Month: November 2012

Pampers GTG – 5 Points

Use this code to get 5 free Pampers GTG points!
 It is only valid until November 8th so enter it quick!!

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Halloween Fun

I know this is a little late but we have been so busy with soccer and just life but I really wanted to share the amazing job my husband had done on our home for Halloween!!
Halloween is our favourite holiday of the year. We love to ‘spookify’ our home and my husband goes all out with a projection show and music (had to beg him not to buy a smoke machine!).
This year he found the most amazing images to project through the front window and you could literally hear the music about a block away- he set up two speakers outside and several through the windows.
Here is what it looked like:


I only managed to snap a couple photos (the kiddies were way to excited to get out there and collect candy!!).


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