Month: September 2014

Buried Beneath the Words by Betel Arnold #review

Words are powerful. They have the power to empower an individual but they can also do so much damage. Betel Arnold explores these words in her book, Buried Beneath the Words.

About Buried Beneath the Words

Words are everywhere. Accusing, blaming and degrading words are the worst. After hearing these words too many times we begin to feel the weight of them threatening to crush the very life out of us. Betel shares her true life story about the different ways someone can end up buried beneath the weight of negative words. Betel shares a Christian course for how God’s words can revive us. By putting the advice given within these pages into practice you will experience an awakening of the real you – the you that has been buried way too long.

My Thoughts

This book arrived at an important time in my life. I too feel the constant weight of words on my shoulders – I find it hard to let go of the things that have been said to me in the past or are currently being said. I hold on to them and let them eat away at me. Those words even have the power to shatter my self confidence.

Betel tells her own personal stories – many of which I think all of us can relate to as we have been through similar events in our lives. She also uses her novel to help us work through these moments by writing down memories, words and phrases that have hurt us. I loved this part as it is one thing to read a novel and try to understand what the author is telling you to do and another to actually work through her teachings.

Betel shares many scripture passages throughout the novel. I found them comforting and eye opening. Most I had never learned before and have saved them to my desk top to come back to when I am feeling hurt or alone. My favourite passage she shared:

Proverbs 4:5-9: “Get wisdom; develop good judgment. Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown.”

You can find more reviews on the Litfuse blog tour here. You can purchase a copy of her book here.

Rating: 5/5

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Breakfast Muffins #recipe

Breakfast is the busiest time of the day in our home as we try to get everyone up, fed and ready to head out the door. Since breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day we don’t want to miss out! This simple to prepare and bake recipe has quickly become a favourite in our home. The bonus? It also doubles as the perfect snack on the go!


  • One cup of shredded zucchini
  • One cup of shredded carrot
  • One cup of finely cut red peppers
  • Six extra large eggs
  • Twelve muffin liners


  • Preheat your oven to 350F.
  • Shred your zucchini and carrots and set aside in a bowl. Finely cut up your red peppers and place in the bowl.
  • Crack six extra large eggs, add about a tbs of water and mix together.
  • Slowly pour the eggs on top of the vegetables. Mix the egg mixture in well so that the vegetables are evenly spread out. 
  • Place one muffin liner into each muffin hole in the baking tray. I prefer using the liners to make for an easier clean up. Using a spoon pour the mixture into the muffin liners. Ensure that each muffin is roughly the same level.
  • Place in your oven and allow to cook for 15-20 minutes – because of varying oven times check the muffins out at the fifteen minute mark. If the egg is cooked remove them from the oven. If not allow the extra couple of minutes to ensure that the egg is cooked.

You can store the extras in your fridge and warm them up for when you are hungry. Do you have a go to breakfast recipe for busy mornings?

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Mommy, Am I Pretty? #review & #giveaway

Young children are flooded with images of how they should look and behave every day. Society has placed a strong emphasis on our physical appearance that it is almost impossible to escape. I still remember looking in the mirror growing up and hating my nose – it was wide and big and I was teased relentlessly for it (this was even before media encouraged the perfect skinny body type!). I would come home every night and take a wooden clothespin and clip my nose in an effort to make my nose smaller (remember the saying don’t do that to your face it will freeze like that – yup that was my hope at the time). I have come a long way since then but I still have so many insecurities about my appearance that go back to my young days. I have an unhealthy relationship with food that stems from my high school years and not allowing myself to eat during school hours in the hope of looking pretty. As a Mother and an Aunt it is now important to me more than ever to encourage the children in my life that they have value that extends well beyond their physical appearance. That it is the good inside of us that makes us beautiful people.

About Mommy, Am I Pretty? 

Mommy, am I pretty? is the story of Molly a young girl in elementary school. One day while walking home from school with her Mother, Molly asks what it means to be pretty. Molly’s Mother helps her look at her day at school, at home and in her neighbourhood to discover moments of kindness and beauty. Molly learns that it is the small gestures of generosity and friendship that makes us loving and beautiful on the inside which shines through to our outer beauty. Molly realizes that being pretty on the inside is what matters most in life.

My Thoughts

The powerful message that Margot L Denommé writes is showcased in a wonderful way that will reach out to all young children. The story is written as if it is you having this conversation with your child. She examines every day experiences that children will go through and how our actions in these moments defines us and makes us a better and beautiful person. Children are bombarded with images in media leaving them with the feeling that beauty can only be seen on the outside. It is so important for children to know that our actions make us good people and it is a good heart that shines out and makes a person beautiful. 

