Category: iRead Book Tours

Beyond Believing Book Review

iRead Book Tours

Beyond Believing is a sweet, funny and romantic story that touches the heart, serves up delicious twists and turns, and shows the reader that there’s no such thing as “coincidence.” Author D.D Marx regards this book as her love letter to friendship.

Beyond Believing Book Review

About Beyond Believing

When Olivia gets news of her best friend Dan’s fatal car accident, her entire life is upended. Shattered with grief and struggling to find any meaning or purpose to life, she trudges along with a gaping void in her heart. Finally, when her frustration reaches its peak, Olivia decides to trust Dan’s eternal friendship. That trust allows him to break through to her from the beyond, and Dan guides Olivia through the twists and turns of her life into something new and entirely unexpected.

When Olivia exposes a gigantic internal scandal at work, her career implodes. With no job and no one to turn to, she escapes to Palm Springs for the sympathy and care of her beloved cousin, Garrett. He isn’t quite the comfort Olivia hoped for, but on that journey, meets someone who fills the void in her heart. She’s never experienced such a deep love. It heals her soul and rekindles her spirit – and just may have been the design of her dearly departed friend all along.

My Thoughts

I fell in love with this first book in the Beyond series. In this book we are introduced to Olivia and her past with her best friend Dan. I would say about the first half of the book is a look at their history and friendship and really helps to give a good insight into their history, their closeness and how his death affects her. The second half sets her story really into motion – a new career, losing her job and then moving to a new State.

Losing anyone is difficult no matter what. Losing your best friend, the one who knows so much about you, finishes your sentences and completes parts of you can be difficult to recover from. We watch Olivia struggle through his death and come to terms with a future without him there. I loved how she looks for signs that he is still with her and helping her make decisions. I know that sometimes when I see something that reminds me of someone I lost, it always seems to come at that perfect moment when I feel alone, scared and confused.

This is what that book explores – loss, hope, faith and friendship. Friendship can cross all boundaries and I truly believe the ones we have lost are still with us, looking out for us and working to protect us. This book is well written with an excellent plot line that keeps you reading long into the night. I felt close to Olivia, as though she was a good friend that you wanted to comfort and give a big hug to. This is a definite must read novel!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

D.D. marx came barreling into this world with the “gift of gab”. Her parents quickly identified a pattern forming when each teacher conference contained the words “she’s a little too social”. d.d.’s biggest life concern was identifying which boy she’d be chasing at recess rather than mastering math problems. She parlayed this gift into creating play dates on the playground. If friendship were a business, she would be a millionaire. She prides her life on maintaining friends from every walk of life in every corner of the country. This is the fuel that fills her tank.

Graduating with a Communication degree from the University of Dayton, she attempted to break into the world of Public Relations but was instead side-tracked with a J.O.B. At the strong encouragement of her friends and family, who dubbed her a “funny story teller”, she stretched her comfort zone by entering the Second City program in Chicago where her itch for entertainment was finally scratched. Determined to share her story and create a legacy, she decided to combine these talents and become a writer. She returned to her alma-mater to immerse herself in a 3-day writing course where this dream finally came to life. Asked to imagine if she was a super-hero, her task was to dig-deep to describe her special powers. Based on the real-life tragedy of one of her best friends, that answer came without hesitation. All she’s ever wanted was the power to visit with him one last time. This is the inspiration that catapulted her into her debut project titled, the Beyond Series. She dove into a world imagining that he never left.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Fabergé Entanglement Book Review

iRead Book Tours

Sabinne ‘Saber’ Darrieux’s father, the billionaire CEO of Frontenac Global Security has been kidnapped. His ransom is not cash in a numbered offshore account, or a briefcase of Bearer Bonds but something utterly unique, incredibly valuable, and until recently, hidden away from the world.

The Fabergé Entanglement Book Review

About The Fabergé Entanglement

Sabinne ‘Saber’ Darrieux’s father, the billionaire CEO of Frontenac Global Security has been kidnapped. His ransom is not cash in a numbered offshore account, or a briefcase of Bearer Bonds but something utterly unique, incredibly valuable, and until recently, hidden away from the world.

The kidnapper seems to know Saber very well, and knows that the next day, through her work as an elite translator she will be in the same location as the Object. She must steal the Object and deliver it to the kidnapper to ransom her father.

Adrian Steele, a British Intelligence agent has just come off of two harrowing missions. Upon returning to London for a well-earned rest, he learns that his friend and fellow agent, has been murdered in Moscow, but not before he made use of a unique Object as a mobile ‘drop site’ for the valuable intelligence he was carrying.

The drop site is traveling from Moscow to England. Steele insists on completing the mission to honor the death of his friend, Gerry Cornell.

At an ultra-chic quasi-diplomatic gathering in a mansion in Windsor, England, Saber and Steele meet and find themselves faced with a powerful, undeniable attraction. But at the moment, this compelling attraction is very inconvenient.

