February 24, 2014
#UltimateHome Twitter Party with Leon’s!
Are you ready to party?
To celebrate their upcoming Ultimate Home Super Sale (starting this Friday February 28th) Leon’s Canada is hosting a Twitter party this Thursday, February the 27th!
Here are the important details for this exciting twitter party:
When: February 27th, 2014
Time: 9PM – 10PM
Host: Leon’s
Moderators: @mommyoutside @zoojourneys
Prizing and Support: @CantonCathy @cvegnad
Everyone is welcome to come but prizes are open to Canadians only (excluding Quebec and B.C.).
The prizes?
- 5 prizes of a $100 online gift card to Leon’s
- one grand prize of Starship Collection Bunk bed set (valued at $499!)
To win you have to RSVP! Head over to Mommy Outside the Box and RSVP now!
Looking forward to partying with you on Thursday!
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Prizing is open to Canadians (excluding Quebec and BC) 18 and over. You can find the complete rule – See more at: http://www.mommyoutsidethebox.ca/2014/02/ultimatehome-twitter-party-with-leons-1000-in-prizes-227-can.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook#sthash.qghCvUFc.dpuf
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Prizing is open to Canadians (excluding Quebec and BC) 18 and over. You can find the complete rule – See more at: http://www.mommyoutsidethebox.ca/2014/02/ultimatehome-twitter-party-with-leons-1000-in-prizes-227-can.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook#sthash.qghCvUFc.dpuf