Month: April 2019

Calm Mindfulness for Kids Book Review

DK Canada

Calm: Mindfulness for Kids shows that supporting a child’s positive mental health doesn’t need to be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult. Activities help children to de-stress, focus, and get moving while having fun.

About Calm Mindfulness for Kids

Teach your kids how to focus their thoughts and notice the world around them with this fun mindfulness kids activity book.

Mindfulness activities are a great way to teach children about their thoughts and feelings and how to understand them–while having fun at the same time.

This book is packed with activities–make a mindfulness jar, learn how to appreciate food with mindful eating, and get out into nature and explore the outside world. An illustrated journal section at the back of the book encourages children to make notes about their own thoughts and feelings.

Calm: Mindfulness for Kids has everything you need to know about focusing your child’s mind to help them enjoy and appreciate things that they take for granted every day, while boosting their confidence and self-esteem. Children are guided through each activity, to make sure they achieve maximum enjoyment and awareness. All children will learn and react to each activity in a different way and parent’s notes give advice on how to encourage children to embrace mindfulness in the modern world. Each specially designed activity is flexible for each child’s needs and inspires them to seek calmness and tranquility in all situations.

Our Thoughts

Mindfulness is something we hear a lot about in the news, media and research. It is an important to tool in the busy times we live in. It helps us to focus, pay attention and remain present in the moment.

Sometimes, children can be overlooked and brushed off as being too emotional or acting out. Children feel a lot of emotions but many don’t have the tools to help them understand their feelings and how to process them. We need to teach our kids these skills in order to be successful later in life.

What I really liked is this book is geared towards children. She writes to the child first – you as a parent can read a long and help but the child is the most important part in this book. She speaks to the child in a mature, open and caring manner that encourages your child to open up, read more and try each activity presented.

She presents six chapters and encourages your child to move through them in any order they need – the choice is up to them. The chapters include: focus, calm, move, change, care and reflect. Each chapter has activities, crafts and exercises that they can do alone or with a parent or a friend. Each section has helpful tools to encourage your child to reflect on the activity, exercise or craft – this helps to reinforce the learning process. We started with rainbow breath and unwind stress – these were also amazing for Mom too! Our next craft to try is energy slime!

This is an extremely thoughtful book for children of all ages to help them get in touch with their emotions, feelings and body and encourage a positive outlet for them.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and Indigo.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Celebrate Earth Day All Year with Did You Know? Earth

DK Canada

Learn all about our beautiful planet with this fun and exciting book guaranteed to answer your child’s biggest questions.

About Did You Know? Earth

This Earth encyclopedia answers all the probing questions children ask about our planet, in a fun question and answer format.

Can you freeze in a desert? How do living things become fossils? What is a biome?

Earth explains volcanoes, earthquakes, oceans, space, and much more! It focuses on the subjects that kids really want to know about and the questions they ask, helping them learn new information.

Get your children learning with this amazing book, which is packed with fantastic facts for curious minds.

Our Thoughts

This beautiful hardcover book geared towards children is a great way to get children interested in the world around them and why it is so important we do everything we can to protect it.

The book covers our planet basics (how did the Earth form, why don’t things float) to the Earth’s surface (sinkhole, fossil, soil) to the Blue planet (waterfalls, icebergs) to the air (seasons, lightning, tornadoes) to living on Earth and why we need to protect it.

The pictures are bright and bold with good movement around the pages. It really helps you to follow the content and to keep younger children entertained. The content is perfect for young children, it gives them just enough to spark their curiosity but not too much to overwhelm them. I loved how each section had a true and false block! Some of these really stumped me but we had a lot of fun learning the answers and new facts (like did you know it didn’t rain for 14 years in Arica, Chile between 11903 and 1918!).

What is so important about this book is not only the learning around how precious our planet is (and how vital this is to animals and humans) but how we are harming it. One part that stuck out to me the most, was the quote that ‘some scientists think there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish by 2050’. If that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will. Seeing that on paper, really helps to motivate you to do more.

