Month: June 2013

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Sailun Tires – Track Event! #trustsailun

Becoming a parent has forever altered the way I look at safety and all of our purchases. 
Before children, a car was something that moved me from a to b. Now it holds the most precious cargo to me – my two children! Having a safe, reliable and in good working condition vehicle is essential to me. One of the most important features on your car that is often overlooked are your tires. I was always guilty of this prior to children. I could not even tell when my tires needed to be topped up with air (my husband, an avid car lover, changed this quickly!).

Weather can be so unpredictable – this past week alone we went from 0C to 35C in a span of four days! With such a variety of weather conditions you need to be confident that in an emergency your tires will respond quickly and not slide. 

Sailun Tires, who are also recent PTPA winners, was established in 2002 and manufacture various types of passenger, light truck, medium radial truck and off road tires. You can find more info on each of the four types of tires here. The tires are designed with non directional design allowing for greater cross rotation (who wouldn’t want to maximize on your car tires life span?!) and deep groves. The Atrezzo Touring LS all season tires look perfect for a passenger car combining deep groves and angles for better traction in both wet and dry conditions with pitch designs for quiet and smooth rides. Sounds great doesn’t it?!!

I was invited to attend the Sailun Tires track event in Brampton on June 12th to learn more about their tires and to participate in a test drive! Needless to say, I am super excited to be able to participate in this event – get ready to hear lots of tweets and plenty of pictures of our day – follow #trustsailun to join in on all the fun! You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Sailun Tires is ‘with you through every turn’ providing safe, advanced and cost effective tires. Look for more from this PTPA award winner!

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Disclosure: As a Brand Ambassador for PTPA and Sailun Tires, I received compensation for my participation. All opinions expressed on this blog are my own.

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