Category: home decor

Your Home, Your Oasis – Keep it Fresh with Febreze Air Purifier


I love my home – I can not wait to come home from a busy day at work to throw off my shoes, get into comfy clothes and just unwind with my kids before we are back out the door for soccer practices. I know I am not alone in this, your home should be the one place in the world that is your special place where you can escape the craziness of life.

The only complaint I have?

Between two dogs and two active young boys, our home can become stinky and full of dust quite fast. There are weeks that I feel I can not keep up with the dust, dog dander and the smell from the soccer cleats (honestly – how is it even possible that cleats can become so stinky???).

Your Home, Your Oasis - Keep it Fresh with Febreze

But look at those adorable faces – I wouldn’t change it for anything even when you come home and have to clean before you can relax.

To top it off, both of my boys and myself have allergies and asthma which means we have to be extra careful in the home with dust and the dog dander. To combat the allergies and dog dander in the home and to prevent medical flare ups, we make sure that we follow the steps below:

  • Limit the amount of carpet in the house. Our main floors and bedrooms are laminate which makes it easier to spot the dust and vacuum on a regular basis. I know this isn’t the most budget friendly option for every home but this has definitely helped us out as a family.
  • Change dog bedding three times a week. Our eldest dog has a skin condition that I like to explain to others as similar to dandruff. Her skin is always itchy and she constantly scratches and pulls off layers of skin and fur. When she has a flare up, we have to be careful and ensure we are vacuuming her sleeping area and keeping her blankets clean to remove the flakes from the floor. For reasons that the vet can not explain, when she has these flare ups her skin also becomes oily and emits a foul smell.
  • Chore charts to include our children in the dusting, vacuuming and dog walks. We have tried many different methods in the past but we found that recording their completion of chores on the fridge puts a competitive edge to their chores and helps get it done.

The number one item that we have introduced into our home to help improve air quality? A Febreze Air purifier.

Your Home, Your Oasis - Keep it Fresh with Febreze

This air filter comes in three sizes (table top, mini tower and tower) and has the ability to trap up to 99% of the most common airborne particles like dust, pollen and pet dander with the added bonus of the famous Febreze scents.

Your Home, Your Oasis - Keep it Fresh with Febreze

We used the tower for the toughest area in our home, the living room, and the table top for the bedroom. Once you have decided on the most appropriate size for the area, set up is extremely easy. We literally pulled the system out, removed the taping, inserted the filter and Febreze cartridge and the unit was ready to go.

Your Home, Your Oasis - Keep it Fresh with Febreze

We noticed a marked improvement in as little as a day – when the units were operating you didn’t notice the smell from our dogs and the dust didn’t bother us, the air quality in our home was greatly improved. When you forgot to turn the units on and came home, the smells and air quality hit you like a wall (for me I feel it the worst in my sinuses with instant sinus pain, sneezing and irritation).

You can choose from three air cleaning settings on the unit, we had a personal preference for the highest setting for a good portion of the day and using the middle setting at night. The setting choice would come down to how tough the area is with the air particles and smell, since our family spends a great amount of time in our living room and on the main floor – we needed the strongest setting to combat the smells and dust/pet dander. The same applies to the scent setting, you can choose how strong you want the Febreze scent to be. The units are discreet and can be placed in any room without distracting from your décor.

Are you fighting dust and indoor particles? Use my tips above and check out this helpful video that provides you with additional steps to keep your living room clean, fresh and free from airborne particles:

How do you help control and eliminate airborne particles in your home and keep your home smelling fresh?

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned products in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Key to a Perfect Night Sleep: Your Pillow

The Key to a Perfect Night Sleep: Your Pillow

We all know the awful affects that a rough night of sleep has on our body the next day. We are left feeling drained, irritable, exhausted and sometimes just unable to function the next day. When you add a family and the responsibilities of child care and work into the mix, it can be a disaster.

So how do we find and achieve that perfect night sleep?

The key is in your pillow!

You may be asking how and why your pillow helps with a great night sleep. How many times have you woken up with a stiff neck? A headache? Poor head and neck support during the night can cause a greater occurrence in these types of symptoms the next day. Poor sleep can also lead to increased pain throughout the day, irritability, exhaustion and difficulty dealing with stress. Combine this with young kids and it makes for a perfect storm, with usually your loved ones taking the brunt of it.

So what makes a perfect pillow?

The Key to a Perfect Night Sleep: Your Pillow

Research has been done comparing traditional pillow design vs a roll pillow vs  water based pillow and has actually found that a water based pillow is associated with improved quality of sleep and increased pain relief (research can be found in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cervical Pain).

