Month: July 2018

Set the Night on Fire

Set the Night on Fire

In Set the Night on Fire, Cottonbloom is the perfect place for starting over, finding your way back home and falling head over heels.

Set the Night on Fire

About Set the Night on Fire

Ella Boudreaux has a lot to prove to her family, friends, and foes―and to herself. So when her marriage ends she decides to invest her energy and money into a place that brings back some of Ella’s happiest memories: the Abbott brothers’ garage. Maybe, if she puts her mind to it, she can teach skeptical, stubborn Mack Abbott how to make the business a true success. Which would be a lot easier if the hunky mechanic didn’t make her motor run quite so fast and hot.

Mack was furious when his brother, Ford, sold his share of the business. He’s in no rush to team up with a wealthy divorcée who shows up to the garage in stilettos―and the longest, sexiest legs he’s seen in forever. But Ella’s grit and determination won’t quit…and soon Mack can see that she’s been down a few rough roads herself. Neither Mack nor Ella can deny the fierce attraction that’s revving up between them. Could it be that true love has been in the backseat all along…and they’ve finally found the key?

My Thoughts

This is a fantastic series set in Cottonbloom – a rough group of mechanics who have met their match in their female counterparts.

In this novel, Mack is the tough one – the one who feels like he has to carry the weight of his Father’s business, carry the greatest burden and has to hold the family together. He has given this burden to himself, no matter how much his brothers try to help him carry this load. His greatest fault? Holding a grudge and not being able to let it go despite knowing he is wrong. He is carrying a grudge against his Mother and it has prevented him from reuniting with her despite his brothers building bridges with her. It has prevented him from forgiving his brother Ford who sold his share of the business and no longer making the shop family owned.

It was this sale that brings Ella into his life. She has gone through a lot in her life (and to get the details you have to read the story!) but she has grown from her ordeals. She is tough as nails, stubborn but full of understanding, forgiveness and understanding (more so when it comes to others!).

These two are so much a like on the inside but complete opposites on the outside. They clash at first but as the story continues, you can see how well they complement each other. But they have a lot of their own personal history to overcome in order to move into the future, IF that is even what they want to do. They struggle with the idea of a relationship building between them especially with their turbulent histories and lack of trust.

This is a beautiful story of forgiveness, healing and moving forward. Both Ella and Mack need to heal their past in order to have any hope of a future. We watch patiently as they struggle to come to terms with their past, forgive those that they need to and build important relationships with key family members. We struggle along and pray with them that they will be able to move forward because deep down inside you can see how perfect they will be for each other. I loved every moment of this story!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Laura Trentham is an award-winning author of contemporary and historical romance, including Then He Kissed Me and Set the Night on Fire. She is a member of RWA, and has finaled multiple times in the Golden Heart competition. A chemical engineer by training and a lover of books by nature, she lives in South Carolina.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book, all opinions expressed are my own.

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Eat Cake. Be Brave. Book Review

Eat Cake. Be Brave.

Hilarious and heartbreaking, Eat Cake. Be Brave is one woman’s inspiring journey of learning to stand up for herself in a world of naysayers, by the creator of the “Red Ribbon Week” video, which has over 150 million views.

Eat Cake. Be Brave.

Eat Cake. Be Brave.

My name is Melissa Radke, and there is a very real chance you have no idea who I am or why I wrote a book. But admit it, you’re curious!

Even though millions of people seem to like watching my videos bemoaning the trials of parenting, marriage, French braiding, faith, and living life as an anti-aging female, you may still be wondering who let me write a book.

I mean, books are written by people who have been interviewed by Gayle King and say things like, “You see, Gayle, I was having a root canal and I literally died in the chair. I saw heaven. Also, when I came back to earth I could speak Mandarin.”

