Month: August 2017

Monkey See, Monkey Do #SmokeFreeMovies

Monkey See, Monkey Do #SmokeFreeMovies

I grew up in a household where my Dad smoked both in the house and outside. To me this was normal, it was part of my every day and it was socially acceptable. One day, my Dad took all three of us kids to the Doctor’s office. As he struggled to get my younger sister out of the car, he asked me to hold his cigarette while he pulled her out – be forgiving with this action, this was the 80s!! Not realizing what I was doing, I started to put the cigarette to my mouth and smoke, thinking how cool I looked and that I was just like Dad. It was the first and only time my Dad got mad at me! He smacked the cigarette out of my mouth, yelling at me about how bad smoking was for my health and that I was still a child. But to me, as a child, I had a hard time understanding: if it was so bad, why did the people who I loved and looked up to smoke? Wasn’t this normal? And it seemed odd coming from my Dad’s mouth that smoking was bad for me, but okay for him. The signals that I was receiving were confusing and contradictory.

Monkey See, Monkey Do #SmokeFreeMovies

Our behaviour is learned from watching others – we learn about norms, how to model correct (and incorrect) behaviour, and what is accepted socially, all from watching our family members, our peers, and those whom we admire and respect. Children and young adults are susceptible to these learnings and may have a harder time deciphering what is healthy and normal and what may be viewed as “cool” and “admirable” is actually unhealthy and detrimental to their health. As a parent, I have learned that it is my job to help guide them as they mature and begin to learn what is normal, what is right and how to make good decisions for their own health and well-being. For my youngest, this may mean restricting what he hears and sees, while for my eldest talking about the ‘why’s’ behind the decisions we are making.

Seeing a person smoking everyday or even casually in a movie or advertisement normalizes smoking. Our most vulnerable population, children and teens, see their idols and celebrities smoking, want to copy their behaviour, to be just like them. They don’t have the skills or the maturity to understand the consequences of smoking and starting so young. My husband started smoking when he was fourteen and struggled to quit at the age of 30 (he has now been smoke free for six years!). One of his greatest regrets, is that he had started so young.

Monkey See, Monkey Do #SmokeFreeMovies

Smoking in movies is now shockingly widespread; and some of the statistics surprised me! 86% of movies with smoking were rated for kids and teens in Ontario. That’s 37% of Ontario youth smokers begin to smoke due to seeing smoking in movies. Scary right? Even scarier is the fact that smoking has become so normal despite the high number of health campaigns showing the risks of smoking. I bet many of you like me, haven’t even noticed this happening during movies.

So how do parents help protect their children when movies aren’t rated to let us know that smoking is in the movie? Public Health Units across Ontario are encouraging parents to sign a petition that will influence movies to be rated as 18A  if they feature tobacco at any point throughout the movie This small step helps us to wisely choose our movies for family time, as well as encouraging movie producers to just not include smoking at all in the film.

As parents, we know first-hand how quickly our children pick up habits (how many of you have said one bad word in the car and that’s it, they are like parrots repeating it everywhere) and we would do anything in our ability and power to protect them and keep them healthy. Signing the petition is one small, but positive step that we as parents can take to help ensure our children are not exposed to unhealthy life choices.

If you are curious about movies titles that may or do contain tobacco, visit the Smoke Free Movies page or the Thumbs Up Thumbs Down page for a complete listing of both tobacco free and tobacco containing movies. To keep up-to-date with all the latest information and status of the petition, make sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Disclosure: I have partnered with YMC and The Smoke-Free Movies Campaign and have received compensation for this post. All opinions in the post are my own.

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Learning the Art of Persuasion Netflix Style #StreamTeam


Bribery. Compliments. Little white lies. Hugs and kisses.

We have used all of these persuasion styles in our house when it comes to ensuring that we get to watch the movie or episode we have been dying to watch on Netflix instead of something else that another family member has chosen. The biggest offenders? The kids! And wow are they amazing at persuading us to watch Power Rangers (or any superhero show) for about the thousandth time (only slightly exaggerating here – I think I know some of the episodes by heart).

Learning the Art of Persuasion Netflix Style #StreamTeam

Here are their top three Netflix Persuasion tips:

1) Compliments are always key!

I always know something is coming when I am about to put my show on and they start their sentence with, “Mom, you are the best Mommy in the whole entire world” or “Mommy you are so pretty”. I always fall prey to these one liners, who doesn’t love hearing how you are the best person in the world?! So I go from getting ready to watch Kurt Seyit and Sura to Just Go With It or Power Rangers or Paw Patrol.

2) Hugs and Kisses.

I am a complete sucker for this one and they know it. We have watched Sharknado way too many times for me to count but every time they say just one more and give me a kiss – I can’t resist them.  We then usually end up watching all four movies in the Sharknado series.