This book provides you with not only an excellent learning opportunity for your child but to also start talking about the little ways that you can make a difference at home. Maybe you can recycle more, walk to school or work, participate in clean up days or even reduce the amount of water you use, start a garden. The possibilities are endless!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and Indigo.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Reaffirming My Health, Body and Fitness Goals with #CoolSculpting®

By now you are quite familiar with my weight loss and fitness journey as well as my very first treatment with CoolSculpting®, which I chose to have with the goal of achieving that extra confidence in my own skin after my weight loss. If you haven’t read my posts yet (gasp!), check out my weight loss journey here and my first treatment with CoolSculpting® here.

I have always been proud of my weight loss and perseverance through some extremely difficult times along the way. It was an uphill battle and I had to learn to give up things that didn’t make me happy and focus on myself (not the easiest task for any parent). Sometimes though, I look in the mirror and I am frustrated. I can’t always see that weight loss (funny – I never used to see the ‘fat girl’ in the mirror either) and I can be so hard on myself if the scale moves up and if my pants feel tighter around my waist.

Even with my maintained weight loss, I still have to be so careful to not slip into old habits. It is always too easy to skip a workout, eat that extra cookie, take that extra helping and the list goes on and on (why are the worst habits in life so much easier to do?).

I have noticed in the last few months, with added responsibilities at work and taking on the Team Manager position for my son’s team (really what was I thinking – completely going against my own advice from my first post but I am a sucker for those little sweethearts on his team!), I have not been as active as I used to be, I am feeling a bit more tired and I can notice the difference in my stomach and back area. Those little fat pockets can creep up so easily and they are so difficult to manage. I notice as soon as my stress levels get too high, my abdomen and flanks take a beating with extra fat storage.

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive treatment that is performed in the office of a CoolSculpting® certified professional.[i]I had my first CoolSculpting® treatment roughly two-and-a-half months ago, done by Linda at The Plastic Surgery Clinic in Mississauga and it was an eye-opening experience. I learned so much about my body, treatment options to achieve my final goals and realistic expectations for my own body (follow my entire experience with the treatment here). CoolSculpting® is non-invasive[ii] and designed to have you back on your feet immediately following the treatment.[iii],[iv] The treatment works by applying cold temperatures through an applicator to targeted fat pocket areas on your body over a set period of time.[v],[vi]

The real magic happens after the treatment, as your body breaks down the frozen fat cells naturally and eliminates them through your lymphatic system – the time frame for this to happen is anywhere from one month to up to three months.[i],[ii]

The bonus for patients? No extra work is required on your part. I almost thought this was a trick question! Linda was telling me that I didn’t have to drink more water, exercise more or wrap my torso? The treatment took only thirty-five minutes and it didn’t require any tough follow-up care.[i]

BUT that being said, you shouldn’t go out the next day and eat everything in sight or give up on your fitness routine. You would be defeating the hard work your body is doing in breaking down those frozen fat cells. You should be maintaining a healthy diet and still regularly working out using whichever form of exercise makes you feel good. All forms of exercise are important – from walking to yoga to strength training. 

Linda was fantastic and treated my flanks roughly two and a half months ago and this was my before picture (this was definitely not an easy picture for me to look at – aren’t we are own worst critics?):

She was fantastic and noted that while I did have some loose skin, I did have enough fat pockets that she could treat the area. We completed my first treatment with no side effects, no pain and I was able to resume all of my regular activities and work that same day. I can honestly say that it did not feel like I had a treatment done that day.

On my next visit to Linda, she had me stand in the same positions as at my previous visit to take photos in order to get a good idea of how the first treatment worked.

While it may be harder to tell from the photo (and I noticed that I was leaning a bit to the right in this picture and slouching with the angle of my shoulders which is a very bad habit I have picked up from working on the computer), I have noticed better definition down the sides of my abdomen as well as improvements in how the skin on my flanks and back feel. It was smoother with more definition and with less of a roll – it didn’t have that ‘squishy’ feel that it usually had which would have been where my fat was located. Have you ever just squeezed that fat roll? (I live in a house of boys, so we tease each other and laugh about things like this all the time!) I had less of that fat to squeeze.