Yeah, that didn’t happen to me. No Mandarin. Though I have been known to break out in song! (My voice was once described as a “ray of light in a dark world” . . . but I think my dad was being a little dramatic.) Although if Gayle King were to ever ask me I would tell her: “I wrote this book between taking my kids to the local pool and picking out flip-flops at Old Navy, and the only metaphysical moment I experienced came right after I looked directly into one of those mirrors with 10x magnification.”

I wrote this book because when I turned 41 I made a decision to be brave. To live brave, bolder and freer. You see, I thought our lives were supposed to change when we turned 40…but mine didn’t. Yet every piece of it changed when I turned 41; when I set out to prove that it wasn’t too late for me, that careless words wouldn’t stunt me and rejection would not stop me. And maybe, just maybe, it will take you reading about the journey I took to finding my sense of self-worth in order for you to rightfully believe in yours. This book is about how all the years of my life led up to the one that changed it. So, cut a big slice and raise a fork.

Here’s to bravery.
Here’s to courage.
Here’s to cake.
(And not the crappy kind, like carrot.)

My Thoughts

Have you ever been in that moment of change, feeling scared and nervous, questioning whether you have made the right decision or not? Then something falls on your desk or in the mail, and justifies every decision that you made?

That. This book was that shining moment for me. Melissa had me laughing, crying, heart sore and at the end so full of hope and inspiration it was unbelievable.

Melissa is a truly gifted writer – this story is told in such a manner that you feel as though it is a conversation with your best friend. The friend who leaves you in stitches and makes you laugh so hard you worry you have peed your pants. Her brilliance, honesty and kindness shows through each word and page.

Like so many of us, she didn’t have the easiest time in life. She was made fun of for her weight (by her peers, by those in the music industry and by those who should have known better), she felt betrayal and she felt loss. She suffered with depression, infertility, financial insecurity, marital problems and still has come out with this positive outlook on life. I am sure it wasn’t easy to make it to that point that she is at now and as she shows us throughout the book, it wasn’t a clear path. She had to make conscious decisions to love herself, be kind to herself, to forgive and to give herself the power to be brave. So many times throughout her story, I felt that it mirrored my own in so many ways. I felt her pain as my own – she is honest, real and raw. You feel every emotion, every decision as if it was your own.

Eat Cake. Be Brave. is the definite must have book of this year for all women – whether they are in their teens or adulthood. It is that reminder we all need to love ourselves, to forgive others for their own unkindness, to be strong when we feel we can not and to push ourselves every day. One of the lines that stood out to me the most as at the beginning of the book, when she spoke about inhaling. That every inhale is the start of a new opportunity and new chance to be brave. That has become my motto and has encouraged me to push my own comfort zones – accept the job that I never would have prior, to sign up for different courses that are not what I am good but to also love my family deeply and to let them know how much I love them. This was a beautiful story from start to finish by an inspiring woman who I wish I could just call up and have a cooking/baking afternoon with her and her family!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 5/5

About the Author

Melissa Radke‘s online videos, at print, have reached over 57 million people on her Facebook page alone in a little over a year. Radke’s “Upside Down French Braid” video has close to 10 million views and her “Red Ribbon” video has been viewed over 100 million times across multiple websites and media outlets. A Texan born and bred, Radke spent 15 years of her life in Nashville, Tennessee, where she worked as a studio session singer for Recording Artists after graduating from Belmont University. Since becoming a parent, she moved her family back to her East Texas hometown because the barbecue is better and the babysitting is free.

You can connect with her on her website.

Book Trailer

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Warrior of Clan Kincaid Book Review

Warrior of Clan Kincaid

In The Warrior of Clan Kincaid, love takes no prisoners.

