April 21, 2015
The Artisan’s Star Review

Set in the majestic and historical city of Florence, The Artisan’s Star follows the Barati’s family, their perfume shop and the passion of artistry.
About The Artisan’s Star
Elio’s perfumery in Florence is marked at the gates with a mosaic star. The shop immerses him in the artisanal world he loves but he harbors a regret. When a young man, he had created his own perfume but with his stubbornness he boxed it away before it ever came to fruition.
A second star now lights his life, his daughter Romina who is also an artist. She matches her father in talent, ambition and wonder for the world.
Changes are slowly coming to Florence and gone are the days of the true artist. When Romina tells her Father she does not want to carry on the family business, he tries desperately to hold on to the Florence he cherishes. He is forced to confront the lost opportunities of his youth as well acknowledge that tradition and modernity can co-exist.
My Thoughts
I have only been to Italy once in my life and in that short time that I was there I fell in love with the magic and tradition that is Italy. The streets are full of history and art is everywhere you look. You feel as though you are walking through history as you walk the streets. Florence is one of those cities that comes to life with its history. The Artisan’s Star had me wishing for another taste of Italy and inspired me to create some delicious recipes including amaretti cookies (and maybe some grappa too!).
The Artisan’s Star is a powerful book of the arts and how times have changed age-old traditions. Elio while young did not understand the beauty of his hometown and the traditions his Father tried to foster in him. As time goes by and life changes him, he takes on the responsibilities of his family perfumery even though this was not his dream. He gave up on his dream to ensure tradition stood strong. He is caught in the past not able to let go. This is a trap so many of us can fall into. Many times throughout the book we are witness to his struggle to let go and live in the present. At times it had me re-visiting my own life choices and how I wish I had pursued my own love of the arts but realized it never is too late to give up on your dream.
This is an incredible novel from start to finish that opens up slowly to Elio’s world and the artistry world of Florence full of tradition but rapidly changing environment. You will fall in love with the characters and the setting as Gabriella takes you to a world alive in the senses.
You can purchase the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Rating: 5/5
About the Author
Gabriella Contestabile is an author, educator and owner of Su Misura Journeys, a boutique travelling company connecting people to the artisans of Florence. She emigrated from Italy to New York City in 1959. She currently lives in New York with her daughter, husband, mother and their Shih Tzu Oreo. The Artisan’s Star is her first novel.
The Giveaway!
Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.
I’d like win because this book sounds very interesting!
sounds like an interesting book
I think my girlfriend would love this prize pack!
I would like to win this book because it looks very interesting!
Thank you for your thoughtful and comprehensive review. It was my intention that the reader should feel present in Florence. I wanted to create that vivid sense of walking the city streets, smelling the espresso, reaching for that delicious gelato on a street by the Duomo. So I am so glad the book took you back there. I also believe that it is never too late to pursue the arts, as Elio learns. It becomes difficult to do especially when one is a working mom, but one finds that we are all artisans of our own lives. So whatever those ‘creating art’ goals were, so what that they’re on the back burner for awhile. They will spring to life when the time is right.
sounds like a good story