Ultimate Blog Party 2013 #UBP13 – Come Join In!

Welcome to Working Mommy Journal!
This will be my first time joining the annual Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom and I am very excited for this event!
I want to start off by telling you a little bit about myself and what I love!
My name is Carla. I have two young boys – who will be nine and two this year! I am a Kinesiology graduate who is currently working full time.
I started my blog as an outlet to share my love for my children, cooking, photography and coping with parenting while working full time. I love to share all the great tips and ideas that have been given to me (or found out the hard way – mostly found out the hard way!) with others. My boys are very active, love sports and my eldest is involved with competitive soccer. We love to hike, bake and make crafts together!
Have a look around, take a look at my recipes, photographs and tips. Let me know what you think! I am new and always looking for constructive feedback. I can not wait to meet all of you!
Hi,<br /><br />I come for the party ^___*. I like to "meet" new blogger friends. Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: http://bit.ly/14IvDly See you at my blog 😉
Hi Juliana! Nice to meet you! Will be heading over now! Take care!
Great to meet you! Thank you so much for stopping by 🙂
Thanks for coming over to say hi! 🙂
Nice to 'meet' you!<br /><br />Stopping by to say hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!<br /><br />http://momandmore.com/2013/04/party-with-me-at-the-ultimate-blog-party-2013-ubp13.html
I’m stopping by from the UBP13. We hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk. <br />Hugs, <br />Cathi <br />http://SimpleSojourns.com