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Burlington Ribfest 2013

The start of the long weekend includes for us our annual trip to the Burlington Ribfest
We have been going every year for the past six years and every year it is more exciting. This year marks their 18th year hosting Canada’s largest ribfest at Spencer Smith Park! The event runs from August 30th to September 2nd, 2013. Here are some of the highlights of our trip:
Do you visit Ribfest? What is your favourite stand? 
If you are in the area make sure to visit Burlington Ribfest!
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Happy September Long Weekend!

I want to wish each and every one of you a fantastic long weekend. May it be filled with fun, laughter and good times! Enjoy and stay safe as we celebrate the last long weekend of the summer!
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Lake Side Hike #WW

I loved the way this looked against the lake when we went on a hike. Not sure if it was a plant or a weed but it looked beautiful the way it just stood tall against everything else and pointing upwards. 
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