In reality they are at the mansion to check out the security arrangements — for their own reasons — to steal the Object, a Fabergé egg worth thirty million dollars. But who will get to the egg first?

Fabergé eggs are very famous for their unique surprises. Saber and Steele are about to be very surprised, indeed.

And when Saber clashes with Steele; more than sparks will explode!

My Thoughts

The Faberge Entanglement is an exciting, suspenseful, sexy novel from start to finish. We have two very strong, smart, sassy and sexy main characters, Saber and Steele. I loved them both equally, Saber especially. It isn’t too often that you find a female main character who is so powerful, smart and an incredible fighter like her. She holds her own throughout this story and I really enjoyed the power struggle between her and Steele.

The plot line itself was pretty exciting and changes as we learn more information about Saber’s personal and family history. The story evolved in an amazing but not expected manner that kept me guessing right to the very end! I did not expect the ending of the book at all but it suited the characters and the story perfectly.

This novel is well written with great attention to character development and the plot. Each chapter was quite short which was different for me and alternated between the two main characters. I liked how this added to the suspense and urgency of the novel and solving the mystery of who is behind the kidnapping. This was a great read from start to finish!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Rating:  4/5

About the Authors

Enjoyed an exotic, adventure-filled childhood, following her anthropologist father and travel writer mother to the farthest corners of the world. She later took inspiration from her Aunt Sophia Francesca and became the author of romantic adventure novels. She alternates her time between Los Angeles, and a family property located in Yorkshire England.

​She is the author of the first two books of the Time Frame Series, LUST. MECHANICS. MINI COOPER. and SEX. COFFEE. TIME TRAVEL. Loves travel, discovering new foods to try, reading and writing. She currently lives in the central highlands of Costa Rica with her dog Pixie and her hedgehog Quiller.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Awoke Book Review

iRead Book Tours

In Awoke, Katya must decide whether she values the simple and easy life she created for herself over the complex and difficult world now asking her to stand and fight.

Awoke Book Review

About Awoke

Katya leads a normal life any teenager would be envious of – popular, pretty and dating the high school elite. Not she enjoys the spotlight, mind you. She wants everyone to believe she is normal.

But when Katya sees the real reason behind the earthquakes plaguing everyone in Boston, the truth rattles and shatters the perfect normal illusion Katya created for herself. An ability to see unearthly creatures and manipulate waves of life energy labels her as anything but normal. And it’s an ability that attracts unwanted and dangerous attention.

She reluctantly finds herself in the company of Gregor, a handsome member of an international spirit military team called the Kyrios. Her simple decision to help thrusts Katya in a world of the undead spirits, betrayal and a perpetual battle between undead monsters and the wardens that keep them in their place.

Katya must decide whether she values the simple and easy life she created for herself over the complex and difficult world now asking her to stand and fight.

My Thoughts

Awoke is an exciting adventure that sees a young teenager fighting against the undead spirits who are causing havoc on an unsuspecting world.

Katya hides behind the image of a normal teenage life, she is popular, pretty and dating the most popular boy in school. Inside though she hides some pretty big secrets – even from herself at times. She wants to ignore those secrets so that she can be normal and make her Mom happy. But in one moment everything changes. Katya meets a young man, Gregor, who is a member of the Kyrios who fight the undead spirits.

He sees in her something special and different. He knows there is more to her then even she can begin to imagine. This starts her down the path of finding her true calling which is full of monsters, lies, betrayal and even some romance.

This is the perfect novel for young adults and teenagers a like. The characters are well-developed and you can relate to them, who wouldn’t want to be Katya and have the powers she has? Not to mention the budding romance between her and Gregor? I loved the way the plot was woven and was not expecting the betrayal that occurred that really changed the way I thought the plot was going. I loved how the ending left it open for a second part in this series as I would really love to see what is next for Katya and Gregor and their fight against the undead. If you have a teen that loves supernatural adventures like the Shadowhunters, then this would be a great novel for them.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound and Kobo.

Rating: 4/5

About the Author

K.T. Conte is a lover of books, people and all things wild and crazy. She received her B.A. in English from Boston College and her law degree from Suffolk University Law School. While she has and continues to be a licensed attorney, her first love has always been books from the tender age of 2. Originally from Massachusetts, K.T. currently lives in New York City with the monsters in the closet, her husband Everett, a couple of building fairies and her dog, Champ.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Sky Throne Book Review

iRead Book Tours

In Sky Throne, on his way to becoming king of the Greek gods, Zeus will learn to seize power, neutralize his enemies, and fall in love.

The Sky Throne Book Review

About Sky Throne

Duality dwells at every turn, and an adolescent Zeus will learn that all too well when Hyperion attacks his family on Crete.

When the dust settles, his mother is unconscious and his best friend left for dead.

Stacking epic insult upon fatal injury, Zeus discovers the woman who raised him is not his biological mother. But to ensure her safety while she recovers, a heavy-hearted Zeus leaves her behind to seek answers at Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia.

