Month: July 2014
July 26, 2014
July 25, 2014
My Health and Fitness Goals – No More Excuses
For the longest time now I have been frustrated with my weight and lack of weight loss. I have been trying (well attempting at times) to lose weight for my personal health and overall emotional well being. This has been such a tough road for me as I am an emotional eater – the moment I get upset or hurt I run for a cookie or chips or anything else that is bad for me. In the long run I have only hurt myself – not only is this emotionally draining but physicially I was hurting myself.
Last week I decided to stop this cycle and really get back to taking care of myself both mentally and physically. I had to really step back, look at my goals, figure out what was realistic and attainable and what is not. I came up with some short term goals and long term goals that I am ready to share with you and hope to use this as accountability for myself as well!
Short Term Goals
- Participate in daily exercise for at least thirty minutes.
- Eliminate all extra sources of sugar.
- Adopt a much cleaner and simpler meal plan.
- Spend thirty minutes of the day on myself whether reading or in the bath but just me, myself and I!
My long term goals are to lose weight (fifty is my goal to bring me to a healthy weight for my body structure) but more importantly to have the energy and ability to play outdoor sports with my children.
So How Did I Do?
This week I started on the 21 Day Fix workout (I am in no way affiliated, sponsored nor reviewing their products) and I honestly can say I LOVE the workouts. There is a fantastic variety and she makes my muscles hurt some that I have not felt in a long time. My first workout I could not complete the whole thirty minutes but by the end of the week I was sweating down to the last second with her. And all those excuses of why I couldn’t exercise in the morning? Gone out that window! I am keeping track of this on my fridge in a calendar and highlighting my workouts as I complete them – there is something about crossing off each workout that makes me feel great inside!
I have eliminated all juice and diet pops out of my diet. The only added sugar I am taking in is in my coffee which I have adjusted to a black coffee with two teaspoons of sugar. I love the meal plan that goes along with the 21 Day Fix – I have never felt so full and satisfied in a long time – my cravings have pretty much been eliminated. Meals are quick and easy to prepare with no extra cost to me. My doctor is happy too as now I make more of an effort to get in that 1.5L of water every day!
I can’t wait to see how this week goes and update you next week (I may even be courageous enough to post some before pictures!).
July 24, 2014
miWorld Set Giveaway #US
July 22, 2014
THE VIOLIN AND THE BUTTERFLY Kindle Fire Giveaway and Facebook Party from @KCambronAuthor!
Welcome to the launch campaign for debut novelist Kristy Cambron‘s The Butterfly and the Violin. Romantic Times had this to say: “Alternating points of view skillfully blend contemporary and historical fiction in this debut novel that is almost impossible to put down. Well-researched yet heartbreaking.
Kristy is celebrating the release of the first book in her three-book series, A Hidden Masterpiece, with a fun Kindle Fire giveaway and meeting her readers during an August 7th Facebook author chat party.
One winner will receive:
- A Kindle Fire
- The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 7th. Winner will be announced at The Butterfly and the Violin Author Chat Party. Kristy will be connecting with readers and answering questions, sharing some of the fascinating research behind the book, hosting a fun book chat, and giving away some GREAT prizes. She will also be giving an exclusive look at the next book in the series, A Sparrow in Terezin!

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 7th!
July 22, 2014
First Fishing Adventure #WW w/linky
We took our youngest on his first fishing adventure this weekend and he managed to catch three fish!
Here he is showing off his catch (sorry for the poor quality photos it was with my phone!).
And his big brother caught four!
Make sure to link up below so that I can visit you too!