Warrior of Clan Kincaid

About The Warrior of Clan Kincaid

Derryth MacClaren is on the run having been sent from her castle home to avoid capture by the vicious nobleman known as the Wolf, who has vowed revenge against the Clan Kincaid. When a surprise attack leaves her vulnerable, Derryth ends up in the hands of an enemy warrior who claims her, with the Wolf’s blessing, as his prize. But her captor’s gentle words and touch seduce her heart and body completely and when she discovers the tattoo on his arm that proves him to be the legendary, long-believed dead son of the murdered Laird of Kincaid, Derryth knows she must find a way to alter his fate and her own

Cull has no memory of his family or past, all he knows is the life of a warrior, trained to fight on behalf of the Scottish king. But now that Derryth has informed him of who he really is: Cullen Braewick, the youngest son of the slain laird, he is torn. If Cull exacts revenge against the Wolf, who executed his father, he stands to lose the precious lass who he has come to love. What is he willing to sacrifice for Derryth to keep her safe. . .and in his arms?

My Thoughts

My favourite historical time period! Set in Scotland with some rugged warriors and tough as nails females, this novel will have you falling in love!

Fearing for Derryth’s safety, her family sends her away thinking to protect herself from the Wolf – a noble in the local area who has vowed revenge on the Kincaids (a history that we don’t fully appreciate until about halfway through the story). The only problem? Her family sends her right into the hands of the enemy and his faithful warrior, Cull. Cull is a legend in his own right – fierce and savage in  many minds but what we see in him as a captor makes us realize there is more than meets the eye. He is kind, gentle and thoughtful to Derryth (even when she pushes every button possible!). They get off on a rocky start but as Derryth begins to learn there is more to his harsh exterior, she slowly opens up to him. That is when she finds the tattoo on his arm. Cull who has always believed him to belong to no one – no family, no clan and who was rescued from a slave ship finds this hard to believe. How could he of all people have a family? A life? A home?

The plot begins to thicken even more as we realize that the man he has protected his whole life is the reason he grew up without a family – the Wolf killed his Father, denied him his heritage and fully knowing who he was – he never told him of his past.

This is a story of betrayal, revenge but it is also full of hope, family bonds and love. We feel Cull’s pain and disbelief. His lack of understanding that he could have a future with people he loved, something he felt he never deserved and struggled with this acceptance. It is a story of survival and pushing forward – we need to let go of our past in order to embrace our futures. This was a definite fantastic read from start to finish!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 4/5

About the Author

Since her earliest days, Lily Blackwood has found a friend in books. Raised an Army brat, her family moved often, and books were constant companions who always smoothed the transition to a new location and a new set of friends. Now, Lily lives in Texas where she writes sexy historical romance novels about fierce Highlanders while looking out over a garden tended by her own handsome, dashing husband. She suffers endless (fun and always welcome!) interruptions by her two children. And like many authors, she writes with a cat-or two-wrapped around her legs. She is the author of The Beast of Clan Kincaid, Single-Minded, and other books.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book, all opinions expressed are my own.

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Dream Big: Engineering Our World DVD Review and Giveaway

Get ready to dream big and explore the world, when this new two DVD set hits the stores on July 24th, 2018.

Dream Big: Engineering Our World DVD Review and Giveaway

About Dream Big: Engineering Our World

The education-focused 2-DVD edition of Dream Big: Engineering Our World will offer the complete movie along with a 150-page educator’s guide (12 lesson plans, including handouts), 10 educational shorts, 8 behind-the-scenes featurettes and 8 more short “Fun Fact” videos. This set brings the wonder of engineering to life for students everywhere

Narrated by Academy Award® winner* Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart), Dream Big: Engineering Our World is a spectacular look at man-made marvels that will forever transform the way you think about engineering. It celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small and shows how engineers push the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways. It is more than a movie — it’s part of a movement aimed at bringing engineering into the forefront of our culture. Dream Big is the first giant-screen film to answer the call of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) initiative, which aims to inspire kids of diverse backgrounds to become the innovators who will improve the lives of people across our entire planet as we head into the twenty-first century and beyond. That’s why the film will be accompanied by ongoing educational, museum and community efforts to expose young people from all backgrounds to what engineering is … and what it can conjure in the world.

Originally filmed for and seen in IMAX® and Giant Screen theaters, this stunning film will now be available in living rooms across the country on July 24th, 2018.