Zeus embarks on a quest to discover who ordered the attack on his home, avenge the death of his friend, and find his birth mother. When some of his new schoolmates vanish, Zeus’s quest is turned upside down, and the only way to make things right is to access the power of The Sky Throne, confront a most dangerous enemy, and take his life back.

My Thoughts

I LOVE Greek history (well all history in general) and this book had all of my favourite Greek Gods but from a whole new view-point – before they became the Gods that grace the pages of history books and classes.

The story focuses around Zeus who is a light-hearted prankster who yearns for more than the life of taking care of sheep that he is leading. He is such a funny sweet young man who it is almost hard to imagine in the beginning that this young man will become the great Zeus. It is when his best friend is murdered and his Mother injured that Zeus sets out on a quest to learn more about his past, avenge his friend’s murder and to find his place in the world.

This is when we meet with some of the other God’s and get an intimate look into their youth and personalities. Zeus enters a very special and elite school with very few of the other God’s. They are in a constant competition with the neighbouring school who broke apart from Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. This is when the story gets really exciting! The plot begins to centre around the Sky Throne, the disappearance of his friends and a battle between (what felt like) good and evil.

I loved every moment of this exciting story and felt it would be great for young adults and adults alike. It gave such a unique and different look at the lives of the Gods before they became famous in history. We saw them as they begin to grow into their roles, as somewhat normal teens trying to find their place in the world. It was definitely a novel that I could not put down and have read several times over since receiving this book. It is a definite must read!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Amazon Canada, Barnes & Noble and Book Depository.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Chris Ledbetter is an award-winning author of short fiction and novels for young adults. “Jason’s Quest,” a short story retelling of the Jason and Medea Greek myth was published in the anthology, Greek Myths Revisited. His first full-length novel, Drawn earned him two awards, Library of Clean Reads Best YA 2015 and Evernight Publishing Readers’ Choice Award Best YA 2015, as well as a USATODAY “Must Read” recommendation. His second novel, Inked, concludes that duology. The Sky Throne is his newest young adult novel. The second book in the series is set to release in 2018.

He’s a proud member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and a strong supporter of the Need for Diverse Books. He now writes and lives in Wilmington, NC with his family, including three cats.

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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Life Long Book Review

iRead Book Tours

Like so many Americans before him, he travels through unfamiliar territory with no clear way of knowing who will help and who will harm him. And he may well find himself on the wrong side of the border with a mind that has no borders.

Life Long

About Life Long

Ray Lopez is on the run with a duffel bag full of cash. Both drug dealers and the police are after him. But Ray is not a criminal. His last brush with the law was over traffic tickets. Recently released from the hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, he is haunted by voices, auditory hallucinations, that frighten him and cause him to question his every move.

Ray’s journey from California to Laredo is perilous. Like so many Americans before him, he travels through unfamiliar territory with no clear way of knowing who will help and who will harm him. And he may well find himself on the wrong side of the border with a mind that has no borders.

My Thoughts

Life Long is an emotionally charged, thought-provoking novel. Our main character, Ray, suffers with schizophrenia. I found this left him open to people who would use him, hurt him and prey upon his fears and worries. Ray was at the heart of things a truly kind and warm individual who wanted to help others. His mental illness caused him to act and say things he normally wouldn’t at times. It also caused him to live in fear and do things he probably shouldn’t but because he couldn’t process things the way others may, people took advantage of this. My heart broke for Ray at so many times throughout this story.

Ray was used by a person that was close to him and who should never have treated him the way he did. He was taken advantage of and this left him caught in the middle between drug dealers and the police. Because of the way he processes situations, he felt that his only option was to run. Which is what he did. We quickly see just how unprepared he is to move out into the world when he has been so sheltered for so long.

He finds himself on a journey that he was so unprepared for – including not having enough of his medication to help keep the voices caused by the schizophrenia at bay. He feels he has no other option but to cross the border into Mexico to look for medical help. His trusting and nervous nature makes him a quick target.

Life Long is an intimate look into the struggles of a young man dealing with a mental health condition. He is unprepared and unsure of the world around him – as he is always second guessing his decisions, is it the voices or is this a good decision? My heart broke so many times throughout this novel at the unfairness that he was dealt with and how resilient he was. Life Long is a definite must read novel for young adults.

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, IndieBound.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Born and raised in Fresno California – Educated at St. Mary´s College California, University of California Berkeley, University of San Francisco – Practiced law from !966 to 2003 as a Deputy District Attorney, a criminal defense attorney, and a Deputy Public Defender – Appointed to the California Agriculture Labor Relations Board by Governor Jerry Brown in 1974 and later served as the District Attorney of Santa Cruz County California.

Ronald L. Ruiz has published 5 novels and a memoir. Happy Birthday Jesus (1994), Giuseppe Rocco (1998), The Big Bear (2003), A Lawyer (2012), Jesusita(2015). and Life Long (2017).

The Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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