I left my second appointment with Linda feeling quite happy and accomplished. My visit with her reaffirmed what I had already been feeling – that my waistline felt smoother, more defined and I had less of those fat rolls on my back. I also had the confidence to wear a tight dress again and to show off my curves and be proud. With everything that I had been through in the last two years, this was a huge step for me. I have come so far with my body image acceptance and I am finally at a time in my life where I love my body how it is. 

My CoolSculpting® treatment was an exciting learning experience for me and opened my eyes to a non-invasive treatment[i] that is the perfect alternative to surgery. With zero downtime,[ii],[iii] no pain and no extra requirements post-treatment, this is a fantastic alternative for women and men who are looking to get that extra boost of confidence by eliminating those stubborn fat cells that seem to haunt us on our abdomen, arms and thighs.[iv],[v] It helps you to naturally eliminate those fat cells without having to have surgery[vi], medical leave or stop participating in your day-to-day activities.[vii],[viii] It is an excellent alternative for individuals who are close to their fitness and body goals but who would like to target areas of fat.[ix]

Remember to always book your consultation first with a CoolSculpting® certified clinician, this will ensure you are prepared with realistic treatment options, expectations and not disappointed. They will go over every aspect of the treatment to ensure you are mentally and physically ready. Treatment plans do vary based on your body type, so this step is incredibly important to ensure you know what to expect post treatment, you can visit to find a qualified clinic in your area.

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned CoolSculpting® treatment in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

[i] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[ii] Krueger N, et al. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2014;7:201–205.

[iii] Nelson AA (ed) Avram MM. Fat removal: Invasive and noninvasive body contouring. Wiley- Blackwell; 1st edition. April 2015. ISBN-10144433428X.

[iv] Zelickson B, et al. American Society for Dermatology Surgery 2009;35:1462–70.

[v] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[vi] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[vii] Krueger N, et al. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2014;7:201–205.

[viii] Nelson AA (ed) Avram MM. Fat removal: Invasive and noninvasive body contouring. Wiley- Blackwell; 1st edition. April 2015. ISBN-10144433428X.

[ix] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[i] Nelson AA (ed) Avram MM. Fat removal: Invasive and noninvasive body contouring. Wiley- Blackwell; 1st edition. April 2015. ISBN-10144433428X.

[i] Zelickson B, et al. American Society for Dermatology Surgery 2009;35:1462–70.

[ii] Klein KB, et al. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2009;41:785–90.

[i] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[ii] Zeltiq Data On File. About CoolSculpting. 2017.

[iii] Krueger N, et al. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2014;7:201–205.

[iv] Nelson AA (ed) Avram MM. Fat removal: Invasive and noninvasive body contouring. Wiley- Blackwell; 1st edition. April 2015. ISBN-10144433428X.

[v] Kilmer SL. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2017;49:63–68.

[vi] Kilmer SL, et al. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2016;48:3–13.=

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Drone Strike Book Review

Italy Book Tours

Drone Strike takes you on a fast-paced adventure across the Mediterranean, into Mexico, finally arriving in the States.

About Drone Strike

Karim’s family is killed by a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, collateral damage. The Islamic State in the Levant exploits his rage, recruiting him for a terrorist attack on the U.S., and only Anthony Provati can stop him. Drone Strike takes you on a fast-paced adventure across the Mediterranean, into Mexico, finally arriving in the States. Drone Strike explores the psychological realities that seduce Karim to commit an act of terror, includes a love story between Moslem Karim and Miriam, a Christian woman he defends in Turkey and highlights the plight of Middle Eastern and Central American refugees.

My Thoughts

Drone Strike is intense, full of emotion, raw, painful and touches on the human perspective of conflict.

