do items on our back to school list that we are still working on that extends well beyond shopping for school supplies, new clothes and shoes.
So, what are the most two important items that you should include on your back to school preparation list besides the obvious?
Book important medical and dental visits.
It is so important to book an appointment with your family doctor for a general check-up for your child. As they get older and are healthier, we tend to visit the doctor less frequently. Use back to school time as a chance to re-connect with your family doctor, make sure they are meeting developmental milestones as well as being up to date with vaccines. You should also book an appointment to have their eyes checked. This is a service that is covered by OHIP and if they are struggling seeing the boards in class, this could cause other health and behavioural problems.
One of the most overlooked visits is to the dentist. Good dental hygiene is so important for your child as they learn to develop good habits now for later on in life. Unfortunately, some children can develop a fear of the dentist early on which can stop them from visiting the dentist and could cause complications like cavities and plague build up. Ensuring you take them for their regular dental checkups will help to feel comfortable at the dentist’s office. Just like a visit to the doctor’s office, you want it to be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved. Choose a dentist and hygienist that your child feels comfortable with. Our boys have long and hilarious conversations with ours – from talks about soccer, school all the way to their friends and what they like to eat.
Help your child return to their school routine at least a week in advance.
Trust me, the earlier you start the routine, the better it will be for you in the long run. During the summer we tend to relax on our rules, spend more time outside and stay up later. This is harder to do once school starts up again and your child needs all of the sleep that they can get.
Start getting them into the habit of waking up at a set time, making their bed and brushing their teeth in the morning. The same goes for bedtime – set a realistic bed time that will be the same during the school year and follow your routine of bath, brushing your teeth and reading a good book.
Children can easily become bored with routines, so keep it fun! Allow them to choose their own toothbrushes – from beloved characters like Spiderman to My Little Pony, from Arm & Hammer™ Spinbrush™ and Orajel™ will make brushing more enjoyable!. I have always loved the battery-operated brushes, it helps to ensure that each tooth is properly cleaned even when your child is not in the mood to brush properly. While they are brushing, play music or dance – get silly! All kids love being silly, no matter what their age.
As we return back to school, the most important thing that you as a parent can do for your child is keep an open line of communication. This is a stressful time for everyone, when your child knows that they can confide in you about their emotions and fears they will be more confident.
Are you ready to help your child get back into the dental swing of things with a prize pack from Arm & Hammer™ and Orajel™?
My Canadian readers can enter now to win a Dental Prize pack including three Arm & Hammer™ Kids Spinbrush™ Battery Brush and Orajel™ Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste . Enter via the rafflecopter form below – good luck!
What is the most important back to school preparation item that you do in your house?
Disclosure: I received Arm & Hammer dental products. All opinions expressed are my own.
Crayons, markers, leds and a book bag! 🙂
The most important back to school items are books
The most important back to school item on my list every year is a good backpack !
I always get new socks and underwear for the kids. I want them feeling their best and I always feel great when I’m wearing brand new underthings!
I always need a lot of glue! My daughter goes through it like crazy and if I don’t get it when it’s on sale it can be so expensive!
The most important back to school items on my list every year is clothing and pencil crayons
The most important for me and the kids are agendas and calendars, I find every year I let the little things slip so I have to start keeping in all organized and writing it down 🙂
Usually the most important item for us every year, is a new sturdy backpack for each of the kids!
most important item is a comfortable but durable pair of shoes
the most important back to school item is a backpack and lunchkit
New lunchbag, as the old one is usually stinky and broken 😉
A laptop is the most I’mportant item on our back to school list.
Always have an insulated lunch bag on our list.
The most important thing on my list is a a sturdy lunch bag.
The most important back to school item on my list every year is notebooks, pens and pencils.
The most important thing in my back to school list is a good pair of shoes that will stand the running and jumping.
A new school bag!
Every year binders are one of the most important back to school items.
a new lunch box. they always get pretty stinky
A new water bottle. Somehow they always get dropped & broken!
The most important back to school items are books
Along with the school supply list provided each year, a solid backpack is a must for back to school.
new shoes
Every year my kids need a sturdy lightweight backpack.
A backpack is always #1 on the list!
A backpack that is sturdy and stylish is a most important item every year.
The most important back to school item is a backpack.
Back pack is the most important one must list. One that fits and doesn’t hurt their backs.
It’s usually a backpack and school supplies.
Most important back to school item this year is a backpack
for my son its a backpack pens and paper
New shoes and a new back pack are the most important at our house
A sturdy backpack that can carry everything needed.
Buy a lot of notebooks to last through the school year !
It is always the glue stick we can’t see to have enough
new underpants and socks! that way theres no last minite scramble in the morning.
we do the same too!
I always pick up new notebooks and multi-coloured pens for colour coding.
Our most important back to school item is a strong backpack.
New sneakers and good lunchbox to keep lunch cold
I would definitely say a good backpack that can help your kids avoid back problems.
A laptop is the most I’mportant item on our back to school list.
Shoes are on the list every year. A child needs to be able to be comfy in their shoes and not slip while playing, running.
Definitely a good backpack. I find if I buy cheap ones than I am always buying another one in the middle of the school year
backpack, a good water bottle, and proper fitting shoes for the season! We’re dealing with kindergarten.
Shoes are usually one of the most important back to school items on our list.
I love new office supplies every September…colourful markers, pencils, binders, folders.
good books n backpack
Most important is backpack, giftcards & hygiene products
A high quality backpack.
a new lunch bag
A backpack.
A good backpack is the most important thing every year.
A new backpack!
The boys always need a lot from shoes to backpacks to supplies, but one of the most important things we do at this time of the year is their yearly doctors appointments. Checkup, optometrist and dental appointments. This year? No cavities times three!
The most important is the luchbags
The most important back to school items we purchase every year are: clothes, shoes, back pack, lunch bag, note books, & markers.
A good backpack and the right foods for their lunches.
I think a really good quality backpack is the most important thing on the back to school list. They can get really heavy with everything kids have to carry back and forth to school so it needs to be well made to not strain their backs.
Some new clothes! My kids always have all their clothes worn out or they have grown out of them.
Shoes is the most important back to school item,because kids grow fast and comfortable footwear we need for everyday activities!
It used to be backpacks but we bought one from the university and its lasted more then 3 yrs, now its just pens and pencils
A sturdy backpack is essential!
I always forget tab dividers!
A new book bag and sneakers
Crayons for sure!
a new knapsack
Pencils, erasers and sharpeners. They all seem to disappear in this house so I make sure to stock up !
I have an array of grades, so binder, pencils and pens and pencil crayons.
Always new shoes to wear indoors. Huge fan of good shoes.
A sturdy backpack and several notebooks/binders!
The most important Back To School item is a pair of proper fitting and sturdy shoes.