Month: October 2012

Mela-D Serum Review

I recently won a bottle of Mela-D Serum from La Roche-Posay from their Twitter giveaway. I was super excited to try it out! Having just had my youngest son about a year ago and the various hormonal changes that go along with that as well as PCOS, my skin has suffered greatly in certain areas. I have developed darker spots along my jaw line and cheeks which I try to cover up as much as possible.
Before I began to use the product I looked up some info on it. Mela-D serum is hydroquinone free! Which is great as it has been banned in many countries as it can not be ruled out as a possible carcinogen. What it does contain is: Kojic acid, Glycolic acid and Thermal dermobiotic (info from the La Roche-Posay website). Kojic acid is derived from fungi and helps in reducing the look of dark spots. Glycolic acid is an exfoliating agent helping to remove the dark skin cells.
When I received the serum it also came with a dropper (I have never used a serum before so this was all new and pretty cool to me!). I test tried it over a period of two days on the skin around my elbow as I have olive skin that is pretty sensitive and tends to react easily. I had no reaction so was excited to try it out on my jaw line and cheeks.  I found the serum itself to be non oily and thick enough that you can put a small amount on your fingertip and it will not roll off. It has a mild to moderate strength smell that is not unpleasant. It did not irritate or make my skin tingle when I put it on. The product comes with instructions to use at night, after cleansing and moisturising your face.
I used the serum for just over two weeks (I am still currently using it) and have noticed a slight improvement of the uneven skin tone and darker spots around my jaw and cheek areas. I am going to continue to use it for an additional three months as I am impressed with the slight improvements that have occurred and would like to continue to see these improvements! I would recommend this product to anyone with mild to moderate uneven skin tone and dark spots (as that is how my skin is currently) and also to olive toned and sensitive skin individuals (as with all new products test try on a patch area away from you face!). And as the product recommends always use sunscreen during the day as your skin can become sensitive during usage.
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Healthy Goals Update

Well we had good intentions, we really did! Or well this Mommy did!! We lacked in some areas but did really well in others.
For our nutrition goals I am pretty pleased with how far my children (and hubby dearest!) have come. I now put many different types of vegetables in every meal I prepare and there is no fuss (a bit from my eldest but trust me he has come along way!). All meat that I have purchased in the past month has had the Canadian guarantee on it! It was not that much more expensive (I think that was what had always stopped me prior to this, I had this notion that it would cost that much more then the packaged meat that did not have the Canadian seal on it). I also tried many new cuts of meat and a greater variety (turkey, veal, lamb and ox tail!).  I swapped in some turkey mince into my meals that used to be solely mince beef and my boys did not notice the difference! We never actually tried quinoa – my boys just refused it and so did my husband. But c’est la vie!
Our physical activity goals I was super impressed with! We got out of the house for 45 minutes a day, be it either walking or playing at the park. It was such a great bonding opportunity with my children as I have been missing them greatly since I have gone back to work. I think we all needed this part more than anything else.
My own personal goals were left in the dust. I made it to the gym maybe three times in the whole month which led me to re-evaluate the whole gym membership idea – it is costing me way too much a month not to go! I have been trying to find a way to make my personal and work life balance but finding it way too hard! I have tried every organizational tip and strategy and can not find one that works!! Any tips are appreciated 🙂 I have two calendars, my Blackberry and a to-do book but still feel like I am spiralling (I have even managed to give myself stress induced acid build up in my stomach and a good warning from the doctor that I need to try to de-stress unless I want to make it worse and be off for more days from work)
Overall, I am pretty happy and plan to continue to implement all of the changes we have made so far into our daily routines – my personal goals will have to come with time I think. 
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You Should Be a Power Ranger Mom..

My eldest son and I were sitting around last night chatting about life and what he wants to be when he grows up (pretty intense for an eight year old!!). He started to ask me about what I had wanted to be when I was little so I told him about my passion for art and how I had wanted to be an interior designer and then a chiropractor. And how hard it was to make a choice but now I get to be the best mommy in the world to him and his brother. I think he could tell I was a bit sad so he goes on to tell me that he thinks I would make the worlds greatest Power Ranger when I grow up! I laughed so hard I can not even begin to explain! Apparently I have some growing up to do according to my eight year old 🙂 I don’t mind the Power Ranger job, they rocked! As long as I get to be the Pink Ranger 🙂
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Birthday Bliss

I turned twenty eight this week and I decided to spoil myself with a facial. I am not big on spoiling myself so this was a big thing for me – I usually only ask for flowers for special occasions!!
I decided to go to for the aromatherapy herbal bliss facial at Caryl Baker – it was divine!! I loved every moment of it from the warm sack on my neck to the way she massaged the scrub into my temples and cheeks. I could have just fallen asleep in my chair! She wrapped it up with an eyebrow wax and light makeup (which turned into some pretty dramatic makeup – I told her I trusted her and to knock herself out!).
Made me realize that I need to do this more often so I have decided that once a month I am going to pamper myself with a facial and some much needed me time away from the kiddos 🙂 How many of you go for facials? Any one know any great spots in the GTA region?
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Breast Cancer Fund raising!

I work in an amazing department that runs so many fundraisers throughout the year. Usually they are patient based and all money raised by staff is given to patients in need, more so at Christmas but through out the year as well if needed. For the month of October we raise funds strictly for breast cancer and turn the clinic pink, literally!!
We purchase pink exam gloves, breast cancer ribbons, pink scarves, pink calendars (I think you get the point!!). Just before Thanksgiving we decided to raffle off a Butterball turkey – the money raised was incredible for this draw! It actually surpassed all of our other fund raising activities throughout the year, and this included draws for bottles of booze (Who doesn’t like good turkey meat??). We are also doing a Jelly bean count, soup day and a chili day and raffling off a Coach purse.
The thing I love the most about our fund raising efforts is how involved everyone becomes at the clinic. Everyone likes to participate, donate prizes and are genuinely excited for each other. We were looking for new ideas if any one else has some great thoughts please throw them out there!!
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