3) I will do *insert chore* here for a whole week.

This one is a wicked persuasion tool! They will offer laundry, dishes, cleaning up after the dog and more just to ensure they get first pick when it comes to movie time. While they are great at completing their chores and follow their chore list, this extra offer of help can’t be passed up.

So how do we as parents fight back against their adorableness and re-gain control of the television?

Here is what I do:

Learning the Art of Persuasion Netflix Style #StreamTeam

1) Use the Netflix Recommendations

I am sure many of you have already noticed those super handy recommendations but they are the best at helping you encourage your child or spouse to break out of their comfort zone and watch something new. Over the weekend, my son wanted to watch Just Go With It again but when we logged in I saw RV was on our recommendation list and I thought they would LOVE that movie. The first reaction I got when I suggested we watch RV? No. So I told them it has exploding poop in it, trust me – you will love it. That won them over and we watched RV. Guess what – they loved it.

We also found the Luther series this way and while my kids were at their Grandparents for a week, my husband and I binged on this series. It is definitely a must watch show – one that I am so glad that Netflix popped up as a recommendation on my husband’s profile for us to watch.

2) Use humour to get your way.

We all love to laugh, especially kids and they usually have a great sense of humour. Get them excited for new movies with one liners, I love this Star Wars one from Netflix: “Watch this new movie, we shall. Or come for you the Rebellion will”. It gets them into the concept of the movie while making them laugh.

Learning the Art of Persuasion Netflix Style #StreamTeam

And when all else fails?

Play the it’s my way or the highway card. I am not going to lie, I have used the ‘I carried you in my tummy for nine months so you are going to watch Full House with me’ card a few times. It definitely works!

Watching movies together as a family is a great way to unwind after a stressful work and school week. Choosing new and different shows helps lend variety and excitement to family movie time and can even spark a love of a new series (this is how I fell in love with Star Wars!).

What is a movie or show that you initially were not interested in watching but someone convinced you to and you fell in love?

Disclosure: I am a Netflix #StreamTeam member and receive perks with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Be a Star with Kidizoom Action Cam 180

VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels

My youngest child LOVES YouTube – he will spend hours watching his favourite YouTubers talk about Fidget spinners, trying out new tricks, pretending to be superheroes and even puppy videos. For months he has been asking to create his own videos while he showcases his toys and doing tricks on his scooter. He has even practiced his own tag line and reminding his viewers to follow him on YouTube (it is so adorable!). While I love my boys, the thought of them using my camera or video camera to film their stunts puts my heart into a flutter – all I can picture is a smashed camera!

So how do you meet your child in the middle especially when you want to encourage their creativity and passions but you are nervous about them using your own electronics?

Let Your Child Be a Star with VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 18-

VTech has designed the Kidizoom Action Cam 180 to allow your child to capture those special moments in film and picture with a durable and child friendly designed camera. I have never seen my son so excited to try out a toy before. He couldn’t wait to open up the package and test it out (even though it was 8:30 at night and far too late for him to go outside with the camera to film himself on his scooter).

The camera is small, compact and probably about the size of the palm of your hand but built strong for those little hands. The case is a hard plastic but the siding where you hold the camera has soft plastic for easier grip.

The action cam features:

  • 180 degree camera swivel (his favourite feature for selfies!)
  • water-resistant case for up to six feet depth
  • mounting pieces
  • charging cord
  • 3 built-in games
  • filters for picture-taking

The first day with his camera saw him taking lots of selfies and candid pictures of his brother when he wasn’t ready. When he learned about the filters, his excitement went through the roof! Not only could he make our faces twist or expand, he could also add borders to the pictures as well. This was one of his favourite features in camera mode. He loved to make our faces look silly and couldn’t wait to share them with Grandma and Grandpa.

Let Your Child Be a Star with VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180

We have taken him out several times and added the camera with the included mounting pieces to his scooter and watched as he filmed his tricks all while explaining his moves to his audience. It was amazing to watch him become so animated as he created the videos. The camera was extremely easy to attach with the mounting device to his scooter, he was even able to help attach it. It never came loose even with a few jumps and falls off the scooter. At one point, the scooter had come out of his hands and fallen to the ground, he was quite worried that the camera would have broken. We checked it out and it was still working perfectly – crash and all!

Let Your Child Be a Star with VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180

The real test came when we placed the camera in the water proof case so that he could take pictures underwater. I can’t even begin to describe how nervous I was! The camera performed perfectly – he used it to record his jump into the water and his brother helped film him underwater while he did hand stands. When they brought the camera out of our pool and I removed it from the case, there was not a drop of water in the case. I am one of those parents that read water proof but don’t quite believe it.