Mommy, am I pretty? is a book that I hope ends up in every classroom – it teaches a lesson that not only starts at home but extends into a child’s school life where they can be exposed to negative comments about their appearance and bullying. 

About Margot L.Denommé

Margot practices law in Toronto where she lives with her husband and two young girls. Margot wrote this book to encourage dialogue between parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers and young girls as a way to empower and teach them that true beauty lies within. Her message has resonated with many Canadian groups and organizers including, The Pediatric Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery division of the Hospital for Sick Children and the Dove Self-Esteem Fund Real Beauty Campaign. A portion of proceeds from book sales will go to Meagan’s Walk, a Toronto based charity that has since 2001 raised more than $2.7 million for cancer research. Margot has presented to several organizations as well as spoken to many students at various schools. To arrange for a public speaking opportunity at your own school you can contact her here.

A Special Mention

Margot’s two daughters, Madison and Brooke, are the illustrators of her book! Their lovely drawings complete the book and make it perfect! It was wonderful to see all of their drawings bringing the book to life.

Mommy, am I pretty? is avaiable in both hardcover and kindle format.

Enter to Win!

Margot has two books ready to give away to two of my Canadian readers to help encourage a daily dialogue between parents and their young girls! Enter via the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Unwrapping #KinderSmiles with Kinder Canada

As many of you may already know this year I was selected to join the KinderMom (and KinderDad!) family. Kinder Surprise eggs have always been a huge part of our family – they make the perfect gifts during the holidays (which I may or may not hoard for myself at Easter) and the best way to dry up those tears on the sad days – not just talking for the kids here either!

The best part of this year? I will be able to bring you fresh Kinder news, Kinder giveaways as well as sharing some of our special moments together with you.

It feels like the summer months flew by! Our summer was full of firsts for our family as we started traveling more with our son’s soccer team, our one son learned how to ride a bike (without training wheels) and our other son learned how to swim without a life jacket.

As part of our new role in the Kinder family we were able to attend the grand opening of the #KinderSmiles booth at the Eaton Centre. If you weren’t able to make it to the booth in Toronto you can still make your own online. A couple of weeks later we witnessed history being made at the CNE as Kinder Canada broke a new Guinness World Record for the most people unwrapping chocolate at the same time (lots of #KinderSmiles on the CNE grounds that day).

But all too quickly came the return of routines and structure as school started up. September is an incredibly busy month for us – finishing up the soccer season, re-starting a new soccer season, football games, getting back to the school and daycare routine while my husband and I try to just survive (and not always gracefully I might add!). I won’t lie this month can also lead to tears as our boys try to get used to their routines again, leaving us for the day to go to school and the day to day stress of new classes, friends and school work.

One of the best ways we have found to share a smile with our little ones? Adding a little Kinder Surprise into their lunch bag (peanut free treat) or even as an after school treat. They love receiving a delicious chocolate treat with a fun and exciting toy inside (talk about being the centre of attention at school).

Kinder Canada has introduced something special – new Kinder toys! I am positive that your children are going to love them! We are talking Transformers and Disney Fairies – you can’t get any better than this. You can now find inside specially marked eggs 8 Transformers and 10 Disney Fairies – how cool is that? While my boys will be hunting down all of the Transformers that they can get their little hands on I would love to have this fantastic Fairy below:

Which limited edition Kinder Egg will your little one be looking for?

Don’t forget to follow Kinder Canada on Facebook and Twitter for fantastic new updates, giveaways and so much more!

Disclosure: I am part of the Kinder Mom program and receive special perks for being a part of this program. All opinions are my own.

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Roasted Stuffed Peppers

My husband and I have made a commitment to each other to focus on our health – which has included eating healthier home cooked meals, incorporating more vegetables and less processed food. I have always wanted to try stuffed peppers but I was not a fan of the recipes we were finding. So we made up our own (I wanted quinoa but the hubby won and we used rice). I hope you enjoy this one as much as we did!


  • two large green peppers
  • 4 slices of provolone 
  • rice (amount varies depending on size of pepper – enough to fill the peppers)
  • mushrooms, tomatoes, onions (amount varies depending on size of pepper – enough to fill the peppers)
  • 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 375 F.
  • Cut the tops off of the two peppers and remove the seeds.
  • Place a slice of provolone into each green pepper.
    • In a small pan place about 1 tsp of olive oil and on light heat cook the tomatoes, mushrooms and onions until golden brown.
    • Add the rice, mix and continue to cook for roughly one to two minutes.
    • Carefully spoon the rice mixture into the green peppers.

    • Cover each green pepper with a slice of provolone. Place in oven and cook until the top is a golden brown. This will take roughly 40-45 minutes depending on the strength of your oven.

    Enjoy! How do you make your own stuffed peppers?

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