Category: Netflix

Celebrate Canada All Month Long #StreamTeam

I am very proud to live in Canada, we have been blessed to live in a country where we have freedom of speech, religion and a host of other rights that we tend to take for granted. Canadians have contributed a lot of amazing things to the world, from the discovery of insulin and stem cells to inventing basketball. What I am always surprised with is how many people don’t realize how much Canada has given to the world and how truly beautiful our country is.

Celebrate Canada All Month Long #StreamTeam

Canadians have made a huge contribution to the entertainment industry from animation to production to actors. It is time to celebrate and educate our children on these achievements (yes Canada is much more than Timmies and hockey!).  Here are the top entertainment picks sorted by production, animation and actors.

Celebrate Canada All Month Long

Canadian Animation Picks

  • Justin Time is a Canadian Animation on Netflix, where Justin and his imaginary friends travel the world learning about nature and other cultures (win win for parents right?).
  • The Magic School Bus is a Canadian- American animation that I am sure many of you, even adults, grew up with. How can you not love Ms. Frizzle and her crazy adventures in the Magic School Bus. There is so much for your little one to learn about in this great series.

Celebrate Canada All Month Long

Produced By Canadian Studios

  • Super Why is all about Wyatt and the Super Readers who solve problems by consulting classical stories.
  • Caillou, now I know not many people are a fan of him but I love this show as it teaches children about sharing, life skills and playing fair.

Celebrate Canada All Month Long

Filmed in Canada

  • Shadowhunters has to be one of my favourite new series (I am very impatiently waiting for the start of the second season). It is based on the book series but they do a fantastic job bringing the story to life and giving their own spin to this series.
  • Degrassi: Next Class was filmed in Toronto and is the next generation of teens as they navigate life and highschool.
  • Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days was filmed in Vancouver (who knew!) and is still after all this time a family favourite in our house. We loved the book series and they did a fantastic job bringing the books to life.
  • Some Assembly Required is filmed in Vancouver and is a huge hit for pre-teens. The series is about a fourteen year old who takes ownership of a toy shop. My kids love it but I am personally not a huge fan.

Celebrate Canada All Month Long

Canadians have a lot to be proud of and it is important to show our children the great achievements their fellow Canadians are making. Buy Canadian products, support our Canadian teams and choose Canadian films. Show that Canadian pride! What are your favourite Canadian films?

Celebrate Canada All Month Long #StreamTeam

Disclosure: I am a #StreamTeam member and receive perks associated with this affilitation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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School Is Out For The Summer: Top Netflix Picks!


School is officially almost done for us here in Southwest Ontario and the kids are ready to tackle the summer months. Can you blame them? I am excited for them! Between camps, hiking and swimming, there is always so much to do in Ontario during the holidays.

School is Out for the Summer: Netflix Top Picks!

But what about those inevitable rainy days? Or those super hot humid days where the kids just can’t go out? With one child with asthma, we have had to learn to be creative on indoor days. That is where Netflix steps in to become my number one sanity saver during the holidays.

Here are my Top Summer Sanity Saver Picks on Netflix:

For the Kids:

School Is Out For the Summer: Netflix Top Picks

Check out these fantastic titles for keeping the kids entertained during their downtime this summer:

  • The Good Dinosaur
  • Home
  • Voltron
  • Glitter Force
  • Mr. Peabody and Sherman
  • Dinotrux
  • Paw Patrol (I honestly think our youngest has watched both seasons multiple times but he still can not get enough)

School Is Out For the Summer: Netflix Top Picks

For the teens:

Here are my top choices for the teens in your home:

  • Switched at Birth
  • Pretty Little Liars
  • Glee
  • Degrassi: Next Class

For the adults:

School Is Out For The Summer: Top Netflix Picks

Because let’s be serious, we know we will need a bit of a break in the summer too. Check out my top picks for the parents to take some comic and dramatic relief:

  • Grace and Frankie
  • Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  • Call the Midwife
  • Orange is the New Black
  • Daredevil

How do you spend your down time during the school-free months? Do you have your own top picks on Netflix? Share them with me!

Disclosure: I am a Netflix #StreamTeam member and receive perks with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Performing Arts Are Brought to the Centre Stage in Julie’s Greenroom


Kids love to imagine, create, pretend and sing, it is such an important part of their childhood. Too soon we tend to take away these early moments of performing arts from our children for more structured activities, for school work and for organized sports. Our children need to know how important it is to play pretend, to imagine and to create with their own minds.

Julie Andrews (squeal!!) will be starring in Julie’s Greenroom where she brings her love of the performing arts to children through her teaching of the “Greenies” who are puppets and her students. With Ms. Julie’s guidance they will learn a mashup of skills including mime, dance, improve, circus arts, voice and so much more!

Performing Arts Are Brought to the Front Stage with Julie's Greenroom

Every episodes includes a special guest star. So far the confirmed list of guest stars includes: Alec Baldwin, Sara Bareillies, Joshua Bell, Tituss Burgess, Carol Burnett, Chris Colfer, Robert Fairchild, Josh Groban, David Hyde Piece, Bill Erwin, Ellie Kemper, Idina Menzel, Tiler Peck and Stomp.

This project brings to life one of Julie’s life long dreams to educate children about the wonder of the arts. She partners with her daughter, Emma, to help bring this show to life (is that not the best thing you have heard in a long time?!).

