May 8, 2015
The Motherhood Journey: Support, Guidance, Love and Trust #TheMotherhood

Motherhood: the state of being a Mother, maternity, the qualities or spirit of a Mother, Mothers collectively. As an adjective: having or related to an inherent worthiness, justness, or goodness that is obvious.
The day my first son came into this world was the most incredible moment of my life. Hearing his cry, counting his fingers and toes, cuddling him close to my chest were moments of absolute bliss. The moment I first held him against my chest, was probably the closest any one person can get to heaven on Earth. Those feelings were revived when I gave birth to my second son almost seven years later. It is a moment of absolute perfectness that is so hard to describe.
Those moments also marked my first steps into the journey of motherhood. It wasn’t long after I gave birth that I realized becoming a Mother wasn’t a role that I had to nor one that I should face alone. The saying, it takes a village to raise a child, becomes clear after you become a parent. Mothers need to form a group of people around them to guide, support, love and give them much-needed adult time.
So who helps me with my motherhood?
My Motherhood group consists of a large group of women that includes my Mom, sister, Aunts, colleagues and my neighbour. Each one of these incredible individuals has helped me in so many ways grow as a Mother and be the best Mother that I can be for my boys. I turn to them when I am lost, when I need advice and for a shoulder to cry on.
My sister has always been there for me night and day. When I am scared or stressed, I know that I can message her at any time and she is always there to answer me (even at three in the morning!). She is my sound advice and shoulder to vent on. She is the first person I share all my news with, especially about my boys, my career and my goals. I am grateful to have her in my life.
Those ladies right there – they are my biggest supports in life and motherhood. They are so much more to me than my colleagues. With just one look, they know how I am feeling, if I need a hug or just a moment to breathe. When our youngest started daycare, all I wanted to do was cry everyday after the drop off. They are the ones to give me a hug, make me laugh and remind me of their own experiences with their children. You know those crazy questions you have about parenting? The ones that you think no one will be able to answer? These ladies are the ones I go to for help, they help me without judgement and even manage to make me laugh about the situation. No matter what they always help me see the goodness in every situation.
These incredible individuals help make up my ‘motherhood’. This Mother’s Day, Campbell’s hopes you take a moment to reflect on those people in your life who help us on our Motherhood journey, they don’t have to be a Mother but are those people in our lives who help make us better for our children. Take the time out this week to thank them for all that they do.
Who helps you on your journey of Motherhood?
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post from Campbell’s Canada. All opinions and reflections are my own.