Mediflow pillows are water based pillows that combine the water technology with the softness of a foam or down filled pillow. There are three versions of the Mediflow pillow: Fiberfill, Gel-Memory foam and down. The Floating Comfort pillow falls under the Fiberfill category and has an amazing ten-year warranty. Water based pillows work by the water adjusting and moving direction as your head moves during the night. This ensures your head always has the same amount of support no matter which way your body moves.

The Key to a Perfect Night Sleep: Your Pillow

What I loved the most about the Floating Comfort pillow is that you can customize it to suit your needs. All of us need a different level of support while we sleep and that is okay. This design allows you to choose your level of support by the amount of water you add to the pillow. If you like a firmer pillow (which is me) then you add more water – softer pillow, use less water. The choice is truly yours as you decide your comfort level. I recommend filling it up with less first and then test it out to see if it works for you. Adding the water is simple, so you don’t have to worry that it will be difficult to go back to add more water. We filled it up with the recommended amount first, tried it out on the bed laying in different positions and ended up adding a bit more in after we tested it.

The pillow was soft to the touch which our youngest loved (of course he had to steal it from me on the first night!). On top of the water base is a layer of soft fabric that gives you that traditional pillow feel. This pillow is actually softer than the pillows we currently own! It is a bit heavier than our other pillows but that doesn’t affect sleep or how we used the pillow.

I fell in love with the Floating Comfort design, it was soft and provided the exact support I needed. I didn’t have to fold it in half to get the extra neck support and I wasn’t waking up constantly throughout the night to adjust it (win win, right?). This is the perfect pillow for parents of young kids and babies who crave (and most definitely need!) a good nights sleep.

Make sure to follow Mediflow on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest news and more.

Disclosure: I received the Floating Comfort Pillow in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Make Moving Simpler with these 5 Easy Tips

Make Moving Simpler with these 5 Easy Tips

Moving into your first (or second or third) home is an exciting adventure full of anticipation, hopes and dreams. It can also be the busiest and most overwhelming time of your life, especially for first time home owners. There are endless changes that need to be made, items to be purchased, paperwork to be signed and the list can go on and on.

Make Moving Simpler with these 5 Easy Tips

How do we make this time just a little bit easier so we can truly enjoy this special moment?

Here are my five easy tips to help make this time in your life easier:

Create a Spreadsheet

Everyone that I know laughs at me and my Google spreadsheets but honestly they are the biggest lifesaver. You can download the Google drive app onto your smart phone so you can have instant access to your spreadsheets. Use the spreadsheet to track your to do items, mark off items as you complete them (especially when it comes to transferring addresses and booking utility appointments) and use it to jot down reminders as they come to you. I think we have all had those moments when we were at a store and we remember an item that we must complete when we get home, only to forget it by the time we get there. This eliminates the forgotten to do items. It will help you keep your sanity and give you a stronger sense of control during this busy time.

Hire a Mover

While it is nice to try to save money and count on friends and family, this can sometimes back fire on you. Not everyone may come out or the ones that do come out to help may not be physically able to do the required moving. You don’t want to ruin friendships and family relationships over an unsuccessful move. It is worth it to splurge on a mover to help ship the big items and boxes, while having friends and family help sort and unpack at your new home. Your friends and family will thank you! If you do have friends and family to help you, make sure you thank them with a meal and drinks after the work is done.

Ensure You Pack and Have Easy Access to an Essentials Box

Your new home will be full of unopened boxes and clutter for the first week or two, so it is so important you pack not only a box but also a bag with key essentials for the first week. You should include items for the kitchen and bathroom as well as personal toiletries.

Label, Label, Label!

While I can say that I am the Queen of Labels at home, this is so important. Boxes can easily be misplaced and put in the wrong location in your new home. What might have made sense on the outside of the box when you first packed it, may not always be clear two months later when you go to find something. Use a location label first (kitchen, basement, laundry room, etc..) and then a couple of lines indicating what is actually in the box.

Out with the Old and In With the New!

Moving is a great time to go through all of the items that you may have accumulated over time and donate unused items or even have a garage sale.

Inspect your furniture – is it in good shape and will it fit in the new home?

Inspect your mattress – most people forget about their mattress. Yes you might have the best memory foam mattress in the world, but ask yourself…is it worn and definitely time for a new one? Make this a time to upgrade these important household items and treat yourself with a new mattress  your body will thank you especially after all of the lifting and moving!

Moving into your new home is a special time in your life and you should enjoy as much of it as possible. When it starts to become too much, remember to step back, take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to re-group. If it still feels like too much, head out for a walk with your partner or even to your favourite restaurant or store for some much-needed down time.

What is your number one tip to help making the moving process simpler?

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Find Your Lampe Berger Personality with The 2016 Collection

The Lampe Berger brand has always been committed to eliminating odours with sophistication and style. The company is taking this to a new level in 2016 with four unique lamp styles to match your personality and six brand new scents that will take you on a journey through countries, mountains and fields.