Our Thoughts

The world around us is amazing and full of surprises – even if we don’t realize it engineering plays a great role in our world. This video is aimed at children and young adults to recognize and inspire them to embrace the exciting world of STEM. This movie encourages youth to touch, learn and discover for themselves the wonders of innovation. We learn about what inspired engineers to start down their career path and some of us can probably see ourselves in them (a need and desire to help others and to solve problems). This was an exciting educational experience from start to finish that all members of our family enjoyed.

You can purchase this DVD on Shout Factory.


The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this DVD in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Meg and Greg: A Duck in a Sock: Four Phonics Stories

Meg and Greg: A Duck in a Sock: Four Phonics Stories

Meg and Greg is a new series of chapbooks from Elspeth and Rowena Rae designed to help dyslexic children rediscover the joy of reading.

Meg and Greg: A Duck in a Sock: Four Phonics Stories

About Meg and Greg: A Duck in a Sock

For many children with dyslexia, the switch from being having books read to them to early readers is difficult. Words become too complex, or stories at their reading level are too simplistic to be interesting. As a result, these children often lose interest in reading completely.

A Duck in a Sock, the first installment in the Meg and Greg series, is designed specifically for young readers with dyslexia, allowing children to practice reading age-appropriate words while engaging with a truly exciting text. It includes a range of specially designed, unique features, including:
  • A story divided into two parts: one set of text for adults, using wider vocabulary and longer sentences to make the story interesting and engaging; one for children, using tightly controlled words and shorter sentences.
  • A typeface that mirrors hand-printed letters, enabling children to recognize letter shapes more familiar to them.
  • Children’s text printed on shaded paper to reduce the contrast between text and paper—something cited as a difficulty for some children with dyslexia.

Our Thoughts

I am a passionate reader – I have always been this way since I was young. My parents could always find me curled up with a good book. I try to always encourage my boys to embrace the joys of reading. I know that it is not always easy for children and parents. We even went through our own difficulties. Reading can be a challenge for some children and the learning process difficult for parents.

Meg and Greg is a book designed to help young children who are struggling in learning to read and their parents (who may not know how to help their children) succeed. I loved that the stories were exciting and used language that was natural for us to read aloud. Some readers can be awkward and the stories unexciting when you read them together. This is not the case for these two amazing young children – they save a sloth, lose and rescue a fish and even save farm animals. The story can be read together as you start out, then you can encourage your child to read the shorter lines while you read the longer sentences either together or to them. As they progress, they can definitely tackle the challenge of reading the longer sentences.

What I really thought was fantastic was the font – they specifically used font that children can recognize. So many times when we are out and my youngest is trying to read signs, he is frustrated by companies that use a funny font that he can’t recognize (not to mention the confusion when companies purposely put a letter backwards!). This was done on purpose so that children recognize the letters and can read the words easily.

Meg and Greg is a four-story book that is an excellent tool for parents to help their child on their reading journey. I found it not only great for children with learning difficulties but all children in general. It incorporates so many great ideas on how to help children succeed which helps to empower them in their journey. This is a definite must have book for young readers!

You can purchase a copy of this book on Amazon.

Rating: 5/5

About the Authors

Elspeth Rae is a certified Orton Gillingham teacher for children with dyslexia and other language-based learning difficulties. She runs the 44 Sounds Orton Gillingham Learning Studio where she teaches reading, spelling, and writing to children ages 4-12. She lives with her husband and three children in Vancouver, BC.

Rowena Rae has an M.A. in science writing and two biology degrees. She works as a freelance editor and children’s writer. She has written science and nature articles for a children’s magazine, Yes Mag, and writes nonfiction books. She lives with her two children in Victoria, BC.

Elisa Gutiérrez is an award-winning book designer and illustrator. She is author/illustrator of Picturescape and Letter Lunch, the first of which was shortlisted for a BC Books Prize. She lives with her husband and two children in Vancouver, BC.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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