May 2, 2016
#LetsTalkRESPs with CST on May 5th

When I gave birth to my children it was magical time for us. I could not believe how much love I had for them and how I wanted them to have everything that I could possibly provide for them. This is why it was so important for me to open them up RESP accounts. I wanted to ensure they had every opportunity to access higher education without fear of debt.
RESPs give parents the ability to save monthly for your child’s post secondary education without causing a financial strain on the family budget, I choose what I want to pay monthly into their accounts and if we need to pull back a little for a couple of months this has always been okay. The best part is anyone can contribute to your child’s RESP, which makes the perfect birthday and Christmas gifts (especially as they get older and you can’t imagine another toy in your home!).
Get your questions ready to join in for the #letstalkRESPs on May 5th with Parent Life Network and Canada Scholarship Trust (CST) Consultants on Twitter for a party! Join us for an hour of fun to get your burning RESP questions answered. We’ll be giving away $1,000 in that hour!
Date: Thursday, May 5
Time: 9 p.m. EDT
Hashtag: #letstalkRESPs
Hosts: Peter Lewis, CST Vice President (and resident expert), @ParentLifeNet & @CSTConsultants
Eligibility: Canada-wide
Please make sure you RSVP to be eligible to win:
For a chance to win a prize during the twitter party you must RSVP by registering here:
Looking forward to chatting with you on May 5th!