Here is Julie talking more about her new show:

So if you are like me and love the performing arts with a preschooler at home (hey I love her so much I would watch the episodes without my son around), then get ready for Julie’s Greenroom coming to Netflix globally in early 2017.

Disclosure: I am a #StreamTeam Member and receive perks associated with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Parenting Can Be Tough, Learn How to Make It Easier


I love my children with all of my heart, the day I became a Mother was one of the best moments in my life. What I wasn’t quite ready for was how hard parenting can be at times. I struggle with wondering if I am making the right decisions, am I building their confidence up while encouraging them to be independent? As if this wasn’t enough, let’s talk about the daily struggles, the name calling, the remote stealing and the general “he is looking at me – I don’t want him looking at me!” that you need to manage on top of just life.

Parenting is tough! As the Mom of two boys, I have had to learn quick what little boys like, how they play with each other and how they learn. They still shock me with the impromptu wrestling matches that make me cringe, the slide tackles while they play soccer that make my heart stop and the sucker punches thrown in (mostly) fun. 95% of the time they are laughing until one of them has decided they have had enough and that is when all craziness breaks out.

Here are some tools I have learned along the way to make the parenting journey we are on just a tad bit easier.

Understand your child’s emotions from their level. While fighting over the remote or a video game can seem like something silly to us, this is something that is important to them in that moment, there are a lot of underlying emotions going on. Trying to understand and talk our children through the emotions is just as important as the solution. Ask the questions about why they feel this way, why it’s important and let them know you understand them.

Set the rules before they play. This is a huge one in our home, before the kids can play on their video games we have rules on how they will share turns and the consequences for not sharing. The same goes for outdoor play. That way neither of them can act shocked or surprised when they break the rules and they have to deal with the consequences (usually video games go off or they need to chose a new sport outside).

Be a role model. Our kids watch us every second of the day, how we react to stress, something we don’t like, when we are sad, happy and everything in between. They also tend to copy our behaviours, even the undesirable ones. I can think of one perfect example, when our youngest was a toddler and we would go driving, I would occasionally yell at other drivers who cut me off, didn’t use signals, ran red lines and so on. It didn’t occur to me that he would pick up this behaviour until he was the one yelling at the other drivers first! Talk about a moment of horror for me.  I quickly learned that I couldn’t be yelling at other drivers with him in the car as he was mirroring my actions.

Use television shows to reach your child. Cartoons have this way of reaching out to kids in a way that sometimes words can’t. Some great options are:

Parenting Can Be Tough Make it Easier with Netflix

Learn all about Sibling Rivalry (a huge one in our home!) in episode one in  season one of The Hive: Babee’s Room. In this episode, Buzzabee and Rubee compete over who Babee (their new sibling) gets to room with. Mom and dad must explain to Buzzabee and Rubee that Babee needs to grow up before she can share a room.

Parenting Can Be Tough Make it Easier with Netflix

Responsibility (a huge topic I think in every home) can be seen in Episode One, Season One of Veggies Tales: Puppies & Guppies/Sorry We’re Closed Today. In this episode, Larry and Laura Carrot want to adopt puppies, but quickly learn it takes responsibility in order to watch over and care for a pet of their own.

Parenting Can Be Tough Make it Easier with Netflix

What about the important topic of peer pressure as your child grows? Fuller House has you covered in episode six, season one: The Legend of El Explosivo. After getting grounded for sneaking off to Bobby Popko’s house, Jackson realizes he needs to stand up for what he knows is right and not give in to please his friend.

Parenting can be tough, no one doubts it – just remember that you are doing your best and we all have moments where we feel like we fail. Always remember – your child loves you no matter what! Keep up the great job parents!

Disclosure: I am a Netflix #StreamTeam Member and receive perks with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Stop The Sibling War In Its Tracks


“It’s my turn!” “You picked last time” “I hate that show” “I’m telling, MOM!!!”

How many of you have heard these lines during a sibling war with what feels like a continuous struggle when it comes to picking something to watch, either a movie or television show? For our family, it feels like a constant struggle to balance what I lovingly refer to as the sibling war.

Our two boys are seven years apart, which was not really by choice. We tried for many years for a second child and it just didn’t seem to be happening. When we finally fell pregnant, it was such a surprise! Our eldest was so excited to be a big brother finally and when that day came, he was definitely (and still is) the best big brother.

Stop The Sibling War with Netflix

The balloon popped when our youngest learned that he too gets to watch all of the shows he wants to watch and learned how to choose them using the remote (like seriously how do kids learn how to use that remote so quickly?!!). The problem? He wanted to watch preschool theme shows and his older brother was horrified at the thought, which I can’t quite relate to as I love cartoons and give me Paw Patrol and cartoons  any day!

So how do we make this work?

We have tried many methods which includes rotating movie nights, keeping track of who chooses the next movie on a calendar and even rock, paper, scissors! Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how fair you keep it someone always ends up with tears.

Stop The Sibling War with Netflix

The only good thing out of this is that Netflix gets the sibling wars (I wonder how many of them struggle weekly at home with their own kids??) and have created a unique way to bridge the age gap and make everyone happy. With three unique playlists that are geared to a broad age group, you will find movies and shows that will make every child happy.

Stop The Sibling War with Netflix

These three unique playlists are:

While it will never be perfect, coping with these tricks sure does make life that much easier at home (especially since summer break is around the corner!). How do you tame the sibling war?

Disclosure: I am a Netflix StreamTeam Member and receive perks with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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