Category: health and fitness

A New Year, Time to Focus on Me and New Goals#StreamTeam


The new year has begun and with it I am sure many of you had made New Years resolutions, or as I like to call them ‘new goals’. I find that whenever I label them as ‘resolutions’ I give up that much quicker on my goals! So this year, I am writing these goals down and sharing them with all of you. I hope you can keep me on track and in turn I can motivate you to keep up with your own goals.

Since writing a goal down helps you keep on track, here are my goals for the New Year:

Focus on a healthy lifestyle which includes loosing weight, dealing with stress in a better manner and be active every day for thirty minutes. This is an extremely important goal for me as they recently found my liver to be enlarged and I am currently in the process of having this worked up. Talk about a health scare to wake me up! I know that I need to get healthy for not only myself but my kids too. Stress always plays a huge role in this and has at times led to a worsening of my depression. CBT has helped a lot but I can always do better.

A New Year and A New Focus #StreamTeam

Family times matters. This year I want to focus that much more time on my family, maybe more movie nights (yay for Netflix!), more travel, more experiences and even more story times at night. I want my children to know just how important they are to me and feel my love every moment.

A New Year and A New Focus #StreamTeam

Become more environmentally friendly. I want my children to grow up and live in a world that has not been ruined by pollution. I want us to start using environmentally friendly options, grow more of our own vegetables and volunteer more of our time to clean up outdoor space.

A New Year and A New Focus #StreamTeamNow that I have shared my goals with you, I want to hear about you! What are your goals this year? What would you like to accomplish?

Disclosure: I am a #StreamTeam member and receive perks associated with this affiliation. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

La traduction en français de cet article est ci-dessous

I love working in Family Medicine because every day is different and unpredictable. I am able to share in the special moments in some patients’ lives and watch them grow as a family. I can lend a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold on to and share some personal advice from my own struggles as a parent (not to mention that I also get to receive advice from patients!).

Family Medicine also has its down side as I am constantly exposed to viruses throughout the year, especially during flu season. With the upcoming flu season, I will be taking temperatures from many patients; I will also be taking oxygen stats, and weights of infants and young children. All of this exposes me to potentially serious viral illnesses, including the flu, which I can in turn bring home to my own two children. One of my kids suffers from asthma and has been in the hospital many times over the last ten years due to his asthma being exacerbated by the flu.

Your annual flu shot is your families’ best defence against the flu virus. The flu is a very serious illness that can present in different ways in different people; some may get a fever and chills, while in others the flu can lead to pneumonia and possible hospitalization. Children can be vulnerable and they are also the ones who may be overlooked when it comes to vaccinations due to fear of needles.

Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

This was true at one time in our home. Our son hated needles and vaccines, it became such an ordeal that we decided five years ago against taking him for his annual flu shot because of his fear. We felt that if we protected ourselves and kept up with hand washing at home and encouraging him to do so at school, that he would be safe. Unfortunately for us, we were very wrong. That year he developed Influenza B that required him to stay in the hospital.

Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

This was one of the most terrifying times for us as parents. We felt as though we had let our son down. If we had ensured he had received his flu shot, there was a strong chance he would never have been in the hospital because of the flu. The flu vaccine is safe for children six months of age and older who have no contraindications to the vaccine

Ontario has new options for our kids to make sure they receive a flu vaccine. This year, Ontario children and youth aged two to 17 can receive the flu vaccine in a nasal spray FREE. This nasal spray offers protection against FOUR strains of influenza (versus the three strains that the regular vaccine protects you from). The best part for many other parents in the same boat as us, is that it eliminates the fears that your child may have about receiving an injection. For parents, this is a win-win situation.

You can receive the flu vaccine or nasal spray from your health care provide or local public health unit. It is also available at participating pharmacies for anyone five years of age and older. Getting the flu shot is your best defence against getting the flu. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your health care provider for more information or visit to find a location near you.

There are many ways to stay healthy and reduce the spread of the flu virus and many of us need to remind young children about the importance of following these simple tips during the fall and winter months.

These tips include:

  • Receive your annual flu shot.
  • Washing our hands with soap and water after touching tables, chairs, shared items and before we eat.
  • Not sharing food and drinks at school. Kids love to share and this is great but it can also expose them to lots of germs. We can encourage them to show sharing and caring in different ways.
  • Taking a multivitamin and following the Canada Food Guide. Proper nutrition goes a long way for optimal health so make sure to fit in lots of fresh fruits and vegetables for not only your child but you too!
  • Teaching your child (and other adults too) that sneezing or coughing into the crook of your elbow rather than sneezing or coughing into your hand helps prevent the spread of germs. Especially since most people don’t properly sanitize their hands afterwards.

