This weekend we were able to participate in
Walmart’s 2013 Toy Testing!
What an incredible experience – needless to say my children were beyond thrilled at the idea of testing toys (can you blame them – even I was excited!). I had never been before so was unsure of what to expect.
Walmart was fantastic and sent out an agenda before hand explaining the age groupings, refreshment area and so on. We were able to show up thirty minutes before hand to register which was fantastic (it is so hard to keep children entertained while waiting in line to register!).
The toy selection was incredible (each numbered toy had three of the same toy so there was more than enough toys for the children there). Our youngest was in his glory in his section – shooting small bullets, playing with superheroes and being with other children.

This toy was our little one’s top pick!
By far the section I enjoyed the most was the 6-12 year old area. The toys were incredible! I can not believe the variety and imagination of the toys that are coming out! You barely even know where to start looking.
Here are some of our eldest son’s picks:
Overall it was an incredible experience that I was so happy to be able to share with my family. It is something we will never forget. I can not wait to apply again next year.