Are you ready to meet the four new unique lamp personalities?

Discover Your Lampe Berger Personality with the 2016 Collection

The Passion Lamp: Prestige

This is the lamp that we received in the mail and we fell in love with the clear glass design, wide rounded curves and the generous room for the scented perfume inside the lamp. This is Lampe Berger’s elegant, refined scented lamp and comes in three colours; red, black and transparent. It’s elegant design and transparent glass allowed us to easily move the lamp from our dining room table, the bathroom and to the living room and still match the decor from room to room. Setting up the lamp is as simple as removing it, filling it up, placing the cord inside and putting the lid on. We love starting the lamp (which is flameless and an even bigger bonus: no cords!) as soon as we get home from work and leave it for roughly ten minutes in each room. It covers our whole living room no problem in that time and even into the main hallway (where our dog loves to sleep and you can smell her the most in this area) and effectively eliminates any of the off odours from our dog or smelly socks and shoes. The top of the lamp never becomes too hot and we have never had a time where we have forgotten to turn the lamp off.

Discover Your Lampe Berger Personality with the 2016 Collection

The Athena Lamp: Sophistication

This is the brand’s famous look, which was given a slight update to have an even more sophisticated and assertive look to it. The trendy vintage look comes in two colours: honey with bronze mounting and smokey grey with aged tin mounting (I love the honey and bronze look!). These combine to give these lamps a timeless yet contemporary look that will fit the vintage personality in your family.

Berlingot Gift Set: Pop Art

This sweet lamp has a modern look to it that will appeal to the artist in you. The lamp comes in lacquered glass in red and green that gives an instant pop of colour in your home. This lamp is definitely for the person in your life who loves that pop of colour, who is free-spirited and lives life on the edge.

Ovalie Gift Set: Gentle and Feminine

For our romantic users, the Ovalie Boxed Set comes in a gentle rose colour with a simple oval shape that will fit into your home decor easily. Simple, romantic and stunning! This would be a perfect gift for the young lady in your life who is going off to school or heading into her first place (either renting or owning). It is sweet, romantic, soft and welcoming with its oval shape.

Find Your Lampe Berger Personality with Four New Lamps

Now that you have met the four personalities, meet the new Lampe Berger perfumes: Timeless Rose (an ode to Spring), Bergamot (Mediterranean style) and mineral oakmoss (between seas and mountain). Each scent is unique (you will not find them in any other product!) and cleans the air in your home leaving a breath of fresh of air in its wake.

Discover Your Lampe Berger Personality with the 2016 Collection

For those not familiar with the way the lamps work, once the scent is in the lamp, you light the mounting wire piece allowing the flame to burn for a few minutes. Once you blow out the flame, the lamp diffuses the perfumed scent throughout the room.

Discover Your Lampe Berger Personality with the 2016 Collection

With two boys and a dog, our lamps have been a life saver for bad smells! Our lamps leave our rooms smelling fresh, relaxing and inviting while looking stylish, using no flames (a big no-no for two young boys who love kicking balls in the house) and with no attachments (no plug-ins, no charging!).

Connect with Lampe Berger online to find out more about their product lines and fragrances. Make sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date on new releases.

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned product free of charge in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Personalized Holiday Gifts with Acrylic Blocks from Posterjack!


The holiday season is just around the corner and I am sure many of you have either already started shopping or at least planned out some gift ideas!. Many of the items on my list are personalized items (like photographs) so that my family member can cherish that memory just as much as we do. Using your own photographs is one of the best ways to capture special moments for family members and friends, especially for those who do not live nearby.

Unique Acrylic Blocks from Posterjack

Acrylic blocks are unique gift ideas that the recipient can display at home or even at work (my acrylic block is proudly displayed on my desk at work and I have patients constantly stopping to have a look at it!). Your photograph is displayed on a clear, one inch piece of premium cast acrylic block. Posterjack prints your image onto the back of the block and the result is an image that appears almost 3D with crystal clear quality. The light catches in the acrylic block in such a unique way that really makes your image the centre of attention.

Unique Acrylic Blocks from Posterjack

Ordering acrylic blocks from Posterjack is simple, which is something we all need during the holiday season. All you have to do is visit Posterjack, choose the acrylic block option and upload your photo. Simplicity at it’s finest!

Unique Acrylic Blocks from Posterjack

The acrylic blocks fit the home decor and styles of any individual and help keep those special memories alive (your favourite fur baby, a family member or even a new baby!).

Make sure you check out Posterjack online, Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with news, contests and more!

How do you like to gift photographs for family and friends? Do you buy calendars, frames,etc?

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