Receiving a flu vaccine is one part of many small steps in order to remain healthy this flu season. How do you prepare and stay healthy through flu season?

This post was developed in association with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The opinions of the author are my own. For additional information on the flu or to find out where to get a flu shot, click here.

If you’re still on the fence about getting the flu shot for your kids, there’s a great new alternative you’re going to want to know about. Want to learn more? 

Learn how to ward off the flu this season.

Check out why you should be getting a flu shot for your kids, even if they aren’t high risk.

Prêts, pas prêts, la saison de la grippe arrive!

J’adore travailler en médecine familiale. Pourquoi? Parce que chaque journée est différente et imprévisible! Je partage des moments extraordinaires dans la vie de certains patients, et je les regarde grandir au sein de leur famille. Je suis l’épaule sur laquelle on pleure et la main qu’on saisit. Je m’inspire de mes propres difficultés dans mon rôle de parent pour donner des conseils (et j’en reçois aussi de mes patients).

La médecine familiale a aussi son côté négatif, car je suis constamment exposée à des virus tout au long de l’année, surtout pendant la saison de la grippe. À l’approche de la nouvelle saison de la grippe, je m’attends à prendre la température de nombreux patients, à compiler des statistiques d’oxygène et à vérifier le poids de nourrissons et de tout-petits. Tout cela m’expose à des maladies virales potentiellement dangereuses, y compris la grippe, que je risque de transmettre à mes deux enfants à la maison. L’un d’eux souffre d’asthme et on a dû l’amener à l’hôpital plusieurs fois ces dix dernières années à cause de crises d’asthme exacerbées par la grippe.

Votre vaccin annuel contre la grippe constitue le meilleur moyen de protéger votre famille contre le virus de la grippe. La grippe est une maladie très grave qui peut présenter différents symptômes. Certains malades ont juste de la fièvre et des frissons, alors que d’autres attrapent une pneumonie et doivent être hospitalisés. Les enfants sont notre population la plus vulnérable, celle qui risque aussi de ne pas être vaccinée à cause de la phobie des seringues.

Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

C’est du moins le problème que nous avions à la maison. Notre fils détestait les seringues et les vaccins. C’est devenu une épreuve si dure qu’il y a cinq ans, nous avions renoncé à lui administrer le vaccin antigrippal annuel. Nous pensions qu’en prenant des mesures de protection, en nous lavant régulièrement les mains à la maison et en l’encourageant à faire de même à l’école, il serait protégé. Grave erreur! Cette année-là, il a contracté une grippe B qui a nécessité un séjour à l’hôpital.

Flu Season is Coming, How Are You Preparing?

Nous, ses parents, avons connu des moments effroyables. Nous avions l’impression de lui avoir joué un mauvais tour. Si nous l’avions fait vacciner contre la grippe, il y a de fortes chances qu’il n’aurait jamais été hospitalisé à cause de cette maladie. Le vaccin antigrippal est sans danger pour les enfants de six mois ou plus pour lesquels il n’y a pas de contre-indications pour ce produit.

L’Ontario offre de nouvelles options pour veiller à ce que les enfants soient vaccinés contre la grippe. Cette année, les enfants et les jeunes de l’Ontario âgés de 2 à 17 ans peuvent recevoir GRATUITEMENT un vaccin antigrippal en vaporisateur nasal. Celui-ci les protège contre QUATRE souches de la grippe (au lieu de trois avec le vaccin ordinaire). Le plus beau, pour les parents comme nous, c’est que les enfants n’ont plus peur de recevoir une injection. Une situation gagnante sur tous les plans!

Pour recevoir le vaccin antigrippal sous forme d’injection ou de vaporisateur nasal, adressez-vous à votre fournisseur de soins ou bureau de santé publique. Les pharmacies participantes peuvent également vacciner toute personne âgée de cinq ans ou plus. Se faire vacciner est la meilleure protection contre la grippe. N’hésitez surtout pas à demander des renseignements à votre fournisseur de soins, ou visitez pour savoir où vous faire vacciner.

Il existe une multitude de façons de protéger sa santé et de réduire la propagation du virus de la grippe. Nous avons tous besoin de rappeler aux jeunes enfants l’importance de suivre quelques conseils faciles pendant l’automne et l’hiver.

