November 15, 2020
Something Worth Doing Book Review

Based on a true story of a pioneer for women’s rights from award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick will inspire you to believe that some things are worth doing, even when the cost is great.

About Something Worth Doing
In 1853, Abigail Scott was a 19-year-old school teacher in Oregon Territory when she married Ben Duniway. Marriage meant giving up on teaching, but Abigail always believed she was meant to be more than a good wife and mother. When financial mistakes and an injury force Ben to stop working, Abigail becomes the breadwinner for her growing family. What she sees as a working woman appalls her, and she devotes her life to fighting for women’s rights, including their right to vote.
Follow Abigail as she bears six children, runs a millinery and a private school, helps on the farm, writes novels, gives speeches, and eventually runs a newspaper supporting women’s suffrage, Something Worth Doing explores issues that will resonate strongly with modern women: the pull between career and family, finding one’s place in the public sphere, and dealing with the frustrations and prejudices women encounter when they compete in male-dominated spaces. Based on a true story of a pioneer for women’s rights from award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick will inspire you to believe that some things are worth doing, even when the cost is great.
My Thoughts
Something Worth Doing is a powerful book about standing up for what is right, the struggles and frustrations that women face as they balance work and family and the fight that women have faced to gain basic human rights.
Abigail is a fighter, she stands up for what she believes in and doesn’t back down. She also has a softer side to her, something that she doesn’t really let others see. She loves her family and husband, she just finds it unfair the position that she is constantly put in. That she must consistently put family and others before even herself. I loved that she had the courage to stand up for herself to the men in society (how could male friends of her husband come over and expect to be fed?!) and that her husband for the most part defends and supports her. Throughout the novel, Abigail re-invents herself to keep her family going. She was a teacher, than wife and mother, add in author, running a millinery, private school and then a newspaper! She does all of this to support her family and to show the world (and her own daughters) the real worth of a woman. That women can do anything a man can do and that we should never bend to society.
Abigail does pay a price for her determination and her never ending fight for equal rights. She is treated poorly by others in society, her brother is awful to her and she misses out on events and important moments with her family (I found at times, it felt like she was made to feel guilty for having to choose). This is the constant, impossible position that we as women are put through all the time. We must choose between family and work – choose your work and you are a bad Mom, choose your family and you are viewed as not working hard enough.
This is an excellent novel that highlights the struggles that women have faced, how hard they fought to get us where we are today and how hard we are still fighting today. A definite must read for all young adults and adults alike.
You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.
Rating: 5/5
About the Author
Jane Kirkpatrick is the New York Times and CBA bestselling and award-winning author of more than 30 books, including One More River to Cross, Everything She Didn’t Say, All Together in One Place, A Light in the Wilderness, The Memory Weaver, This Road We Traveled, and A Sweetness to the Soul, which won the prestigious Wrangler Award from the Western Heritage Center. Her works have won the WILLA Literary Award, the Carol Award for Historical Fiction, and the 2016 Will Rogers Gold Medallion Award. Jane divides her time between Central Oregon and California with her husband, Jerry, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Caesar. Learn more at
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.