Let Your Child Be a Star with VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180

The VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180 was the perfect children’s toy for our son. He fell in love with all of its features and I loved that it was strong, great camera for a child’s product and lived up to what the camera said it would do. The camera has gone on scooters, in the pool and even to soccer. You can purchase the Kidizoom Action Cam 180 at Walmart, Toys R Us, Mastermind and Amazon.

Make sure to follow VTech on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned product free of charge in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Path of Lucas Book Review

iRead Book Tours

Path of Lucas follows Lucas Clarkson who is a simple man, a family man, and a hard working farmer’s son.

Path of Lucas Book Review

About the Path of Lucas

Path of Lucas follows Lucas Clarkson who is a simple man, a family man, and a hard-working farmer’s son. From a small town in Eastern Ontario, the author, Susanne Bellefeuille, brings us on Lucas’s journey through the trials and tribulations of his life.

Lucas’s path is not as simple as the man he’s portrayed to be. From the days spent working on his dad’s farm to becoming a successful mechanic, with a genuine heart and his incredible strength, Lucas faces many difficult decisions. The choices he makes may be the difference between realizing his dreams and keeping his family together.

Based on true events, this is Susanne Bellefeuille’s first novel.

My Thoughts

The Path of Lucas is the story of Lucas as he grows from his teenage years through his adult years and becoming a parent and then a grandparent. We are introduced to his story when tragedy hits very close to home. He opens up to his daughter about how he met her Mother and their relationship in their teen years that led to their marriage. We learn about the sacrifices he made not only for his wife and children but also for his Mother and Father. The story is told by Lucas and told both in the past and the present.

The Path of Lucas is a story that so many parents and children can relate to. We feel obligated to help our family and to honour them when they ask for our help, even if this means sacrificing our own wishes. This could be not going away to school or giving up a job opportunity to be closer to an aging parent. In this story, Lucas gave up the job that he loved and was succeeding in (not to mention a great pay) to return to his roots and work the farm that he disliked so much. He did this for his Father – a sacrifice he made for a parent that loved, guided and taught him everything he knew.

The story is heart warming and one that many of us can appreciate. I found myself laughing, crying and full of respect for the journey that Lucas went on. He had a heart of gold and always thought of others first. His first love was for his family and honouring them. It is a lovely story of care-taking, family, love, hope and faith that I fell in love with from the start. The ending was perfect and just what this lovely novel deserved.

You can purchase a copy of the book on Amazon, Amazon Canada, Barnes & Noble and Chapters.

Rating: 4.5/5

About the Author

Susanne Bellefeuille is a sister, mother, grandmother, and an inspirational mentor to many people. Graduating from the social service worker program at St. Lawrence College in Cornwall, Ontario, Susanne spends countless hours offering her professional aid, guidance, and most importantly, her friendship to people with intellectual disabilities.

Susanne’s life changed remarkably after the realization that her desires would require her to complete college and set a better example for her children and grandchildren. From being a high school dropout and a mother at the young age of seventeen, Susanne has journeyed a considerable distance to become the successful person she is today. Her journey is not only to write books but also to help people reach their full potential, as she truly believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to shine in life.

Book Trailer

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind Spotlight Tour

iRead Book Tours

The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind is an ode to the beat generation of poets that carved their names in literary history.

The Invitation Spotlight Tour

About The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind

The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind, is a showcase in talent from author and poet Tyfany Janee. She’s eloquently produced the anthology through plaintive artistic angst. Injecting the essence of her soul into her prose. The diverse collection of poetry which lies between the covers is the result of an entire life’s work experimenting within her vocation.

Her work is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a succinct hint of humor as she tears away the facade from humanity. The works shed light on relative issues that we’re all faced with in our easily waywardly led astray lives, and the monotony that makes up our existence.

The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind is an ode to the beat generation of poets that carved their names in literary history. Any creative mind will revel in the inspiration that lies between these pages; it’s full of daring attitude, and celebration for the authentic. A unique look on love, that you have to dare to delve within. It harnesses true devotion, with a stark, hair raising element of modern reality.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

The Invitation Spotlight Tour

About the Author

Tyfany Janee is a mother and an upcoming graduate with a BS in Business Administration in a concentration of Entrepreneurship, and a minor in Marketing. She is a prolific writer, author and poet and she has an upcoming plan of releasing a short story collection in 2018 that she titles; The Road Sometimes Traveled; and a poetry collection book titled “RSVP: To Be You Unapologetically.” Additionally, a release of a debut novel, the first of a series in 2019 she titles; To Love Him..I.

Her recent book is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a much-needed element of humor when it comes to exposing the true nature of humankind. Tyfany devours inspiration wherever she can get it, from cult classics, to just about anything she can see

You can connect with her on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

Book Trailer

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a spotlight post, I received no compensation for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

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