Les voici :

  • Se faire vacciner tous les ans contre la grippe.
  • Se laver les mains avec de l’eau et du savon après avoir touché une table, une chaise ou un objet partagé avec quelqu’un d’autre, ou avant de manger.
  • Ne pas partager d’aliments ou de boissons à l’école. Les enfants aiment beaucoup partager, ce qui est excellent, mais cela les expose à toutes sortes de microbes. On peut les encourager se montrer généreux d’une autre façon.
  • Prendre des multivitamines et suivre le Guide alimentaire canadien. Une bonne nutrition aide beaucoup à protéger la santé. Donnez des fruits et légumes frais à votre enfant, et mangez-en aussi!
  • Montrer à votre enfant (et à des adultes aussi) comment éternuer ou tousser dans le pli du coude plutôt que dans la main pour aider à éviter la propagation de microbes. En plus, la majorité des gens ne se désinfectent pas correctement les mains.

La vaccination contre la grippe constitue l’une de nombreuses mesures faciles à prendre pour protéger sa santé pendant la saison de la grippe. Et vous, que faites-vous pour rester en forme pendant la saison de la grippe?

Cet article a été préparé en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée de l’Ontario. Les opinions de l’auteur sont les siennes.

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Make Time For YOU at Lunch Time

I get it. We are all super busy, we have time constraints at home, work, school and just life in general. Multi-tasking is a skill that many of us have had to learn just from pure necessity!  As I am currently writing this post, I have my Consumer Behaviour tutorial playing in the background, my lunch half eaten on my desk, answering the odd back line calls while answering resident questions. And this is my break and I am trying to juggle five different items and none of them are relaxing (except maybe this post because I love writing!). Not much of a break right?

And statistics prove that I am not alone:

  • 70 per cent of workers take a lunch break that is 30 minutes or less
  • 20 per cent of millennials take fewer than 15 minutes for lunch, as compared to 11 per cent GenX
  • More than half of all workers wish they could take a nap during lunch, with millennials leading the way over Gen Xers (57 per cent vs. 46 per cent)
  • 49 per cent feel they would snack less and make better meal choices if they took a lunch break

This survey was conducted by Subway Canada and while it scares me, I am not shocked by it. More and more we are giving up dedicated ‘us’ time (aka lunch break) to get work done. We try to pack in as much as we can, in as little time as possible.

Take time for you with a lunch breakBut of course this means more than just losing a lunch time break. It has negative mental and physical health consequences. We are clearly making poorer food choices so that we can eat quicker, we are not eating slowly (I know I now ‘shovel’ food in my mouth so I can keep typing), we are sitting more (which has its own health problems) and not giving our minds the mental break it needs.

So how do we fight the working at lunch time battle?

  • Get up and go for a walk. Take fifteen to twenty minutes of your hour lunch break and get outside. You will feel better for this plus you are getting the blood flowing through your legs again.
  • Eat healthy! Make better choices, pack and time your snacks so that you are not munching aimlessly throughout the day.
  • The survey by Subway Canada also found that most workers report they would prefer to reach for a sandwich piled high with meat and veggies (27 per cent) before a greasy burger with a side of fries (21 per cent), last night’s leftovers (21 per cent), a salad with mixed greens (16 per cent) or snacks from the vending machine (3 per cent). So keep this in mind when making take out options! How will you feel after eating a greasy (but quick) meal.
  • Put away work. I mean it, cover it, hide and log out of anything work related for at least ten to fifteen minutes. It will do your mental health wonders.

How do you fight the never-ending battle at lunch time to make time for you?

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Bzzzzzz..Enjoy All Natural Skin Care with Beessential Products

Beessential Lotions Review

After having my own children, my shopping habits and preferences have changed drastically. Natural skin care and cruelty free products have replaced many of my older choices. I want my shopping habits to have as little impact on the environment as possible and at the same be natural skin care products that I feel safe putting on not only my own body but my childrens as well.

Many of you are probably aware because of the news the impact we have had on bees and their decline. Bees are tied to us and the impact we make on our environment directly affects them. David Rzepka was fascinated by bees, their science and culture after a co-worker asked to place a bee hive on their family farm. He probably never realized that this would be the start of something amazing, Beessential!

Beessential Products: Review

Knowing the complex relationship we have with bees, David wanted to design products for our skin and body using honey and beeswax, products that are nautral and safe not only for us but for our environment too. This is the philosophy that has guided David and his family as they expanded their natural skin product lines to include lip balm, soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion!

