Get Ready for Back to School with Raincoast Books

Back to school is always a nervous time for children. Children heading off to school for the first time are scared of the unknown, children returning are nervous about their new teacher, if their friends will be in their class and what will the new year be like. These fears are completely normal and okay – even as adults we have these feelings too when we start a new job or meet new people. One of the best ways we can prepare our children (besides sitting down with them and discussing their fears) is reading a book that helps bring humour and reassurance that we all go through the same fears, expectations and hopes.
Raincoast Books has several books that help children learn about others thoughts, fears and hopes for school all while giving you an excellent opportunity to get your child talking to you about the upcoming school year. Two of my favourite picks are: Kisses for Kindergarten and Zombelina School Days.
Kisses for Kindergarten
School is about to begin, and Stella Isabella Harden decides that kindergarten just isn’t for her. Instead, she decides to spend the day learning from her puppy named Buster. Together these two adventurers plan a day full of playtime, tea time, nap time, and story time. After every lesson,” Stella gets the best reward: a kiss from her best friend and favorite puppy. But will she change her mind about kindergarten before the first day of school? Join Stella and Buster in this lyrical read-aloud and heartwarming story about growing up.
“Stella Isabella Harden
contemplating kindergarten
declared she didn’t have to go…
because her puppy told her so.” – Kisses for Kindergarten
Kisses for Kindergarten is a 2017 Mom’s Choice Awards, Gold Award Recipient.
This was an adorable book to read to young children. Stella doesn’t want to go to school, she wants to stay at home with her puppy because her puppy really needs her to be there for him. And her puppy can teach her everything she needs to know right?
In a series of adorable and humorous moments, Buster tries to teach Stella but Stella comes to the realization all by herself that going to school may just be the best decision for her and Buster. The best part? It only makes their bond that much stronger!
We fell in love with the easy to read story with gorgeous illustrations. It is a great book for children entering Kindergarten so that they know they are not the only ones scared of the change and why it is important to go to school. Not to mention all of the fun things they will do, see and learn! I loved how the end of the book showcased that although Stella decided to go to school, everything else in her life remained the same. Buster was always there waiting for her to return and still loved her just as much as before she went to school.
You can purchase a copy of Kisses for Kindergarten on Raincoast Books.
Zombelina School Days
The only thing Zombelina loves as much as dancing is going to school! When it’s time for show and tell, her new friend, Morty, experiences a terrible case of stage fright . . . something Zombelina knows all about. Zombelina has an idea to help Morty work through his jitters-a big dance party!
After all, friends who dance together, stay together!
Starring in her third picture book, this adorable zombie ballerina tackles themes of family, friendship, and school day anxiety. The rhyming text is perfect for reading aloud, and the delightfully spooky illustrations are full of charm and heart.
I really enjoyed this book myself. Zombelina stands out from her classmates with her unique features and of course by being a Zombie in a class full of humans. She shows us that even though we may look different on the outside, we still love the same things, want to be accepted and have the same fears as each other. She shows us that it is important to step outside of our comfort zone, to try new things and to show compassion for others. It helps children to realize we are all the same on the inside and that is what matters the most. I loved that the book did this with adorable illustrations and humour. You can’t help but fall in love with Zombelina. She is a definite big hit in our home!
You can purchase a copy of Zombelina School Days on Raincoast Books.
Have an amazing few last days of summer before your child heads back to school. Happy Reading!
Disclosure: I received the above books in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.