Karim loves his family and will do anything to keep them safe in Iraq even though his wife has pressured him to move them, he feels they will be safe. This all changes one day when his family is killed by a US drone strike as collateral damage. He is left full of anger, hate and bitterness. He will do anything to avenge his family and these emotions make him prey to others with dangerous plots.

This takes Karim down a very dangerous path of death, murder and suffering. We witness Karim be conflicted at times on what he is doing especially after he meets Miriam, a young Christian woman whose family was murdered by the men he is helping. They develop a relationship that you never see coming but one that is built on shared pain and understanding. Despite being from different backgrounds, their shared loss brings them together.

This is an intense but thrilling novel from start to finish. It builds up dramatically and leaves you not wanting to put the book down. There are so many tiny pieces woven into this story and this adds to how the plot unravels. I loved every moment of this novel and could not put it down.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

As a former International Executive Vice President of 3M, Joe Giordano’s
experience included running a business in the Middle East out of Athens, Greece. Born in New York, he’s had first-hand experience with the cultures and most of the locations in Drone Strike.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Paseka: A Little Elephant, Brave

Based on a true story, Paseka: A Little Elephant, Brave is the incredible story of an orphaned elephant calf.

About Paseka: A Little Elephant, Brave

Based on a true story, Paseka: A Little Elephant, Brave is the incredible story of an orphaned elephant calf. Having escaped the poachers who killed her mother, Paseka now faces other dangers in the African savanna. But when she mistakes a safari jeep for her mother, the miraculous happens. Even once Paseka discovers it’s a jeep, she keeps following it, right into camp! There, humans transfer her to an elephant rehabilitation center where brave little Paseka finds a new family.

Author Ruth James’s involvement in the African Children’s Book Box Society ( inspired her to write Paseka. Through the society, portable libraries of African literature in Book Boxes are distributed to local schools, primarily in Tanzania.

Told from Paseka’s point of view, the story raises important issues about the interaction between humans and wildlife, and our role in its protection and conservation. It also encourages empathy, so often the catalyst for positive change. While written to create African literature for African children, the book’s relevance is universal.

Our Thoughts

We could not wait to read this very special book that tells the tale of Paseka, an orphaned elephant calf in Bostwana and her journey of survival. We visited Botswana three years ago and the country is beautiful and works so hard to protect their wildlife. Despite this, you still have people that poach animals.

This story is beautifully written, it is honest without being frightening for a child but it is also full of emotion. Paseka is left without her mother and we feel her pain as she tries to find her in the beginning of the book not knowing she was already killed.

She encounters dangerous enemies in the wild and then once again meets up with humans. She is not sure if they are there to hurt her or help her. Paseka is transferred to an elephant sanctuary where she will either be accepted into a new family or not.

Elephants are beautiful, magical creatures. I will never forget the awe we felt as we were driving through Botswana and they would appear on the side of the road. My heart hurts to think of how any person could harm an animal but yet we witnessed it first hand as we visited sanctuaries. This book is so important to engage children at a young age in animal protection. We need to ignite that flame of caring, compassion and working to protect and save our wildlife. The book is honest, full of emotions and hope for a better future.

This is a truly special book with inspiring illustrations. We loved reading it together and it has found a special home in our library.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

About the Author

Ruth James is a former school teacher who loves children’s literature. She is a director on the board of the African Children’s Book Box Society ( The society, which began as a literacy project in Kenya, now works mainly in Tanzania, providing portable libraries of books by African authors to schools that have few storybooks and even fewer featuring African children. It was during a visit to Africa that Ruth met Paseka, the little orphan elephant, and was inspired to share Paseka’s story with children.

Kent Laforme is a stone carver who loves to draw. In fact, he’s loved drawing and stones all his life. While working on this book, Kent stumbled upon a 15,000 lb (almost 7,000 kg) boulder that looked just like an elephant! Inspired by this story, Kent is now carving Paseka in stone. He lives in Victoria, BC, with his wife, Tamara, and their two children, Aya and Koen. You can view his work at

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Working Mommy Journal
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