The Products:

Beessential Hand & Body Lotion (In Rose with Mint and Lavender)

This lightweight lotion is the perfect solution for those who want a cruetly free, natural and made in North America lotion. The hand and body lotion was not oily with a light fragrance, which made it perfect for me to use at work as the smell would not bother patients and it wasn’t greasy that could affect my grip when drawing up needles or trying to put gloves on. The lotions contain: Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Honey, Aloe, Olive Oil, Beeswax, Moringa Oil as well as essential oils.

Beessential Lotions Review: Natural Skin Care

Natural Lip Balm

The Beessential Natural lip balm contains a unique blend of olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, honey, aloe and hemp. Combine this with essential oils such as lavender, ginger, peppermint and orange, you are left with a uniquely hydrating lip balm.

Beessential Lip Balm Review: Natural Skin Care

The Beessential Natural Skin Care Promise:

  • to give back to their community.
  • create products that are ecologically friendly using renewable ingredients that are kind to the Earth and all living things.
  • strive to make products that are natural, renewable and functional without sacrificing quality.
  • commitment to make products that match their competitors (including the artifical products).
  • manufacture products with sustainable development.

Make sure you check out Beessential on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with information and deals.

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned products in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Life Is Too Precious To Not Prepare #InsuranceThatFits

Life Is Too Precious To Not Prepare #InsuranceThatFits

The birth of our second son brought a variety of changes to our family. Not only did we have to learn to share our time and attention between two children, we had to adjust to a whole new set of needs, demands and time schedules (after six years I had become so used to a straight six hours of sleep at night). It became apparent really quickly that we had outgrown our townhouse as we were walking over baby toys. Isn’t it incredible how one small child can overrun the house with all of their toys, accessories and equipment?

Life is Too Precious To Not Prepare #InsuranceThatFits

It took us six months to find our forever home, we had been looking occasionally prior to this but never with any real true interest. We wanted our home to be close to our boy’s school, near a park, and away from heavy car traffic (our townhouse at the time was on a busy street and we hated it with a passion). We couldn’t believe our luck when a home came up that matched all of our wants and in our price range! In what felt like warp speed, we had purchased our first home. In all of our excitement, I had this nagging concern eating away at me that we had not protected our children enough.

Life Is Too Precious To Not Prepare #InsuranceThatFits

Life insurance was always something we had both wanted to purchase, but kept putting it off. It was always on our must-purchase list, but found it hard to discuss with each other (your own mortality is seriously one of the hardest topics ever to talk about with your spouse). But with the purchase of a new home (and mortgage), as well as two children to provide for, we needed to act quickly.

For my husband and I, our biggest concern was that if one of us passed away, we wanted to ensure that the boys would still be able to stay in their home with the surviving spouse. We didn’t want to get caught with too little money and force the boys to have to go through a move on top of all the other emotional currents they would be dealing with.

Sorting through life insurance types, companies that provide policies, and deciding how much we needed was overwhelming. We even needed to take a step back from it all at one point as it became far too much for us. Taking that step back helped us realize we needed to go to a company that we trusted and had a connection with already, for us that was TD. Both of us have always banked with TD and our investments are with TD, so it made sense for us to trust them with our life insurance. My husband and I sat down and applied online for term life insurance. We had already decided that we each needed an amount that was equal to our mortgage, so that the surviving spouse could pay off the mortgage and our children would not have to move. I loved the online option as we were able to change the amounts of coverage to get a couple of quotes for a variety of coverage options.

With the TD Insurance online application and quotes, we discovered that we could actually increase our term life insurance policy coverage to not only cover our mortgage, but to also give enough for either of us to pay off any additional debts that we might have. Completing our application was easy; TD Insurance set up a time to come visit with us and fill out the health questionnaire (medication list, height, weight and some minor blood work). Their life insurance needs analysis helps you to determine how much coverage you need and at what cost it will be to you. As a bonus, if you call TD Insurance at 1-888-756-5666 for a free life insurance needs analysis (insert link) by November 13, you can be entered to win one of 300 FitBitTMFlex activity trackers!

For my husband and I, this small action has caused a great amount of emotional and financial relief. We now know that as a family we are protected from any uncontrollable accidents or events that could change our lives both emotionally and financially. We now know our boys will be protected and that we can focus on their emotional needs if that time comes. This is what term life insurance provides you with: security in the event that the uncontrollable and inevitable happens.

Do you have term life insurance? If so, what prompted you to purchase term life insurance?

This post is brought to you by TD Insurance but the images and opinions are my own. For more information, please visit

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