Don’t Look In Book Review

The patients of psychiatrist Gus Young are turning up dead in Tom Saric’s new thriller, Don’t Look In, and he is the main suspect.

About Don’t Look In
Gus fled the big city to escape the shame, gossip and glares of his family, friends and colleagues after he tarnished his reputation. He ends up in a small, backwater rural town in Maine where no one will know him and he can start his life over. But someone is out to get him, and is framing him for the murders of his patients.
Wanda Flynn, the sexy town prostitute who is having an illicit affair with the married mayor, is demanding that he leave his wife for her. Her brother has just been released from jail after a ten-year sentence, and is back in town. It was Wanda’s testimony that was pivotal in sealing his conviction. Suddenly she is found dead, shot in the head in front of her apartment, shortly after she had unburdened her secrets, fears and desires to Gus Young. Because of patient-client confidentiality, Gus cannot reveal that she is his client, nor what she revealed to him, even if it will help to solve the murders, or clear his name as a suspect.
Then another patient, Ned, who is suffering from paranoia and is sure he knows the identity of Wanda’s killer, is found dead in his home after he had an altercation with Gus that left him bleeding on the floor. The police find bullets in both victims that match a rare gun, the Lee-Enfield No.4, which has mysteriously vanished from Gus’s basement. And they find Wanda’s turquoise necklace in his possession.
All the evidence point to Gus. He is the prime suspect in the murders, but in order to protect his clients’ confidentiality, even after they are dead, Gust doesn’t reveal information that can prove his —Over— innocence. Gus puts his own life in jeopardy in a desperate effort to clear his name and track down the real killer. When his estranged daughter comes to visit him, her life and the life of his trusted friend Sheila, are in jeopardy from the real killer who wants to do them harm. As a sinister plot unravels, Gus discovers a horrible secret about his past.
Tom Saric, who is a psychiatrist, packs his thriller with quirky characters: the cross-dresser, the married couple who don’t enjoy sex, the psychopath who is a petty criminal, the town sex-worker, and a love interest, the tall beautiful blonde who shares his love of country music and is the first woman to show an interest in him after his messy divorce.
My Thoughts
Wow! I loved every moment of this incredible book, it was suspenseful, exciting and kept me constantly guessing and on the edge of my seat from start to finish.
Gus is an amazing psychiatrist, going above and beyond to build trust, respect and open communication with his patients. He offers no judgement and I loved his honesty, frankness and caring nature to his patients. He is deeply involved with them (and is part of the reason for the breakdown of his marriage and relationship with his daughter) and honours the confidentiality agreement he makes with them. And this is where he gets himself in trouble when not one but two of his clients end up dead, and he becomes the main suspect.
Gus is determined to help solve the murders, not solely to clear his own name, but to help bring peace to his own mind for his patients. What begins to develop is this incredible plot that spans many years and includes a previous patient that he had treated. It is the connection between his patients and him that leaves you wondering why – why would someone try to frame him for murder? Why would anyone murder these patients that do not seem to be connected at all? What is the catalyst for this?
What I loved the most in this novel was that I never knew what was coming next. Right when I thought I had solved who had committed the murders, my theory was thrown right out the window. The story was fast paced but well developed and gave you just the right information at just the right time. Don’t Look In is a definite must read novel that you will not be able to put down.
You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository and Indiebound.
Rating: 5/5
About the Author
Tom Saric, a pseudonym, has been practicing psychiatry for ?? years. He has written several thrillers, including, Indicted, and Compromise. DON’T LOOK IN is the first in a series featuring psychiatrist Gus Young. Saric lives in Canada.
You can connect with him on his website, Twitter and Facebook.
The Giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveawayDisclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.