Make the Season Magical with Scents From Lampe Berger {Giveaway}

What is the first thing that you notice when you walk into a home? Is it that the home is warm and inviting? Maybe the tidiness of the home? I know for our family one of the first things we notice is the smell. Scents have a way of making a home feel warm, kind and embracing – especially during the holidays. There is no better feeling then walking into a decorated home with light scents of vanilla or subtle almond – you almost instantly feel welcome into that home!
The problem is finding that long lasting, inviting and yet not overwhelming scent. Some products are strong for only the first twenty to thirty minutes and then disappear, others you never really smell. Our personal solution? Lampe Berger lamp collection and their accompanying perfumes. Lampe Berger has an amazing collection of scents and lamps. Their products work to not only leave a pleasant scent in your home but they also purify the air (they have been around for over 100 years so you know they work). This is needed that much more during the fall and winter months when the weather is cold outside and we are leaving our windows closed. The air can become stale and dry quickly, and if you have pets you can definitely smell them that much stronger during the winter months. We have one lamp in the living room and another in our kitchen, we also have one in the hallway where our dog likes to sleep. It helps with any and all of the smells that can be so strong especially in those areas.
The Lampe Berger collection has been expanded this season and now includes five new lamps: Curve Lamp, Diamant Lamp, Pampille Lamp, Satin Pack and Comete Pack. Each lamp is designed with a certain feeling and emotion in mind and suit a wide variety of personalities. The Curve Lamp embodies softness and a cocoon like feel and would fit perfectly in a relaxed, country style designed home. The Diamant Lamp is stylish and trendy for those who like to keep up with the latest styles. The Pampille Lamp is full of refinement and would fit an elegantly designed home. The Satin Pack is perfect for those who love the traditional holiday theme, with bright reds and whites. The Comete Pack is a refined and elegant holiday design for those who like to take a new spin on the holiday season. You really can’t go wrong with any of the lamps but it can be so much fun to match the style and shape of the lamp to their new owner.
The new lamps also come with three fresh new scents : wild berries, radiant bergamot and subtle almond. Radiant bergamot and subtle almond are by far my personal favourites. Our lamp fits in perfectly with our holiday decor and the smells of bergamot, almond and wild berries has filled our home this fall.
The Giveaway!
Lampe Berger wants to give one of my Canadian residents the opportunity to win their own Starter Kit and Wild Berries Scent via the Rafflecopter form below so they can start their own Lampe Berger tradition. Good luck!
Don’t forget to follow Lampe Berger on Facebook and Instagram!
Disclosure: I am a Lampe Berger Paris Brand Ambassador and receive perks associated with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.